Indian River Lagoon and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Indian River Lagoon and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

The Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure kicks off on November 30. Paddle a section or the length of the lagoon with us!

My Mitzi Skiff 17 is for sale. For information, visit this link…

On Sunday Tammy and I went to the Indian River Lagoon for some rare Sunday fishing for me, and part of her ongoing birthday celebration. Hope it was a good birth month, Tammy! Anyway, we visited to power plant first to get a few ladyfish. In what proved to be a bad omen we did not get a bite there.
We crossed the lagoon and went on a search mission. We did not have to search very hard. There were lots of fish there- black drum, redfish, seatrout. In one of the most serious cases of fish lockjaw I have ever seen we did not get a single bite.
Tammy had been up most of the previous night fishing at Sebastian Inlet and was low on gas. The lack of cooperation from those lagoon fish pushed her right over the edge.

This is how great the fishing was.

This is how great the fishing was.

We were off the water about 130 PM.

Monday morning found me launching the Mitzi (it’s for sale!) at River Breeze for my first look-around up there since getting back from Alaska. I did lots of fruitless searching. In the last spot I looked the fruit showed in the form of some tailing reds, and trout in potholes.

mosquito lagoon seatrout

Nice trout on a DOA Shad Tail.

After getting a couple on a DOA Shad Tail I switched to fly and got a nice top-of-slot redfish. Some more investigation is warranted.

mosquito lagoon redfish

Aye! ‘Tis a handsome fish!

Wednesday my new sunglasses came! Smith Optics has awesome customer service.

I also put the almost-final-finishing-touches on the sailing rig for the Old Town.

Wednesday night Susan and I went to the University for Light Up UCF, a good thing to bring the kids to. There are a few rides, an ice skating rink, a saucer run, a showing of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, a light show, and faux snow. I couldn’t help but notice a few attractive co-eds, too …

Light Up UCF. Can you see the ghost of Christmas present?

Light Up UCF. Can you see the ghost of Christmas present?


You can ride the ferris wheel.

You can ride the ferris wheel.


The Tornado is good if you enjoy regurgitation.

The Tornado is good if you enjoy regurgitation.

Thursday morning the weather forecast did not look promising. But it looked better than Friday’s. So I tossed the kayak on the roof of the van and drove to River Breeze.

The water was too high. It was windy. It was cloudy. There were hardly any cars in the parking lot. I launched the boat and went a-paddling.

No fish were visible. I blindly fished a hole which has produced while fishing blindly in the past. It did not produce today.

I went to a second hole and fished it blindly. It did not produce either.
While standing on the bank eating a tangerine two redfish swam by, giving me the fin as they passed. I could hear them laughing at me.

I fished a third hole. A bold, eight-inch redfish got between me and the skunk.

The day was awesome. Didn’t see another hominid the entire time I was out.

While paddling back I came up with a new mathematical equation which rivals e=mc2 in simplicity and elegance. OK, I’m exaggerating. But here it is:


For the non-mathematically inclined-

Clouds plus wind plus rising water plus falling water temperature equals no fish.

Argonaut Publishing Company is having a big Christmas Sale on all of its fishing books by one Capt. John Kumiski. Visit this link to do some holiday shopping!

That is this week’s exciting version of the Indian River Lagoon and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.

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Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

The Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle a section or the length of the lagoon with us!

My Mitzi Skiff 17 is for sale. For information, visit this link… 

Blog posts this week:
Eating Cannonball Jellyfish 
Spotted Tail Christmas Giving Guide 

On a rainy, windy Monday I went to Jacksonville to speak to the First Coast Fly Fishers about Winter Fly Fishing in Central Florida’s Lagoons. What a great club they have up there! The talk went well and I managed to stay awake for most of the drive home.

The weather stayed windy and rainy on Tuesday and Wednesday. The boats stayed in the yard. Much of my time was spent getting ready for the paddle adventure. Tuesday night some punk went into my car and took my new Smith Optics sunglasses. Why would you take a pair of prescription glasses??? So I got to meet a Seminole County sheriff’s deputy.

