Merry Christmas Fishing Report

Merry Christmas Fishing Report

Best wishes to all my readers for a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years in this Merry Christmas fishing report!

A piece of good news came across my “desk” this week. The headline read, ‘Red Tide’ Lawsuit Launched After Feds Ignore Wildlife Harms of Lake Okeechobee Discharges. If you’re inclined to read about it, this is the link-


Right next to the boat ramp…

Monday I drove to Teneroc, kayak on roof. A cold front just came through. I had never been there. You know I don’t have a depth sounder. I fished two different lakes and got exactly one bite from a dink bass that jumped off.

The ramp in question.

The gentleman at the registration desk told me no one did well that day, but Tom Van Horn wanted to know how I got skunked in “the best fishing around,” as he put it. That’s fishin.

He got some bigger ones.

Tuesday Alex and I drove to Fellsmere Grade Recreation Area, two kayaks on the roof, where we met Mike Conneen, and the Queen of Farm 13, Dee Kaminski.

Long live the Queen!

The weather was awesome. The fish were biting. I got more on fly, but better average size with plastic worm. The tough decisions I have to make sometimes! That’s fishin.

There is some vegetation in the water.


Alex got into the act, too.

Wednesday Mr. Mitzi and I went to Mosquito Lagoon. It was good to see the old friend, even if the water still looks bad. There were redfish at the first spot I went, got one on a plastic shad. Switched to the fly rod and got one on a Seaducer and another on a slider. Went trout fishing and got many slot fish on the DOA Deadly Combo. Did not see many big trout, but that’s the worst I can say. It was a good day.

That’s the Merry Christmas Fishing Report! Thanks for reading!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.

Happy Thanksgiving Central FLorida Fishing Report

Happy Thanksgiving Central FLorida Fishing Report

A peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving to everyone. Here is a short Happy Thanksgiving Central FLorida Fishing Report

Sunday and Monday I got to prep for and receive one of the wonderful parts of the adventure called aging, the colonoscopy. System performing within normal parameters, thank you.

Tuesday I took son Maxx and friend Catalina out on Mosquito Lagoon. Let’s just say it was really slow and leave it at that. The water was high and very dirty. We did not get skunked.

Thursday was an Econlockhatchee River trip. Two new flies needed to be tested. One was a crayfish pattern that failed miserably. Perhaps modifications are needed! The other was the Krebs popper (see how to tie here…), which I cannot say enough great things about. It accounted for numerous redbellies, stumpknockers, largemouth bass, and a single chain pickerel, something I have never caught in the Econ before. I did not put legs or paint mine. No photos were taken.

The rest of the week was spent getting ready for Thanksgiving. Again, best wishes for yours to be wonderful!

That is the Happy Thanksgiving Central FLorida Fishing Report! Thanks for reading!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.

A Good East Central FLorida Fishing Report

A Good East Central FLorida Fishing Report

No news or announcements, so let’s get right to the Good East Central Florida fishing report!

Monday Tammy, the new Katmai Lodge fishing guide, joined me for some Mosquito Lagoon fly fishing aboard Spotted Tail. The weather was spectacular and we spotted tails almost immediately. Tammy made the most of the opportunty. The fly was a grizzly seaducer.

east central florida fishing report

Tailing redfish, Mosquito Lagoon

Subsequent shots did not go as well, and that was the only fish we got. We had quite a few more chances though.

east central florida fishing report

Tammy’s fly-caught redfish.

Tuesday Scott Radloff joined me for a Port Canaveral excursion.We went through $25 worth of jigs, getting cut off by fat Spanish mackerel and bluefish.

east central florida fishing report

These mackerel were going through #40 fluoro on the strike.

