One Day Fishing Orlando Fishing Report

One Day Fishing Orlando Fishing Report

For a variety of reasons, some of which were entirely out of my control, I only fished one day this week. So we have a one day fishing Orlando fishing report.

My apologies if this reads a little like an infomercial, but a couple things need to get moved.

One of the things I did other than fish, which took up most of a day, was to finish rebuilding the EZ Loader trailer. It is now for sale. Details at this link-

orlando fishing report

For sale cheap!

Another thing that took up most of a day was publishing a new ebook, Practical Flies for Spotted Seatrout. You can see it at these links- and

Seatrout flies ebook cover copy 2

I took my long-time friend (one of the longest!) Kevin paddling on the Econ on Thursday. We used to play baseball and ride bikes together as kids. The weather was spectacular, the river beautiful. The water had come up a foot in two days from the rain, but was still pretty clear.

orlando fishing report

The water level rose a foot, like right now.

Redbellies are on their beds, although we hardly fished. We saw several alligators, including some big boys.

orlando fishing report

Kevin and the tool of propulsion.


orlando fishing report

Me and my good luck charm.

I visited a couple other long-time friends on Friday. I am certainly blessed to have friends that I’ve known for 20 years or more.

My fishing day was Tuesday. The spot was the Econ. The vessel was a kayak. The method was fly fishing with a deerhair bug. The fishing started off slow, built to a thundering crescendo, and then completely died. The bass were mostly small ones, but I got one pushing four pounds that was blind in one eye (photo below) and an even larger one that I did not get a photo of. The sunfish were aggressive, smacking that big bug. One even managed to impale itself on the #2 hook. It was a beautiful, very enjoyable day. One weird thing, I did not see an alligator. Where were they???

orlando fishing report

His name wasn’t Polyphemus, but he had only one working eye.

And that is the One Day Fishing Orlando fishing report from the Spotted Tail.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2016. All rights are reserved.


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