Thursday Scott Radloff and I went to Mosquito Lagoon, where I hadn’t been in a couple weeks. It was cloudy and windy, but at least there was no rain. The water is still high but as the temperature drops it’s getting cleaner.

We went to Tiger Shoal and fished for a couple hours without success. The search mission was on.

Working our way south we picked up a fish here and a fish there, all on DOA baits. Scott was throwing a jerkbait, I a shad tail. Scott caught what may be the smallest redfish I’ve ever seen taken with hook and line, hardly more than a guppy. He graciously allowed me to photograph it.

mosquito lagoon redfish report

Is this thing tiny or what?

We ended up with two reds in the slot and two nice trout. Scott took a fish home for supper, and the boat was on the trailer about 2 PM.

Yesterday an 18-wheeler pulled up in front of my house and delivered a beautiful, brand new Old Town Penobscot for the Paddle Adventure. I can hardly wait to climb into my sleeping bag that first night.

Old Town Penobscot

Ah yes, a thing of beauty. I can’t wait to get it wet, to cover it in fish slime.

Old Town Penobscot

Speaking of the first night, we may well be watching a comet, especially with the moon close to new. Check it out here… 

comet isop

That is this week’s exciting version of the Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.

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Banana River Lagoon Fishing Report

Banana River Lagoon Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

First Coast Fly Fishers meeting, 7 PM November 4, Southpoint Marriot, 4670 Salisbury Rd Jacksonville. My topic will be Winter Fly Fishing in the Indian River Lagoon.

Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle a section or the length of the lagoon with us!

This week’s blog posts:
And Now For a Little Good News
NOAA To Eliminate Paper Charts

I need to get my website SEO optimized. If any readers have recommendations for a good, trustworthy SEO person I would really like to know about them. Please contact me here…

My Mitzi Skiff 17 is for sale. For information, visit this link:


On Sunday I gave the On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminars on Mosquito Lagoon. Five people in two separate trips circumnavigated the lagoon with me, stopping here and there to discuss navigation, fishing strategies and techniques, and more. The water is still high but it will drop soon.

If the blooming goldenrods all along the roads didn’t tell you, winter is almost here. The red maples will be turning color and dropping their leaves any day now.

There were big rafts of ducks out on the lagoon, and the white pelicans are already here in numbers. So in the near future the water will drop and also finally clear up. That having been said, the cleanest water in the lagoon, where it looks like it should look, is on the south side of the pole/troll area. And, no, we did not see many fish at all.

On Tuesday Tom Van Horn, Rodney Smith and I launched our paddle craft from the NASA Causeway and paddled down to SR 528 on the Banana River Lagoon, a linear distance of about six miles. I was able to try out my new Bending Branches Sunburst ST paddle, a beautiful and highly functional piece of equipment. Using spin tackle Tom got two dink trout and hooked and lost a nice redfish. Rodney and I used fly tackle and did not get a shot. We saw something like one fish per mile, pretty slim pickings. It will be a while before I go back there.

banana river lagoon fishing report

Early morning on the Banana River Lagoon.


banana river lagoon fishing report

Tom tries, without success, to get a bite.


banana river lagoon fishing report

Rodney gets some casting practice.


That having been said, there were decent numbers of mullet there and the grass looked pretty good. The water could be more clear but hopefully falling water temperatures will clean it up.

Thursday morning found me running on the Florida Trail, the first such excursion since returning from Alaska. I must admit to having been scared off by ticks and chiggers. Halloween should have scared them off.

I carried a dead palmetto frond as a spider web catcher and knocked down at least five instead of running in to them. Nothing will make you want to stop running down the trail more than a banana spider crawling around on your face! The trail looked beautiful with all the fall wildflowers blooming.

golden orb weaver spider

Spiders build their webs across the path- beware!


Carphephorus flowering along the path.

Carphephorus flowering along the path.

Quite a bit of my time is being spent preparing for the Paddle Adventure, so I didn’t get out in the boat on Friday either. I did go running in the state forest along the Econlockhatchee River. It looks wintery there, too, with the willows dropping their dying leaves. Although the water was very tannin-stained, the river was running low and looked really nice. I believe I will try paddling and fishing it one day next week.