There were jacks and ladies, too. I pulled out a six-weight and did a litle damage with that, great fun. It was a pretty awesome day. So much so…

…that on Wednesday I returned with my two sons for a repeat performance. We found a school of eight pound jacks. Alex got one with the six-weight, using a gurgler. The whole day was pretty much a repeat of the previous one. LOTSA FISH!

east central florida fishing report

Alex used an UL spin rod…


east central florida fishing report

…to get this jack.


east central florida fishing report

Then he used the six-weight…

east central florida fishing report


east central florida fishing report

…to get this one.


east central florida fishing report

Maxx’s mackerel thrashed right onto my lens.

Thursday Shane Thomas joined me for an enhanced on-the-water Show-and-Tell seminar on Mosquito Lagoon. We enhanced it by taking an extra two hours and fishing. We did not see much other than manatees at the south end of the lagoon, but as we worked our way north tailing redfish started to show. He got one to bite a shad tail, but unfortunately missed it. We got a few short trout. Shane did claim to be on information overload by the end of the trip, something this instructor loves to hear.

That is A Good East Central FLorida Fishing Report! Thanks for reading!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.

Jacksonville Paddle Fishing Report and Photo Essay

Jacksonville Paddle Fishing Report (with a Mosquito Lagoon bonus!)

jacksonville paddle fishing report

Photo courtesy Mike Conneen.

Spent the week paddling and fishing in Jacksonville, doing research. Hey, some one has to do it. So we have a Jacksonville Paddle Fishing report!

Monday woke up well before the alarm went off. It was set way too early for comfort anyway. Hopped in the chariot and drove to Hilliard. The plan was to fish the St. Marys River. Seemed like a good plan. New stuff!

jacksonville paddle fishing report

The St. Marys is definitely scenic.

Launched the Ocean Kayak before sunrise (after driving three hours). Didn’t have a shuttle so would paddle upstream on an out-and-back. The weather was fantastic- clear, cloudless sky, chilly enough for a hoodie, no wind, gorgeous.

Saw what I thought were the three strangest-looking birds out on the water, couldn’t figure out what they were. Once they reached the bank and climbed out I could see they were three does, had to laugh at myself. Birds! Silly John! Never saw swimming deer before, way cool.

jacksonville paddle fishing report

There were fantastic roots and stumps all along the riverbank.

Didn’t see many fish swimming either. Guppies are fish if you want to be technical. Saw a rolling gar every now and again. Did not see a bass, or a sunfish. No ospreys, or wading birds. No turtles, or alligators. The river is picturesque, but there weren’t any fish. Won’t be back.

Tuesday launched off Hecksher Drive for some saltmarsh redfishing. Tide was almost dead low. Paddled for ten minutes before seeing my first reds. They were in water so shallow I could not get within casting range. The boat was on the bottom, and the ploof mud made sure I stayed in the boat.

jacksonville paddle fishing report

Once the kayak floated off the bottom the cast was well made.

I watched and waited for the tide to rise an inch or so. When it did I got close enough and made a cast to one of those fish, and it jumped right on the slider. Nice!

jacksonville paddle fishing report

Slider redfish!

The scene repeated itself a few minutes later. I was not on my game though, blowing shots and missing strikes. Got two reds, should have had quite a few more.

When the tide got too high I loaded up the kayak and went to Fort George Inlet, where it got launched again. It took longer to find fish this time, but once located there were a lot of them. I tried the slider, a Clouser Minnow, and a crab fly. Got a couple looks but no takers.

Cheating, I switched to a spin rod, trying a jig and a DOA Shrimp. Those did not elicit any more interest that did the flies. Easily threw to 30 fish without an eat.

I fished until the top of the tide, then gave it up.

jacksonville paddle fishing report

Mike battles another redfish in the salt marsh.

Wednesday morning Mike Conneen joined for some early morning low tide redfishing. We left the launch, still off Hecksher Drive, just as the sun busted over the horizon. We crossed the creek, to the north side. We found tailing redfish immediately. One fish took my Redfish Bite on the first cast. Welcome to Jacksonville!

jacksonville paddle fishing report

Redfish Bite red!

