Down and Up and Down Report

Down and Up and Down Report

Thank you for reading this Down and Up and Down Report. Got out three days this week before a bug got me- then I really was down. Doc says I should be OK by Monday.

Subscribers without photos- go to, please.

I have, for your perusal (and hopefully action) a pair of petitions to consider. The first-

-The largest money lender in Africa, Standard Bank, and Japan’s Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) will fund a 1,443-kilometer crude oil pipeline that will cross Tanzania and Uganda. A large number of people will be displaced and wetlands, water sources, and protected ecosystems in Tanzania and Uganda would be in jeopardy. See the petition here…

Stop Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining in Tennessee’s Protected Forests
Mountaintop removal coal mining is a destructive practice that devastates our landscapes, contaminates our water, and harms our wildlife. In Tennessee, Hurricane Creek Mining LLC is seeking a permit to mine 650 acres of protected forest. How protected is the forest if it can get strip-mined? When is the last time anyone you know used coal??? See the petition here… 


Son Maxx and his lovely bride were supposed to visit. After we spent the day waiting, they called and said they were coming Tuesday. So we got to wait Tuesday, too.


Maxx and Cat and I took the Bang-O-Craft out onto Mosquito Lagoon. Rejoiced in the fact the water is ridiculously clean. But no fish, no fish, no fish, ran a few over, ran a bunch over, then found a school of black drum with a few reds mixed in. They behaved like they have been pounded for a while, and we did not get a bite in spite of several excellent shots. A skunk, for sure.


I took the kayak out on Mosquito Lagoon. You would have thought it was a different planet. Tailing fish much of the day, and mostly willing eaters on the fly. Which was good, since it made up for both Wednesday and…


I took the kayak out on the Banana River Lagoon. I saw exactly six redfish in six miles of paddling. If you see one fish per mile, your catch rate is going to be small. Didn’t get a shot- another skunk.

Maxx said I should have gone back to Mosquito Lagoon. I don’t think it’s good policy to beat up the same fish day after day. It teaches them hook avoidance.

So it was truly Down and Up and Down. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

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