Mosquito Lagoon and more Fishing Report
Thank you for reading this Mosquito Lagoon and more Fishing Report. The more includes the St. Johns River and the Indian River Lagoon. Since I’m typing this on Tuesday, and I won’t be fishing tomorrow, next week will be a bye week. No sense in posting a two-day fishing report.
Long-time angler and friend Todd Preuss sent me the following-
Thought I should share. BTW, I do have a will.
Old friend Walt Jennings joined me for some shad fishing on the St. Johns River. I told him to meet me CS Lee Park at 1000. I got there at 0830 and Walt was already there. Talk about prompt!
We spent five hours looking for shad, from the outlet of Lake Harney to up near Puzzle Lake. We also went up the Econlockhatchee. We got five shad in five hours, plus a few small crappie. Shad fishing was pretty crappy. It’s been that way all season.
Old friend Tom Mitzlaff joined me for some Mosquito Lagoon scouting. We met at River Breeze. Tom was not an hour and a half early!
We looked in a lot of different places, and saw very little. We could have seen them, too- the water was pretty clean. We got a handful of dinky trout and a single dink redfish, but it was not looking good for my charter the next day.
We actually found a few sprigs of seagrass trying to photosynthesize. I wish them the best of luck!
Bob opened things up by landing this beautiful sea trout.
Matthew Pineda and his friend Bob joined me for a day’s fishing on Mosquito Lagoon. Tuesday showed me where not to go. We got some fish at our first stop. Bob’s first fish, a handsome seatrout, turned out to be the fish of the day. We got more trout, although most were small. All in all it was a pleasant day, with a decent number of bites.
Thursday and Friday
Did not fish due to high winds.
I try not to fish on Saturdays and Saturday’s Mosquito Lagoon scout trip reminded me why. There was a redfish tournament going on and the place was a zoo. I really dislike fishing tournaments.
I launched at Eddy Creek. Thought I should check the south end of the lagoon, since I hadn’t been there in a long time. It was a waste of time- the water was opaque brown. No need to go back there for a while!
I ran around a lot, even going through Haulover Canal in to the Indian River Lagoon. I did not see much and got one bite all day, a dink redfish on the spin rod.
A word of caution- trying to pull the boat out at the Eddy Creek ramp with my two-wheel drive RAV4 dug a nice hole in the sand under my front tire. If a couple of muscular young guys hadn’t come along and pushed me out I would still be there.
Chris Kent joined me for some fly fishing in Mosquito Lagoon. We mostly had the place to ourselves, surprisingly. We found a flat that had quite a few redfish on it, which surprised me in a good way. We worked it on five separate passes and did not get a bite, changing flies, angles, everything I could think of. Yes it was frustrating. I thought he should have hooked at least two and perhaps more, fish that responded to the fly but said no.
We found a spot with some nice trout. His line would hit the water and big mud poofs would come up. Those fish wanted no part of us, either.
The only fish we got were some small trout from a deeper spot, blind-casting with a Clouser Minnow. We saw 50 or more reds over the course of the day and couldn’t make a deal.
Johnny went kayak fishing in the Indian River Lagoon, all by hisself. He paddled to where he intended to start, and spent the rest of the time wading. He missed his first strike, but got the second, and nice trout of 22 inches or so. The fish took a black Clouser Minnow. There was a long time between bites, so he switched to a spin rod with a DOA Shrimp tied to the line. He was rewarded with two redfish (small ones) on back-to-back casts.
A word about spin tackle- I am transitioning to ultralight spin tackle- 1000 series reels, 5.5 and 6 foot rods. A few years ago this would have been unthinkable. Now the average size of the fish has dropped so much it seems to make good sense. Even the small fish seem sporty on tiny tackle. Sooner or later I’m gonna hit a real one and get my clock cleaned I bet…
Anyway, I ended up with a half-dozen nice trout, all in the slot or above, plus those two rat reds. It was not hot fishing by any means, but I’ve certainly had worse days.
And that’s my Mosquito Lagoon and more fishing report. Thanks for reading it!
Life is great and I love my work!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go Fishing!
John Kumiski, author of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide
Purchase Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide at
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2020. All rights are reserved.
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