Days of Wine and Roses

Days of Wine and Roses

Thank you for reading this week’s post on Days of Wine and Roses. Appropriately, it’s been a laid-back week with lots of mundane activities.

Saturday we visited the Municipal Rose Garden in San Jose. Do you know the way to San Jose? And who ever heard of a municipal rose garden?

A portion of the San Jose Municipal Rose Garden.

It’s stunning.

A smaller portion of the same garden.

From their website- “Rolling green lawns and colorful showy blooms highlight the San Jose Municipal Rose Garden, named ‘America’s Best Rose Garden.’ Hardly a day passes when some species is not in full bloom, with more than 3,500 plantings and 189 varieties featured. Early May brings acres of fragrant, majestic roses at arguably their most beautiful stage. San Jose’s 5 1/2–acre Municipal Rose Garden – a one-time prune orchard – is today one of the most attractive of its kind in the world, drawing thousands of visitors each year.”

Another tiny portion…

There were lots of people there, and everyone was enjoying themselves. Lots of flowers got smelled! It seems to me, more towns ought to be doing things like this.

Sunday was car day. Google Maps tells me the most direct way between Maxx’s house and mine is 2,822 miles and takes 41 hours. I did some arithmetic. We went 7,401 miles and took almost two months. We got almost exactly 24 miles per gallon.

The van badly needed an oil change. While I was at it I topped off the tires and battery, and changed the air and cabin filters. We still have to get home!

Susan at the wine tasting.

Monday we went on a wine-tasting, visiting two vineyards and making most of a day of it. I wouldn’t make a habit of it, but it was an interesting way to spend a beautiful day.

Is Maxx hiding behind empty glasses?


I was as interested in the clouds as the wine.

I looked into getting a fishing license so I could fish while in California. At $142, the fish will be safe from me, I think. California fishing isn’t worth that.

Yesterday Susan and I went for a walk around Lake Chabot. We then picked up Maxx and went to Oakland’s Chinatown, where we indulged in some lunch at a small restaurant, eating stuff we didn’t know what it was. Some dumplings, those I know! It was all good, anyway.

Thank you for reading this week’s post on days of wine and roses!

Life is great and I love life!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! or take a trip!

John Kumiski, author of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide

Purchase a signed copy of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide at

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2021. All rights are reserved.

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