Argonaut Publishing Company is having a big Christmas Sale on all of its fishing books by one Capt. John Kumiski. Visit this link to do some holiday shopping!

That is this week’s exciting version of the Banana River Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

There’s not a lot of fishing to report in this week’s Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Upcoming Events-

First Coast Fly Fishers meeting, November 4
The Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle the length of the lagoon with us!

My Mitzi Skiff 17 is for sale. For information, visit this link:

the mitzi is for sale- fisherman not included

the mitzi is for sale- fisherman not included

Other blog posts this week:

How to Pack for a Florida Canoe Trip- The Tackle Box
Packing for a Florida Canoe Trip- The Fly Box
The Poop-A-Seat
First Aid Kits for Paddlers

Monday I brought the Mitzi to Jam Up Boat Works in Sanford to get the dock dings fixed. No fishing.

Tuesday I went to Melbourne for an organizational meeting for the Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure. I think we have a great crew. But no fishing.

Wednesday I went to Jam Up Boat Works in Sanford to pick up the Mitzi. No fishing.

Thursday a cold front came through, the first of the season. I worked on detailing the Mitzi, among other things. No fishing.

Friday I took the Mitzi to Mosquito Lagoon to photograph it. The water is still high and dirty, and the wind was blowing out of the north at about 10-15 mph. While I was there I went fishing at one spot. Using A DOA CAL jig I got five or six seatrout. The first one was about eight inches long. Every one following was bigger, and the last one was three or four pounds! I only fished for about 45 minutes, but you have to love that.

mosquito lagoon fishing report

This was the last cast fish. The next one would have swallowed the boat.

Saturday was the Show and Tell Seminar, so no fishing.

So there was no work and not much fishing this week. I’ll do better next week…

That is this week’s exciting version of the Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

Home- Spotted Tail Outdoors and Travel

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


Port Canaveral and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Port Canaveral and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, October 26

Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar, October 27

First Coast Fly Fishers meeting, November 4

Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle the length of the lagoon with us!

The Show and Tell Seminars are next week! The goal of the all-day fishing seminar that takes place on the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge is to help you catch more fish in the Indian River and Mosquito Lagoons. We discuss locations, tactics, and techniques for fishing for redfish and seatrout in the lagoon system. We cover knots, rods, reels, lines, lures, and baits, as well as how to fish those lures and baits. We visit all the open boat ramps, canoe/kayak launches, and wading access points in the wildlife refuge.

During the on-the-water seminar we use my Mitzi Skiff to circumnavigate the Mosquito Lagoon, stopping periodically to discuss locations, tactics, and techniques for fishing for redfish and seatrout in the lagoon. I encourage participants to bring a notepad and a GPS.

Take advantage of Capt. John Kumiski’s 20-plus years of experience on these waters by attending this unique learning experience. You will learn more in one day during this popular seminar than you could in a year on your own! Visit this link for more information, or to register.

Blog Posts This Week:

How to Pack for a Florida Canoe Trip

How to Pack for a Florida Canoe Trip- The Tackle Box

In not-directly-related to fishing news, a new Hobby Lobby opened up on the corner of Tuskawilla and Red Bug. There is all kinds of stuff in there for fly tyers. Last night’s trip yielded an incredible piece of variegated craft fur, perfect for making sliders and small synthetic minnow patterns, as well as a string of small pink beads that will make killer eyes on shrimp patterns.

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Some of the goodies you’ll find at Hobby Lobby.


port canaveral and mosquito lagoon fishing report

You can use those goodies to make these.


port canaveral and mosquito lagoon fishing report

You can use the flies to catch these.


OK, fishing! Because of the slowly building crescendo to the IRL Paddle Adventure and other demands, I only got out twice this week, with zero fly fishing unfortunately.

Last week I asked, “Is the mullet run over already??” Thursday Anton Faith and Ashley Mandeville joined me for a day’s fishing along Cape Canaveral. The seas were lovely, and there were a lot of mullet coming down the beach. The water was not as dirty as last week, although we never left Canaveral Bight to check other areas.