It would be nice to be able to say, “Then it got better.” While that would be an exaggeration, fishing was solid all morning, with tailers, crawlers, fish busting, all the feedy kinds of behaviors fishermen love to see. Mike used a shad tail, I the Redfish Bite. We didn’t have overwhelming numbers but each of us had shot after shot. We ended up with eight or so between us before the oysters were covered.

jacksonville paddle fishing report

Mike the Redfish Man.

We pulled the boats and drove to Guana Dam. We did not fish there, but did appreciate the beauty. We think that fishing there would be awesome and discussed returning at some point. Then we hit the road.

jacksonville paddle fishing report

Redfish release…

Friday (this is the Mosquito Lagoon bonus!) I launched the Mitzi at Beacon 42 at sunrise. The weather was great, although it was blustery. The water looked terrible, brown and turbid. At the first spot the thought stayed in my head, “If I see a fish it will be a miracle.” It was just another example of how truly blessed I am.

Some gulls were diving. This reporter went to investigate. Under the birds was a small redfish school, 15 or so fish. First cast- BAM, on the shad tail. As it turned out it was the best fish of the day, maybe the week, five pounds or so.

jacksonville paddle fishing report

Used a shad tail to fool this fish and a couple more.

The rest of those fish disappeared. The search mission, powered by MinnKota, continued.

Twenty minutes later I found three reds in one area. Got one not-very-good cast off, did not convert.

Fifteen minutes later found a series of reds along a shoreline. The light hit one just right to spot it at a reasonable distance. The cast was good. The shad strikes again! All the other shots did not work, all pooch jobs by yours truly.

jacksonville paddle fishing report

Obviously not a spoonbill.

Came around a corner and saw something amazing. A large, pink bird that was clearly not a spoonbill was standing in the water. I got the camera out and got some not very good pictures of the third flamingo I’ve seen here since 1984. AND there was an otter there too. AND there was a little clump of tailing reds there too. Pooched that shot as well.

Tried a different area, got three dink trout by blindcasting a jig.

Tried an area I have not checked in a couple years. Immediately saw a tailing red and got it on the shad. The thought came, “You should try the fly rod.” I listened.

Got two more on fly before loading the boat at 1 PM. Darned good morning in spite of the wind and dirty water.

That is the Jacksonville Paddle Fishing Report! Thanks for reading!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.

Another Dirty Water Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Another Dirty Water Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Better than no fish.

The water was dirty in the lagoons again this week, so we have another Dirty Water Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report for you.

Upcoming Events-

MINWR Show and Tell Fishing Seminar. Oct. 27, 0830 AM. In this all-day seminar I SHOW you where to fish, and TELL you how to be successful. For more information visit

Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar. Oct. 28. In this four hour seminar I take you out in my skiff and show you all my secrets. For more information visit

Space still available for both events!

For Sale-
15 ft Sailboat for sale with trailer! Sails are 2 years old and always dried and rolled into their sailbags. Main and Jib. Great little boat for cruising or racing. Custom trailer.

Boat is clean and ready to go right now!

Visit this link for more information!

Needless to say I was at the AFC Fundraiser, a wonderful event. A gentleman introduced himself to me and said he’d found out about the event from this newsletter! Hallelujah! Some folks actually read it!

Monday I went kayak scouting on the dirty waters of the Mosquito Lagoon, hoping to find some water clean enough to sight fish. If the water is more than about 12 inches deep you cannot see the bottom. Sight fishing is possible in select places, but is not easy even at those. I sure do love progress.

Hopefully a couple strong cold fronts will cause the water to clear up. My optimism is quite guarded.

Tuesday Chris Olson joined me for some Mosquito Lagoon kayak fishing. Chris got a couple slot trout on a plastic shad. I got a short red and a trout on a plastic shad too, and added a micro-snook on the fly rod for a mini-slam. I had three shots at tailing reds, which is how I got the one I got. It was a beautiful day. Afterwards we went to Kayaks by Bo to see the pretty, new boats!

