Indian River Lagoon Fishing, and Travel Report Photo Essay

Indian River Lagoon Fishing, and Travel Report

The week started off slowly.

Monday morning I met Roger and Brandon Reavis, father and son, at Parrish Park. The wind was already blowing at 530 AM, and there were plenty of clouds. The wind would only increase, and the clouds would end up dropping rain. Not the best fly fishing weather.

We went to the area I had scouted with Rodney a few days earlier. One good thing was that we were the only boat there. But most of the fish had left. We found a few tailing reds. They did not respond positively to our offerings. We also ran over some fish, some real nice ones, actually. But running them over seldom ends by putting them in the boat. Still, if you can’t see and they don’t tail, running them over is pretty much the expected outcome.

We checked a couple other spots where there was little or nothing to run over even. Then we hit what would be the final spot. At this point we’d already been rained on twice, but the clouds broke some and we had periods we could see quite well. And there were fish there. They could see quite well too. We did not get a good shot- every fish we cast to was moving away from us. We did not get a bite.

Wanna get away? Sunrise at OIA

Wanna get away? Sunrise at OIA

Wednesday morning at 6 AM found me checking in with Southwest Airlines curbside check-in at MCO. Love the no baggage fees on Southwest! It was a long flight to Las Vegas, complete with crying baby, followed by a short layover. I never left the airport but still think Las Vegas is a shithole.

People go to Las Vegas fot this?

People go to Las Vegas for this?

Then came the connecting flight, which seemed as long but wasn’t, to Seattle. Alex met me there and we stayed in a Clarion. Dumpy at best. We ate at a Hawaiian barbeque. Wouldn’t do it again under most circumstances.

Made me think of Ashley.

Made me think of Ashley.

Thursday morning we met our new bosses, Kevin and Lyn Ryter, at the airport. Their two sons, another employee, and the dog were there, too. We all caught an Alaska Air flight to Ketchikan.

We did not meet them.

We did not meet them.

Ketchikan is definitely Alaska. That said, of course I found myself in a bar with a pitcher of beer in front of me. My drinking buddies were my son Alex and Lucas Brittweg, who paddled with us for a day on the IRL paddle adventure last December. The best thing we did, though, was visit Ray Troll’s studio. He does such amazing work! Not “normal,” but since when did art have to be normal? Visit his website and check out his work.

Ray Troll paints. His work ends up in books, in magazines, on shirts, etc.

Ray Troll paints. His work ends up in books, in magazines, on shirts, etc.

Friday morning found me on a fuel barge travelling north to Whale Pass on Alaska’s Inside Passage. The weather was absolutely spectacular. So was the scenery. I did not see any fish. I did see humpbacked whales and orcas, however. Definitely not Goodnews. Not better, but definitely different.



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I hope to get better whale photos than this!

I hope to get better whale photos than this!


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We got to the Lodge at Whale Pass. Wow. Game room and bar, a hot tub/spa, buildings made out of wood, no generator because we’re on the grid. I’m looking forward to my stay here.

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On Saturday there’s going to be major cleaning, tackle assembly, that sort of thing. Since I suspect no fishing will happen, I’m going to post this now.

The Lodge at Whale Pass

The Lodge at Whale Pass

And that is this week’s Indian River Lagoon Fishing, and Travel Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.

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