On the Road Report

On the Road Report

Thank you for reading this On the Road Report. Susan and I have been traveling since last Sunday, on our way to visit our sons. I don’t have many photos, and don’t wish to describe the weary interstate driving with which you are all too familiar with, so this will be short.

Subscribers without photos- go to https://www.spottedtail.com/blog/, please.

Our first two nights were at Jackrabbit Recreation Area in North Carolina. We visited a couple yarn shops (for Susan) and I was able to peruse a fly shop and an outdoor shop while she talked knitting with the yarn shop staff.

Next stop was Land Between the Lakes Recreation Area in Kentucky. Saw plenty of schooling fish, but no fishing license, so no fishing. We both got a bunch of chiggers at the farm mentioned below, the gift that continues giving. Went to a planetarium show that was pretty cool, and a nature center, and saw some bison, and visited a farm that was supposed to be an 1880s representation. The place was inadequately being kept up. They would have starved come winter…

Susan, at the farm. Chiggers not visible.


One of the residents.


Still on the farm.

Spent a night at Arrow Rock Historical State Park in Missouri. Arrow Rock is an outcrop of flint, formerly on the Missouri River (the river moved), where pre-columbian Indians gathered stone for making arrowheads. The town is a national historic site, preserved in the 1880s style, quite quaint.

Spent a night at Lucas Park Recreation Area in Kansas. Fourth of July weekend- water-skiers, personal watercraft, and a full house at the campground. Great weather, with a day-time high of 84 degrees.

Today we drove through a thunderstorm and got pelted by hailstones. When we got through the storm, the car’s exterior thermometer read 59 degrees. The high today was 75 in North Platte, where we are camped at the Buffalo Bill Historical State Park, on the Platte River. Went to a very nice art gallery in the Prairie Arts Center in town.

The park is a launch point for Platte River float trios. Floaters use anything that floats as vessels…

Three men in a tub? How about six and kids?


One of the neighbors.

We did consideable back roads driving today. I loved the landscape we passed through- I could picture plains Indians hunting bison almost the entire way. I think it would be pretty bleak-looking come February 1, though.

Not impressed by the physical condition of the interstate highway system in general. There are way too many rough miles that need re-paving.

That’s the On the Road Report. More to come next week. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a bike ride! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

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