One Day on the Indian River Lagoon, and a TAF Update
Thank you for reading this One Day on the Indian River Lagoon Report, and a TAF Update. I fished one day on the Indian River Lagoon, by kayak, with Caleb Vogl. The rest of the week was way too blowy for realistic fishing. The Assistance Fund got some more donations!
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A huge THANK YOU to all the donors, by name and in no particular order-
-Laura Rice
-Ed Perry
-Dean Altenhofen
-Walt Sheppard
-Earl Gillespie
-Ken Shannon
-Emily Nelson
-Kelly Holz
-Curtis Duffield
-Michelle Wilm
-Marcia Foosaner
-Nicholas Colantonio
-Stephen Truscott
-Stephen Butrym
-Jorge Hidalgo
-John Harrison
-Henrique DePaiva
-Lisa Pello
-Lynda Wehmeyer
-James Roberts
-Ralph Tedesco
-Cheryl Kumiski
This is quite a list, a bunch of generous, selfless people. We have raised $3,227.60 over 27 donations, 64 percent of my goal, and thank you, thank you, thank you again! Great job!
The fundraiser link if you’re motivated to donate (Please!)-
As a reminder, the Assistance Fund helps underinsured people living with life-threatening, chronic, illness obtain treatment and medicine by providing financial assistance for their copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other health-related expenses.
The updates will continue every week until the fundraiser ends (at Thanksgiving), and of course if you’ve considered donating, it’s not too late!
Tuesday Caleb joined me for an Indian River Lagoon excursion. I didn’t know what to expect, since I hadn’t been to this spot in a while. The water was too high for my tastes (a recurring theme this time of year), murky in some spots, lovely and clean in others. Based on what we could see and what we caught, most of it was fishless, even though there were plenty of glass minnows and mullet around.

The water level was around two feet. I like it around 0.5 feet. Eighteen inches of water makes a huge difference.
Caleb said he got a couple of nice trout, but I didn’t see or photograph them. We spent a lot of time pretty far apart. I got three snook on flies. The three of them together wouldn’t have made a decent sandwich.
I saw one redfish, one trout, and two black drum in five hours, and did not get a shot at any of them. My last couple fishing trips have been less than stellar.
I’ve been filling my time by tying flies for an upcoming trip, doing the never-ending yard work, and making Christmas presents.

Krebs poppers, my new secret weapon.
Friday I took a short walk at the Orlando Wetlands Park. The light was wonky, and there weren’t many critters about (not for that place, anyway). As I was walking, hunger pangs started, so I drove to Sunrise Bread Company and got a cinnamon roll. How self-indulgent of me.
That’s the One Day on the Indian River Lagoon report. As always, thanks for reading!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.
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