Econlockhatchee and Other Stuff Fishing Report
Thanks for reading my Econlockhatchee and Other Stuff Fishing Report. Oh yes, it’s been quite a week, with a trip up a mountain, a trip across the country, and a trip down the Econ.
All you veterans, thanks for serving. I hope you’re taking advantage of your Veterans Administration benefits.
Subscribers without photos- go to, please.
First, some local news. Host Gator has been hosting my websites (,, since 2011. Before I left for California, I received an invoice from them for the next three years- $539 and change. When I was selling fishing charters, and selling books, paying the bill made sense. Now I collect Social Security and have a mostly fixed income. The website no longer makes me any money. Paying that fat bill isn’t a good financial decision for what is now in essence a public service.
The upshot is, on November 25, all the material on those sites goes up in cybersmoke. I hope to keep blogging but have not found a host yet, something else for me to do this week. Or maybe the blog ends too. We’ll see, I suppose.
OK, I think I found a new host. Will update all of you next week.
Maxx and I went up Mount Diablo, quite a famous mountain to geologists, mapmakers, and surveyors. The summit is used as the reference datum for land surveying in much of northern California and Nevada.
We did nothing more than check out the views and the wind caves, walking and jumping around the place as needed. It was a beautiful day in an awesome place, and I hope to bring my bride there, sooner rather than later.
Tuesday night I took a red-eye out of San Francisco, on which I actually slept some. Wednesday was mostly rest and recovery.

Nice fatty, best of the day. Almost crashed and burned between the current, the fish, and the fallen trees.
A splendid day found me in the canoe, floating down the Econ. Although I got a single, modest bass on fly, there was zero surface activity. Most of my fishing was with a Culprit worm. The fish seemed to like it.
Friday and Saturday
I’m booked solid with honey-dos and errands. I am ripping the camper part of my van apart and starting a major upgrade. I hope to blog about it! 🙂
That’s the Econlockhatchee and Other Stuff Fishing Report. Thanks for reading!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a trip! Stay active!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.
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