Boring Week Report

Boring Week Report

Thank you for reading this Boring Week Report. It won’t take long to read. Hey, they happen to everyone, right?

The weather the early part of the week was not fisherman friendly. While walking along the Econlockhatchee on Thursday, I could not help but notice that the water level looked good for floating it. With rain forecast this coming week, that will most likely change.

Friday morning found me at River Breeze, meeting Kevin Parry for a paddle trip. After my last trip there a couple months ago, I wrote, “It will be a while before I go there again.” To which I say, after this trip, “Ditto.” We saw maybe eight fish between us, and did not get a bite, all while paddling five or six miles of water. Although the water looked, and the weather was, great!

The forecast for this week includes a combination of cold temperatures, wind, clouds, and rain. It’s raining as I type this. So next week’s report may well be boring too.

That’s the Boring Week Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

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