Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report and More!

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report and More!

Thank you for reading this week’s Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report and more! Got out twice this week, once by myself and once with son Alex. I also grew some mushrooms, and had that tooth pulled…


Five days after I started spritzing, I had this!

I got a mushroom grow kit from It was fun, easy, and delicious. I was eating the tastiest fresh mushrooms only five days after opening the kit! You can read my blog about it at this link, or go directly to


A few people asked about the “new fly” I wrote about last week. If you’ve been following me a while, you’ve seen similar flies tied with different materials. But I took a picture of it.

If anyone needs tying instructions, let me know and I will make a new webpage with them.

FISHING and other…

Weather was fantastic. Water, not so much.

Went paddling on the Mosquito Lagoon. Weather was fantastic, water was decidedly not. High and dirty, really hard to see. I ran a few fish over, then spotted a wake coming right at me. Dropped the fly (a redfish worm) almost on his nose. He crushed it.

The fish crushed it.


The redfish worm, such a good fly!


Double spotter.


Releasing it back into the nasty water.

Played hide and seek with a manatee. I swear it was following me around.

The dentist removed part of the dental bridge I had, then Alex and I went to Mosquito Lagoon again, paddling a canoe. Lots of looking, not much catching. He did get a fine redfish while blindcasting the rubber shad, the only fish of the day.

Alex and friend.

Dr. Campbell yanked a molar out of my lower jaw with a pair of fancy stainless steel pliers. I recommend him if you need this done, but take care of your choppers and avoid it if at all possible.

After that was not in any condition for anything else.

That’s what I got. Thank you again for reading this Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report and More. Life is great and I love all my readers!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski, author of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide

Purchase a signed copy of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide at

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2021. All rights are reserved.

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