Wednesday I drove to the Villages to talk to the Tri-County Fly Fishers  about winter fly fishing in the lagoons. The talk went well- they seem like a really nice group. This email came to me the next morning- “I enjoyed the talk. I’ve always been impressed with your observations and honesty.” Thank you, Russell!

Thursday I took the Mitzi to Port Canaveral hoping to catch some mullet. The parking lot had a few cars, which was encouraging. There were only a few mullet at the boat ramp, and none between there and the jetties.

The Mitzi cleared the north jetty. On the north side of it was a single school of mullet, way up in the surf. They quickly disappeared. The seas were at the design limits of the Mitzi’s capabilities. The forecast was for a strengthening east wind.

A Coast Guard zodiac came to tell me that a submarine was on its way in, and in a few minutes I should be somewhere else. After a moment’s consideration, I loaded the boat onto the trailer and drove to Mosquito Lagoon. Perhaps I could catch some mullet there. And I’ve never seen a submarine there, either.

inshore fishing report

I need to get a new model.

It turned out I could not catch mullet there. Using a DOA Deadly Combo  I did get a dozen or so trout, including several keepers, along a shoal. The first strike surprised me, but they came steadily until I left the spot. It was a pleasant surprise.

After watching the Red Sox Wednesday and Thursday nights I must have been sleep deprived, because Friday I did not wake up until after 0830- that never happens to me! Spent the day futzing with tackle, inventorying flies, that sort of thing. Gotta tie up some crayfish patterns.

And that is another Dirty Water Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report! Thanks for reading!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.

Dirty Water Central Florida Lagoons Fishing Report

Dirty Water Central Florida Lagoons Fishing Report

lagoons fishing report

The water was dirty in the lagoons this week, so we have a Dirty Water Central Florida Lagoons Fishing Report for you.

Upcoming Events-

-Last call for the Aloha Protect Our Waters Fundraiser! It should be called th FUN-raiser- Mai-tais, tropical cuisine, and live music highlight this event. There might be some well-known fishing personalities, too. All funds raised help support Anglers for Conservation’s youth fishing education programs. Oct 14, 3-6 PM. For more information visit . I hope to see you there!

-MINWR Show and Tell Fishing Seminar. Oct. 27, 830 AM. In this all-day seminar I SHOW you where to fish, and TELL you how to be successful. For more information visit

-Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar. Oct. 28. In this four hour seminar I take you out in my skiff and show you all my secrets. For more information visit

For Sale

sailboat for sale
15 ft Sailboat for sale with trailer! Sails are 2 years old and always dried and rolled into their sailbags. Main and Jib. Great little boat for cruising or racing. Custom trailer.

Boat is ready to go right now!

Visit this link for more information!

Son Maxx showed me a wonderful website called The Art of Manliness. While learning how to get the savoir-faire of James Bond, I also learned of a concept called microadventures. Most folks work from 9-5. What do you do from 5-9? You could be outside, fishing, hiking, bicycling, or simply watching the sun set.

Most people’s lives could benefit from the 8 Week Microadventure Challenge. Read all about it here- It could change your life for the better!

Monday the weatherman scared me into staying home. It was nice all day! I did learn about microadventures, though.

Tuesday, with microadventures fresh in my mind, I ignored the weatherman and went to the Econ. The gauge read just a bit under three feet, higher than I like it but lower than it’s been for the past month. With a hurricane about to blow by I figured it might go up again real fast, so I got out there.

Fly fishing with a popper netted me four species- bass, bluegill, stumpknocker, redbelly. A two-weight would have been more appropriate than the four-weight used, fish-size-wise. It was a beautiful day and the river looked great. Saw herons, ibis, kingfishers, hawks, vultures, painted turtles. Did not see snakes or alligators.

