Another Only Fished One Day This Week Port Canaveral Fishing Report
I spent some time this week working on my van, as explained last week. I’m not done yet.
I spent some time this week publishing ebooks. See them all here:
The weather Thursday screamed “Beach!”, so I gathered up Scott Radloff and off we went. It said the same thing to lots of other people too- it was the most cars I’d yet seen at the new Port Canaveral boat ramp.
When we came out of the Port there were birds diving out along the buoy line about a half mile out. We went out there to look and fish were breaking sporadically. My first cast with a jig, some big fish took it and headed out to sea. My 20 pound braid broke before that first run ended, and I never saw what it was. The activity died.
There was a fleet in Canaveral Bight, as I expected. We joined it, netting some menhaden in the process. Bull reds are underneath the menhaden and that’s why everyone was there. It took me a while to figure out I need two ounces of lead on the leader to get down to the fish. Once that was done we got four reds and several bonnetheads. The fish were big but it was boring bait fishing.

Here’s a lovely sequence of events: Scott hooked up, fish near boat;

about to bring it into the boat;

pretty darned pleased with things;

showing his fish some love; and…

…making sure it swam away strongly. There would be more fish if everyone were this careful.
It was killing me watching guys hang those big fish off Boga-Grips, too, the worst thing you could do to the fish short of throwing it in a cooler. There were some big dead redfish floating out there. We left the craziness to see what else we could find.

The bonnetheads became a nuisance.
There are acres of fish off Cape Canaveral- big Spanish mackerel, bluefish, jack crevalle. There are lots of sizeable blacktip sharks in there with them. We played with those fishies for a while, using Haw River Tackle Sting Silvers (the fish are on the smoker as I write this), then went looking for tripletail and cobia.
We found some handsome weedlines, but all the trips we saw were junior-leaguers, not a legal one in the lot. We did not see a cobia. We did find a few tunny breaking, and I got one on a CAL jig.
So if we wanted to maximize our fish catching we would have stayed on the reds, or the Spanish. That wasn’t that important though. The hunt is where it’s at.
I brought a canoe I’ve owned since the 70s to the landfill today, a sad moment, that. See the blog here:
And that, my friends, is another Only Fished One Day This Week Port Canaveral Fishing Report. At least it was again an awesome day!
Life is great and I love my work!
Life is short- Go Fishing!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.
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