Two Econ Days Fishing Report

Two Econ Days Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Two Econ Days Fishing Report. This week we are in the Florida summer, including the lightning storms. Time to play Dodge the Lightning Bolts, always an exciting game!

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This reporter floated the Econlockhatchee in his homemade canoe. The gauge was at 1.4 feet. I had to get out several times to drag over or around obstacles or low water. Fishing was, in spite of the algae bloom (which is still there but looks much better), pretty good.


There were 20 knot winds accompanied by a nice storm. I went to Tosahatchee and the Orlando Wetlands Park. No fishing was done, but there was a little photography.



Four-spotted skimmer male.


Whistling duck.


Take a guess!


It rained like it meant it for a good portion of the day. I stayed home and tied flies much of the day. Just what I needed- more flies! The Econ gauge currently reads (Thursday evening) 2.3 feet and the water is still rising. The rain has put the river up almost a foot, and it’s still going up. Is fly fishing there done for the year? Another week should tell.


Friends Dean and Phil Altenhofen, brothers from out west, came in for two days of fishing on Friday. We went to Mosquito Lagoon. The weather forecast could hardly have been more wrong. The sky had overcast, which got thicker and thicker until this happened-

Then it rained, of course, and the predicted 5 knot winds became 15. We bailed, with Phil having gotten a single puffer.


With a 70 percent probability of thunderstorms, we floated the Econlockhatchee. It was a foot higher than it had been on Monday. Had the place to ourselves. We brought raincoats, so it didn’t rain. These guys don’t bass fish (Phil had never caught one), so it took them a little while to figure out where to put the gurglers and how to work them. But they did. We had a great time, and even saw a few alligators.





Phil again.

Thanks for coming, gentlemen! Let’s do it again!

That’s the Two Econ Days fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

This week’s cartoon!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

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