Thursday I took the Mitzi to Port Canaveral hoping to catch some mullet. The parking lot was nearly empty, never a good sign.

I could not get to the jetty because the seas were so rough.

A tour of the Port turned up zero mullet, or anything else. The Obsession and two other charter boats were trolling inside the port, though.

I pulled the boat and drove to Titusville Marina where I launched the boat among the floating dead fish. A look-see north of the railroad trestle turned up exactly four redfish. I caught a small one while blind-casting a soft plastic shad. You could hardly see the bottom because the water was so dirty. I netted a few mullet up, too.

lagoons fishing report

Friday son Alex and I took the Mitzi to River Breeze to do some scouting. The water was dirtier than it was in the Indian River. You could not see the bottom at all. It’s high, too.

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It took us a while (maybe the sun had to get high in the sky) to get down to the main basin of the lagoon. There we found a few fish. Alex got a decent red on a jerk bait, then got a nice trout, too. Dad got three dink trout.

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So the water in the lagoons is high and dirty, and fishing could be better (and it could be worse too).

lagoons fishing report

That is the Dirty Water Central Florida Lagoons Fishing Report! Thanks for reading!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.

Paddle Fishing Central Florida Fishing Report

Paddle Fishing Central Florida Fishing Report

We checked out some widely spaced fishing spots again this week, with some wild goose chases tossed in for good measure. So we have a Paddle Fishing Central Florida Fishing Report for you.

Upcoming Events

Aloha Protect Our Waters Fundraiser! It should be called th FUN-raiser- Mai-tais, tropical cuisine, and live music highlight this event. There might be some well-known fishing personalities, too. All funds raised help support Anglers for Conservation’s youth fishing education programs. Oct 14, 3-6 PM. For more information visit

MINWR Show and Tell Fishing Seminar. Oct. 27, 830 AM. In this all-day seminar I SHOW you where to fish, and TELL you how to be succesful. For more information visit

Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar. Oct. 28. In this four hour seminar I take you ut in my skiff and show you all my secrets. For more information visit

On to Fishing-natti!

Monday I took the kayak up to the Tomoka River, launching at River Bend Nature Park .

Paddle Fishing Central Florida Fishing Report

It’s a simple launch site…

The birds were beautiful but I was not impressed by the scenery. There was very little activity in the water, and most of the fishing was in people’s back yards. They were nice back yards, but still… One micro-snook and one mudfish graced my boat during my almost four-hour-long visit. A guy with a loud weed-whacker drove me out of there. Doubt that I’d go back.

Paddle Fishing Central Florida Fishing Report

This beautiful mudfish was my best catch.

Stopped at Spruce Creek on the way back for a three-hour tour. Got there after noon, tide was falling. Hit a flounder almost immediately. Should have quit right there- did not get another bite. All the fish were taken on a RipTide Sardine.

Paddle Fishing Central Florida Fishing Report

A Fabulous Flounder on the Sardine.

Tuesday I visited my old friend the Mosquito Lagoon for a solo paddle trip. The wind was from the east, the water was dirty. I expected nothing. The first thing I found was a dead manatee.

Paddle Fishing Central Florida Fishing Report

The vultures are happy about this.

Wasn’t I surprised when my first two fish were snook! They were small ones, but I don’t remember ever catching two in 20 minutes there before.

I found a single (?!) black drum tailing. Could not get a shot.

Got a trout about 18” by dragging the Sardine behind me while I paddled. It was almost a cheat. All fish were released hopefully unharmed.

I spent some time wading, sight fishing for redfish. The first one I saw hit the Sardine, but I missed it. Did not get shots at the other two because I almost stepped on them. It was hard to see!

Back in the boat, ran over several single reds. Got out to wade, and here came one down the shoreline, happy and stupid, its back out of the water. Switched rods, dropped the fly in front- BAM! Nice.