The bluefish were reasonably thick. By using finger mullet for bait they caught a lot of them, along with a single short snook. Ashley hooked something large that needed to be chased. After a 10 or 15 minute battle the hook pulled without us ever getting so much as a glimpse of it. It was a beautiful day and we had an awesome time. And the mullet run is definitely not over yet.

On Friday Jay Herrington (Fish on Fire) and I took the Mitzi to Mosquito Lagoon. Last time I was there was several weeks ago and the water was high and dirty. It still is.

Tossing a variety of soft plastic baits we got a few fish in the pole/troll area, both trout and reds. Jay broke off a big flounder and another fish that we never saw. We checked out a few other spots and saw fish in all of them. Mind you, we could not see them until we were right on top of them, but we did see them. We ended up with a few trout, a few reds.

We stopped at Sunrise Bread Company in Titusville on the way home. If you haven’t visited this shop before you should make a point to- they have wonderful breads and other baked goods.

All-in-all it was an excellent day. I am looking forward to fishing with Jay again.

That is this week’s exciting version of the Port Canaveral and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.

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Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report, Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report, Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, October 26
Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar, October 27
First Coast Fly Fishers meeting, November 4
Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle the length of the lagoon!

It rained A LOT this week.

This week’s Port Canaveral fishing report-

On Tuesday Scott Radloff and I went to Port Canaveral to do some fishing. In spite of a southwest wind the ocean was a little rough, so after a single toss of the net secured enough mullet for a day’s fishing we just anchored on the north side of the north jetty.

We would not need to move.

The first fish we got were crevalle, fairly small ones, but we ended up getting snook (all shorts, but lots of hookups), redfish in the slot, ladyfish, bluefish- lots of them, mangrove snapper, and a single blacktip shark.

port canaveral fishing report

This was the best fish of the day.

I used an egg sinker rig with a 3/0 Daiichi octopus style hook. Scott used a circle hook with several split shot pinched on his leader.

port canaveral fishing report

The bluefish aren’t this thick yet, but soon will be.

The bite was pretty steady and there were loads of mullet in the surf.

This week’s Mosquito Lagoon fishing report-

It wasn’t pretty. Thursday I went to Mosquito Lagoon to scout for an upcoming fly trip. We won’t be going to Mosquito Lagoon.

The water was high and I-can’t-see-the-bottom dirty everywhere I looked. I saw one tarpon roll in the Haulover Canal, and a single seatrout that was in the talons of an osprey. There were reasonable numbers of black mullet but I didn’t see any silvers at all. I did not see a redfish and certainly didn’t get any bites.

If I had to go fishing again this week I would head to the beach.

That is this week’s exciting version of the Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report and Port Canaveral Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report, Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report, Banana River Lagoon Fishing Report

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report, Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report, Banana River Lagoon Fishing Report

What a week! A Harvest moon and the autumnal equinox, too! Both have an effect on the fishing.

mosquito lagoon fishing report

A moon like this affects the fishing for better or worse.

Upcoming Events-

Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, October 26

Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar, October 27

Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle the length of the lagoon!

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report– On Tuesday son Alex and I went to the Mosquito Lagoon, getting a late start because I had to see the hygienist first. While it was a beautiful day (the weather has been awesome) as far as catching fish went we might as well have stayed home. We saw maybe ten redfish, all a rod’s length away, and did not get a shot.

Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report– Thursday Scott Radloff and I went to the Indian River Lagoon. After a short boat ride we saw diving birds. Breaking fish, one of fall’s pleasures. Ladyfish, bluefish, and gafftopsail catfish were in the mix. Nothing too thrilling there but it was certainly a fun way to kick off the day.

The new power station in Port St. John is up and running now. There are lots of ladyfish there. Didn’t see anything else.

Went for a ride and ended up poling miles of shoreline. There were enough slot reds to keep it interesting. The fish were spooky and it was a long time before we convinced one to bite. We ended up getting four on DOA CAL shad tails rigged weedless on a worm hook. One was a gorgeous thirteen spot fish.

Banana River Lagoon Fishing Report– Friday I went to the Banana River Lagoon, breaking out the kayak to do so. I hadn’t been in a kayak in months and it was great to be paddling again. I learned (again!) that stupid stuff can happen to you at any time.

