Home Waters Report
Thanks for reading this home waters report, on Mosquito Lagoon, and with a call-to-action.
“There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.”
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz
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OK, on Friday I was driving southbound on I-95 in Titusville. I was fairly shocked to see a full-sized billboard that said-
“Welcome to Florida, home of bears, toxic water, and dead manatees. stopthestarve.org” Naturally, I checked the website, https://stopthestarve.org. With a come-on like that, how could I resist?
Truly, FWC does need to stop spraying herbicides.

FWC contracts hundreds of these guys to spray hundreds of gallons each of toxic herbicides daily on into our waterways. This was on Rainbow River.
After arriving home, I checked the new Florida Sportsman magazine. Blair Wickstrom used a full page of editorial space to plug a new constitutional amendment, the Right to Clean and Healthy Water. Basically what he’s saying is, the Legislature and a string of Governors have let the water quality in Florida go to hell, so the people need to get an amendment on the ballot to change the state constitution. If you’re registered voter in Florida and would like to see clean water and seagrass again in your lifetime, go to https://www.floridarighttocleanwater.org RIGHT NOW and sign the petition- 223,000 signatures are needed by March 1.
Please help, and please help spread the word! Thank you!
Yes, I did fish this week, two days. Errands and home maintenance took the rest of my time.
Tuesday, on an absolutely stunning day, Rodney Smith and I took the Bang-O-Craft out onto Mosquito Lagoon. The water was clean and beautiful, Rodney and I maybe not so much. We’re getting old and decrepit looking. Better than dead and decaying! Anyhow, the trout were biting well. We didn’t get any big (or small) ones, all slot fish. We took one for Mr. Smith’s dinner. We hooked a couple reds, Rodney got his, mine broke off. Check those knots, John. All the action was on the 3-inch plastic shad.
Friday I took the kayak out, same place, on another stunning day. The trout weren’t biting quite as well, but I still got a dozen, all but two on Clouser Minnows. I also got two beautiful fat reds on the same fly.
Both days I really enjoyed the company!
For those looking for shad information, I don’t have any. Haven’t been. Sorry.
That’s the home waters report. Thanks for reading!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.
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