Redfish on the Fly Price: $27.95
Redfish on the Fly, A Comprehensive Guide by Capt. John Kumiski

News, Reviews, and Letters about Redfish on the Fly...

The Definitive Handbook on Fly Fishing for Redfish won an award!

Redfish on the Fly– A Comprehensive Guide  by Capt. John Kumiski has just won First Place in the annual Florida Outdoor Writers Association Excellence in Craft Contest!

If you want to consistently catch redfish with a fly rod this book is just what you need! In its four all-inclusive sections, Redfish on the Fly easily teaches you how to catch more redfish by sharing these secrets with you:

-how to understand the fish                  -how tides affect the fish     
-how to find and see the fish                  -what tackle to use and how to use it
-how to present the fly            -tactics for wade and boat fishing    
-what NOT to do                                -hunting for big reds                
-seatrout, black drum, flounder, and other "distractions"

Redfish on the Fly features interviews with dozens of top redfish guides!

"This is the most definitive work I've seen on shallow water redfish."

 --Bob Stearns

Capt. John Kumiski has been guiding redfish fishermen for over 20 years and touches every page of this book with his wealth of knowledge and experience.

This award winning book will make you a better fisherman!


Capt. Kumiski,

I just finished your book, Redfish on the Fly, and have posted our review on our blog.

We also post them on our e-zine in the review section.

Thanks for providing the book for review. I enjoyed it a lot and you certainly taught this trout fisher quite a bit about fly fishing for red's.

Lee Murdock






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How and Where to Catch Redfish in the Indian River Lagoon