Two hours or so of paddling were under my belt before I saw anything other than lots of mullet. Excited for having seen a redfish, I anchored the boat and got out to wade. The wind was blowing a little too hard to fish effectively from the boat.

The fish were not thick, but they were good sized. I had several poor shots and two good ones. None of the fish took the fly, which got changed a few times.

Working my way back to the kayak, I tied the painter to myself and kept wading, towing the boat behind me. Shots at fish continued coming sporadically, and I finally fooled one with a small grizzly Seaducer. I photographed myself with the fish. I should have noticed at that point that my paddle was gone but it did not register.

Banana RIver Lagoon fishing report

The lone biter of the entire affair.

After wading another hour or so without any more bites the clouds got thick enough I couldn’t see any more. The atmosphere was telling me it was time to bag it. I ate lunch, reeled in the fly line, and went to paddle back. Now I noticed the paddle was gone.

Crap. I had three or four miles to go. At least the wind was out of the north-northeast.

Human hands make lousy kayak paddles.

The wind blew the boat along at about one mile an hour, putting me back at the chariot about 4 PM. Fortunately the weather was still beautiful, and other than losing a nice Aqua Bound paddle it had been a wonderful day with a nice redfish on fly as a bonus.

Indian River Lagoon fishing report

I think I will tether my paddle while wading from now on, though.

Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report, Again– Saturday fly fisher DJ Montigny joined me for a 3/4 day. He had never caught a fish in saltwater before, so we went to the power plant and knocked that right out. Two regrets- the ladyfish were dinks, and there were no tarpon there.

After 30 minutes DJ had had enough of the little ladyfish. We went looking for redfish. It took us most of an hour but we found big ones, enough to keep us entertained for the rest of the day.

We couldn’t find a fly they would bite.

They were exhibiting strange behavior, swimming quite rapidly most of the time, but circling through the same area repeatedly. We found and lost a sizeable school. Other than that they were in small groups, from pairs to a half dozen. We saw a lot of fish in the 20-30 pound range.

DJ had some great shots and by all rights should have had three or four bites. We also saw a big school of crevalle and in an almost-unheard-of situation did not get a bite from them either.

If it hadn’t been for those dink ladies we would have gone fishless.

I think the full moon boogered up the fish this week. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

That is this week’s exciting version of the Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report, Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report, and Banana River Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.



Mosquito Lagoon Redfish Fishing Report

Mosquito Lagoon Redfish Fishing Report

Oh yeah, it’s GREAT to be home! Fishing has been outstanding, too!

Upcoming Events– Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, October 26
Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar, October 27
Indian River Paddle Adventure starts December 1

Before the local report, an Alaska fishing story, my favorite from the season just past. No names have been changed to protect anyone.

The lodge had a guest named Ray. Nice enough guy. Apparently the IGFA just opened a new class of world records based solely on length. Ray wanted to get a record dolly varden, and needed a fish of only 24 inches. For this quest he brought a 12-weight. No, I don’t get it either, but I took him dolly fishing one day and he threw it all day. Must have a huge arm. Anyway…

He used said 12-weight for silver salmon one day. In spite of the tackle a silver somehow got into his backing. He had had the line rigged at a Bass Pro Shop. No, I don’t get it either. Of course the backing and fly line separated. He lost the line, in spite of spending quite a bit of time looking for it. At Goodnews 12-weight fly lines are not something we keep in stock, so the 12-weight rod was out of business for a while.

Later that same day another guest who we will call Gary caught Ray’s line. The fish who had done the damage was still attached to it. Gary caught that too. But when he got back to camp he did not tell Ray about it. No, mum was the word.

Every Tuesday night the Lodge has a little awards ceremony. The guys who get the biggest fish don’t get awards. The guys who get the most fish don’t get awards. The guys who fall into the river, they get awards. The guy who breaks the most fishing rods, he gets an award. You get an award if you manage to catch a dead salmon, or a rock. So you know when Tuesday night came rolling around, Ray got an award, and he finally got his fly line back. To say he was surprised would be a large understatement. There was a lot of laughter. A very funny, very entertaining episode it was.

But I digress from the business of writing about the fishing here.