Paddle Fishing Central Florida Fishing Report

It was not huge, but it did take a fly!

I have a book called A Paddler’s Guide to the Sunshine State, by Sandy Huff. In it she describes a trip on Reedy Creek. I decided I wanted to go there.

Thursday we started late, “we” being Alex and I. We got stuck in a parking lot kind of traffic jam on 417 and could not make it to Reedy Creek. We hit several retention ponds in consolation, getting thrown out of one by local law enforcement and netting three bass to three pounds.

Friday morning I decided to try Reedy Creek as a solo. It’s down by Intercession City, so it’s a drive for me. I finally find the right spot, and all access to the creek is fenced off. Even though I’m 100 yards from the water, I can’t get there. Thoroughly disgusted at this point, I just drove home and wrote this report.

And that was how my fishing week ended. I may have an interesting report next week.

And that is the Paddle Fishing Central Florida Fishing Report! Thanks for reading!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.

Early June East Central Florida Fishing Report

Early June East Central Florida Fishing Report

June- tarpon time, and I go to Alaska soon, far from tarpon. This early June east central Florida fishing report covers the Mosquito Lagoon and Port Canaveral.

It still rained a lot this week.

Tuesday Robert Ungvarsky and his two delightful daughters joined me for some Mosquito Lagoon fishing. Our goal was simple- keep the girls catching fish. To that end we stopped at Anchor Hardware and bought 50 shrimp, small ones, to be tossed on ultralight spin tackle. Terminal tackle consisted of a #8 hook and a split shot. We broke each shrimp in half, effectively getting two baits out of each one. Even at that we used all but four.

As luck would have it one of the first fish we got was a 13 inch pompano. Lots of squealing from happy kids on that one! Trout, catfish (of course), pinfish, snapper, ladyfish, a couple of big whiting, a puffer, and a flounder rounded out the catch. The plan worked well, something that doesn’t always happen in fishing. Everyone was happy and we all had a great time. Robert, thank you and I hope you will join me again.

east central florida fishing report

Fred with one of many trout they caught.

Friday found the Finger twins, Tom and Fred, on Spotted Tail, on Mosquito Lagoon, hunting for fish. The hunt took about 30 minutes. Then we hit trout steadily for a couple of hours. Although many were just under slot, we got some to about three pounds. CAL jigs were the weapon of choice. Once that bite dried up we did not find much else, and trailered the boat about 2 PM.

Saturday I joined Tom Van Horn and Rodney Smith on Tom’s Hewes out of Port Canaveral. Someone was holding a tournament and the ramps were chaos. We managed to get out of there and went for a ride.

east central florida fishing report

Zzzz-ZZZzzzzz-ZZZZZZZZZ! Tunny are awesome!

I spotted some breaking fish and tossed a jig at them. BAM-ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! I love that sound! Little tunny, one of the ocean’s finer light tackle fish. They were good sized ones, 12 pounds or so. We got several, along with a single Spanish mackerel.

east central florida fishing report

We knew we might hook some larger fish when a 100 pound tarpon jumped after eating Rodney’s jig. We’re lucky it jumped off. That little spin rod was not designed for that work. We went close to the beach and netted some pogies.

east central florida fishing report

Two musketeers? Two stooges? Two hookups, definitely!

Moving back to deeper water we almost ran the tarpon over. Rodney and I both cast baits out, using actual tarpon gear. Getting his bite took about 20 seconds, mine about twice that long. So we had a tarpon double, both 100+ pound fish.

east central florida fishing report

happy Rodney


Getting close!


east central florida fishing report

A graceless ballet ensued aboard Tom’s vessel, punctuated by grunting and an occasional curse, and sounds of delight when the fish jumped. After about 40 minutes I had my fish near the boat when the hook pulled. Rodney’s took a little longer. He broke it off next to the boat. After that we messed around long enough for Tom to hook a five foot blacktip shark. After that it was all over except for the ride back to the boat ramp. We left early to beat the crowd!

east central florida fishing report

And that is the early June east central Florida fishing report!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.


