One Day on Banana River Lagoon
We had some crappy weather this week. We had a couple nice days, too. Caleb Vogl and I got out one day on the Banana River Lagoon. It was hardly gangbusters, but there were some encouraging signs.
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Caleb is a young guy, from Kansas City. He wants to be a fishing guide. Tom Doerr introduced us, asked me to help him. So I guess I’m in the role of mentor, or perhaps tormentor. At any rate, we went to the Banana River Lagoon on Wednesday. The water was moderately clear, and there was quite a bit of widgeon grass growing, which was good. Lots of Rhodophyta, too, not so good.
We paddled for well over an hour before seeing a fish. No shots were forthcoming. More paddling turned up a few tailers. Caleb hooked one on a DOA shrimp. It was quite entertaining, and he got this beast-
It did not start a trend. I only got a couple fly shots that did not work, and we each got one (more, in his case) slot-sized fish on spin tackle. When we got back to our vehicles, Caleb said, “Wow! We paddled a long way today!” Yes, we did. You’ll cover some ground fishing with me. Three fish between two of us in over eight hours. Good thing one was a career fish!
In other news, I’m doing a new build of my Sienna camper van. I hope to be finished next month (A-ha-ha-hahaha!). Here’s how the interior looks as of this writing-

The laminate floor is installed, the cabinet is in progress. The bed and sink vanity are still in planning stage.
Weather forecasts predict some pretty crappy weather this coming week, too.
Happy MLK Jr. Day Monday!
And that, folks, is a One Day on Banana River Lagoon Report. Thanks for reading!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a walk! Stay active!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.
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