Tuesday I put the Mitzi in the St. Johns for a water test. Steering worked, bilge pump worked, anchor light worked, all systems go. I wanted to visit Mosquito Lagoon on Wednesday but my son needed my car to get to school- his car was in the garage. So I didn’t get out until Thursday.

I did not get a bite on my first cast. After that it was pretty much wide open.

I found slot reds finning at the surface and popping baits as the opportunity arose. I tossed a 5.5 inch DOA CAL twice and a fish whacked the bait on the second cast. Another whacked it on the fourth cast. I lost track of my casts pretty quickly but I had a third fish before five minutes of fishing had elapsed.

Mosquito Lagoon redfish fishing report

This fish nailed the lure on the second cast.

I strung up that fangled fly-pole thang, tied on a grizzly seaducer. The fly hit the water and a fish nailed it, first cast.

Mosquito Lagoon redfish fishing report

My first cast with a fly resulted in this little feller.

Damn, it’s good to be home.

The sun cleared an offshore cloud and the surface activity at that spot stopped immediately. Within 300 yards I had found a 200 fish school of 15 to 20 pound reds. My first cast spooked them. I just backed off and let them calm down. A fatty whacked the fly on the next cast. I watched it all, very cool. After releasing the fatty I hooked and lost another.

Mosquito Lagoon redfish fishing report

The fish got bigger quickly…

At this point I decided I had come to look around and had only worked one half-mile-long stretch of water. It was time to look around.

I found a school of big redfish. I threw a four inch DOA CAL jerkbait at them and Mamoo ate it. I was calm enough to photograph myself. I wanted to try with a fly but I lost them while tussling with Mamoo. The wind had come up enough that I couldn’t find them again.

Mosquito Lagoon redfish fishing report

…and the last fish was the fish of the day.

It was raining all around me. Having had quite the morning already I decided to bail. The boat was loaded before noon.

On Friday Dr. George Yarko and Dr. Dave Nickerson joined me, again on Mosquito Lagoon. I was expecting a repeat of the previous day’s success.

How foolish of me.

The fish were not behaving the same, nor were they in the same places. We burned some fuel searching, and finally located a school of redfish.

None of them bit. They quickly vacated the place once they realized we were there.

Dave managed to catch the only tailer we saw, a beautiful 27 inch redfish, using a 5.5 inch DOA CAL jerkbait. George got a handsome 22 inch seatrout using a DOA Airhead. We got some other minor stuff not worth reporting.

Mosquito Lagoon redfish fishing report

Dr. Nickerson got the only tailer we found…


Mosquito Lagoon redfish fishing report

…a lovely 27 inch fish.


It was a lot of work for only two fish. On the other hand we have all had worse days. The weather had been superb and everyone except perhaps me was quite satisfied.

That is this week’s exciting version of the Mosquito Lagoon Redfish Fishing Report.

Bonus Report! Port Canaveral, Saturday 9/14

George Yarko and I launched the Mitzi at about 8 AM, ran south along the beach to Patrick AFB. The menhaden were solid from the pier south, as many as I have ever seen. We did not see any other kind of fish, which was very surprising and very disappointing.

At Patrick we took a left and headed out about three miles, then headed north. We saw one small pod of tunny briefly. There was lots of sargassum out there but no fish that we found. We continued north all the way to Cape Canaveral. We saw a small pod of breaking fish, Spanish mackerel. I got one on a Sting Silver. George got a bluefish on a DOA CAL jig. We did not see any other fish around the Cape or the shoal.

On the way back south down the beach we saw several schools of mullet, some quite large. No other fish. Near the port entrance there was a school of menhaden. I cast our last one to them and hooked a shark of maybe 30 pounds.

