Storm Aftermath
Thanks for reading this week’s post, Storm Aftermath. This was a survey week, with hope to find a fish or two. Susan was ill, which affected my liberty- I didn’t want to leave her alone while I went fishing.
For subscribers- if the photos (only one this week!) don’t load, click this link-
Monday, though, she joined me for the preliminary survey. I needed to see how high the water was, and which boat ramps were open. We went to Kelly Park, Port Canaveral, Port St. John, Kennedy Point, Parrish Park, Biolab, and Playalinda. Playalinda was open to Parking Lot 7, meaning you couldn’t get to the boat ramp on the Mosquito Lagoon side. Everything else was open. There were surprisingly few trailers at Port Canaveral. The water looked high and brown in the lagoons.
Tuesday found me in a kayak on the high, green, and nearly opaque waters of the Indian River Lagoon, armed with both a spin and a fly rod. I saw two redfish, one tailing right against the bank (no shot) and one that I ran over. I ran over two or three black drum. I caught three small snook, one by casting a rubber shad, the other two by dragging the same lure while I paddled. I found a few baby tarpon rolling, and one bit my streamer, leading to this not very good photo-
It’s hard to fight the fish AND get the jump shot at the same time. I used my Dr. Slick pliers to unhook the beastie. When I got home, Susan was sick, and I was sorry I wasn’t there.
Friday morning Tom Van Horn picked me up and we went to Mosquito Lagoon, launching at Haulover Canal. Tom spent the summer at Katmai Lodge in Alaska, then went to Europe for a few weeks. His boat had been sitting for over three months, so of course it didn’t work right. We hid from the wind and waves behind the spoil islands while we made our way back to Haulover Canal. I cast a DOA Deadly Combo, coming up with a single, skunk-chasing 12″ seatrout. I was home at noon.
I saw very little bait anywhere, and the water doesn’t look good anywhere. Might have to try fishing somewhere else.
That’s the Storm Aftermath post. Thanks for reading!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2022. All rights are reserved.
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