A Short Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report
This is a Mosquito Lagoon fishing report. Yes, it’s late. Yes, it’s short.
Monday the weather was too cold and windy for fishing.
Tuesday I took the Mitzi out on the lagoon for some scouting. Apparently I hit the right day. Although it was a little breezy, the sun was out and it wasn’t uncomfortably cold. I did not catch fish everywhere but I found three spots that had fish. About a dozen trout with no shorts (!) came to hand, and four redfish besides, all on plastic shad.
The water is low and is still pretty dirty.
Wednesday found me back at the lagoon as part of a multi-boat charter. In my boat I had David and Joe. We went to spot number one. No fish. We went to spot number two, where we got 6 or 8 dink trout. We went to spot number 3. No fish. We even tried soaking bait. Not even a catfish. Honestly, sometimes I wonder why I bother to go scouting. At least we didn’t get completely skunked.
This is called a “teaser” in the industry- Friday I sent my latest manuscript to the publisher! Stay tuned for further developments!
That’s this week’s Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report! Thanks for reading!
Life is great and I love my work!
Life is short- Go Fishing!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2019. All rights are reserved.
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