The weather was spectacular and it was great being out but fishing was disappointing. We met a guy at the boat ramp who had gotten one fish, a fat tripletail. At least someone got one!

tripletail, port canaveral

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


Mosquito Lagoon and Tarpon Fishing Report 518

Mosquito Lagoon and Tarpon Fishing Report

Bumper Sticker of the week:

 tarpon fishing report

This week’s Mosquito Lagoon and Tarpon Fishing Report:

Monday morning Scott Radloff and I braved 20-25 knot winds and thick overcast to try fishing in the Mosquito Lagoon. I got a redfish on my first cast. I would love to say “then it got better.” That may be a bit of an exageration. We did get a half dozen each of reds and trout though, including some very solid fish. And the overcast broke up, and the sun came out! The wind just kept a-honking, though. My lure of choice was an old Riptide Weedless jig outfitted with a four inch DOA CAL jerkbait. The last two fish we got on mullet pieces. We did better then we had any right to expect, that’s for sure.

Scott said I look scary while wearing the Sun Armor. That may be true, but who looks scarier, me…

Tarpon Fishing Report

I got several trout. This was the nicest.

…or Scott?


tarpon fishing report

Scott was real happy with this 28 inch redfish.

Wednesday saw another 4 AM wake-up call and four hours of driving to fish with friend Rick again. I had shots at tarpon all day long (wasn’t sick this time either). On the best shot I had three fish closely examined the fly. All said no. I pulled it in and looked. It was fouled. 🙁   I hooked two small cobia that were following rays and lost both of them. Thus the day ended.

Thursday we tried again. Again I had shots most of the day. I had several “almosts” and got one bite on a black and purple streamer. I broke the fish off after beating it. It wasn’t very big, only about 50 pounds, but I got a real tarpon on a fly, something that had been missing from my repertoire lately. Gracias a Deus! They are such incredible fish!

tarpon fishing report

Tarpon and I, mano a mano.

That is this week’s exciting version of the Mosquito Lagoon and Tarpon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report 511

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report 511

Happy Mother’s Day to moms everywhere!

This week’s Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report:

-Sunday- Joe Bonk and his son Matt joined me for a day’s Mosquito Lagoon fishing. I had some anxiety as I hadn’t been out there in over a week and the weather system of the previous several days probably moved the fish. We were slow at first but we found some reds, including a couple of nice schools. Joe and Matt ended up getting four slot fish on Johnson Minnows. All the trout that I had been finding moved, a very sad thing.

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Bonk the Younger with a nice redfish. I love the name!

-Monday- went to the lagoon on a search mission, hoping to locate the trout. Did not. Found reds almost everywhere I looked though, a good thing.

-Tuesday- Happy Birthday Joey Cordell! Dad Carey took Joey and his girlfriend Kelly out for a day’s Mosquito Lagoon fishing. It was good. We found quite a large school of reds at the top of the slot. Kelly and Joey each got one on mullet chunks. That was the last of the bait use, though.

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Joey and Kelly are students at UCF. They can catch redfish now.

We switched to the Johnson Minnow. Carey was on fire for a while, getting five or six slot reds. Finally Joey started hitting them too. In the meantime Kelly was throwing a jerkbait without success. Joey and Kelly switched rods. Joey got two nice trout, over 20 inches, on the jerkbait. Kelly managed a pinfish on the spoon. I wanted a picture of it but that didn’t happen.

We worked the same area for hours, catching fish steadily. When it finally slowed down we went to another place. Joey got the 15th or so red of the day on the jerkworm, the last bite we got.

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Joey got quite a few fish. This is another one.


-Wednesday- I went to the St. Johns River to search for bluegills. How hard could that be? They’re smarter than me evidently. I foul-hooked a gar, got a crappie, got an aquarium-sized largemouth bass, got a fairly-hooked gar on a popping bug, and got some nice photos. The bluegills eluded me though.

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The gar, one of Florida’s uglier fish.


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There are lots of cattle on the St. Johns River floodplain. This can’t be helping the water quality.


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A spoonbill preens while roosting.


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Cabbage palms grow along the river.


-Friday- Dr. George Yarko and Ron Novitsky joined my redfish quest on the Mosquito Lagoon. Of course I went back to where all the action was on Tuesday. Of course most of the fish had left. We got two slot reds on a Johnson Minnow. We tried a few other spots without success and ended the morning’s fishing  with only two fish to show for our efforts. It was a beautiful day!

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A tiny black mangrove provides a perch for these birds.

And that is the exciting May 11, 2013 version of the Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.