Memorial Day Central Florida Fishing Report

Memorial Day Central Florida Fishing Report

It’s Memorial Day weekend. You know you need to spend a few moments considering how lucky you are that no one needs to remember your sacrifices on this day. But please consider those who sacrificed everything.

central florida fishing report

file photo of a bluefish

Tuesday Paul Glaser and his son joined me for some Mosquito Lagoon fishing. I picking them up at JB’s. “We just want to catch some fish,” they said. They tossed DOA Deadly Combos, getting five species- trout, ladyfish, bluefish, crevalle jacks, and gafftopsail catfish, staying pretty darned busy while doing so. We were out about six hours, and probably caught fifty fish or so. Entertaining, and quite novel these days. Thank you, gentlemen!

central florida fishing report

file photo of a crevalle jack

Thursday, expecting a repeat performance, I took longtime friend Kevin Linehan out for the same drill. When he caught a nice trout on the second cast I thought it actually would be a repeat. HA! It’s never the same. We had to work for every bite. At least we got some bites, and caught a few fish.

Kevin had to leave around noon. After dropping him off I went to an old favorite spot that had not been producing. There were some fish there for the first time in many months. By sight fishing with a plastic shad I caught an eight pound redfish and a seven pound trout, both beautiful fish, and enjoyed the sunshine until after 4 PM. Remember sunshine?

The following morning I picked up Al and Adam Winnicke at JBs. They wanted trout and reds so I took them to the spot from my previous afternoon. It’s never the same, but the trout were still there and they got several to four pounds on plastic shad and DOA Shrimp. Then clouds built up, thunder started rolling, and we called it a good day. The boat was on the trailer about 130 PM. Thank you for fishing with me, gentlemen!

Saturday morning I drove to Satellite Beach, picked up Rodney Smith, then continued on to Sebastian River. Fishing was slow enough that Rodney took a nap in the canoe, not an easy thing to do. I jumped a tarpon on a DOA Shrimp, and caught three large gafftopsail catfish on the same bait. All that took about six hours, after which the canoe was returned to the roof of the car.

And that is the Memorial Day Central Florida fishing report!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.


Another Orlando Area Fishing Report

Another Orlando Area Fishing Report

This is another Orlando Area fishing report.

Monday Anthony LaBarbera, a fly fisher from New York, joined me for a day’s fishing on Mosquito Lagoon. I’d had a great scout day on Friday and was cautiously optimistic. The fish utterly crushed that optimism- he did not get a single shot. Ouch.

Tom in a serious moment.

Tuesday I joined Tom VanHorn for a different kind of scouting, based on a report from Chris Myers. We bought 50 shrimp for ten dollars, and using ultralight tackle went fishing out of River Breeze.

Maybe not the fish of the day- the spectacular sea robin.

I caught eight species- snapper, ladyfish, seatrout, bluefish, flounder, catfish (of course), a puffer, and even a sea robin.

Doubles on the snapper. Yes, they were small ones.

Using two hooks I got doubles on snapper, ladyfish, bluefish, and catfish. WOW! Technical fishing it wasn’t, but getting steady bites was a novelty.

And a cute little flounder, too!

Wednesday Tom joined me for some kayak fly fishing on the St. Johns River. With the exception of water lilies and cattails, all the vegetation was gone. We did not see a bass or a sunfish, nor did we get a single bite. I sure am glad the state is having all that herbicide sprayed out there.

Tom fly fishes.

I would like to thank Tom for being in every photo this week!

Tom paddles.

Friday I went solo kayak fly fishing on the Indian River Lagoon. Unlike my friend Anthony I had three excellent shots, all three of which I thought should have converted. The fish all spooked off the fly. I did not get a fish.

And that is another Orlando area fishing report!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2018. All rights are reserved.