Beware the Ides of March Report

Beware the Ides of March Report

Thank you for reading this Beware the Ides of March Report. Fished two days, took pictures part of another one.

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Monday found me launching the kayak at the Snow Hill Road Econlockhatchee launch. I floated downstream casting a mouse gurgler fly and hooked two bass before the bridge was out of sight. Then, I couldn’t buy another bite. The switch to the spin rod was eventually made.

A black shad Culprit worm was the bait of choice for a long while. It got bit sporadically, by junior-league-sized bass. The best one was the first one I got, on the fly, and he was only 13 or 14 inches.

The river looked strangely quiet. There were no alligators (!). There were very few fish in the water that I could see. In five hours I saw a single, small catfish and a single Plecostamus, and one small school of mullet. Not a single bass did these eyeballs spot.

What there was, was a lot of chainsaw-cut branches. Some over-zealous individual(s) cut away lots of blowdowns to make the river accessible to motor vessels. To my way of thinking, more traffic = fewer fish. Or perhaps it was that day, or me. Either way, I don’t think I’ll be visiting that stretch again any time soon.

Purple gallinule


soft-shell turtle


Yellow-rumped Warbler


common moorhen


humans with cameras


pileated woodpecker


great egret


american alligator

Tuesday, 20-knot winds. Visited the Wetlands Park for about an hour, and learned birds don’t much like the wind, either. I still shot close to 300 frames, with my old, three-frame-per-second camera (The expensive new ones can do thirty.). The Park is going off, bird-wise, though. Lots of nesting birds, sandhill crane colts, etc. Good time to visit now.

Wednesday, had a meeting. Tied up a windy rainy day, so no problem there.

Thursday, 20-knot winds. Tied some flies.

Friday, an incredibly nice day, found me in the kayak, wearing waders on Mosquito Lagoon. I paddled quite a distance before getting a bite from anything other than a puffer. That last spot gave up a dozen trout and five or so reds, all fairly modest in size, all on the plastic shad. One or two trout may have exceeded 20 inches.

News Flash! People are boneheads! While I was standing there, a school of redfish swam almost right into me. As this was happening, four goobers in a big jonboat pulled up about 50 feet away, blowing all the fish out. They never knew. One guy put down the trolling motor and another said, “Don’t get too close to that guy [meaning me].” Too late, but thanks!

On the way back to the put-in I waded a sandy spot with the fly rod and one of the flies I’d tied the previous day. A redfish (maybe two?) swam by. I put the fly on him, he didn’t bite it. There must have been two, though, because the line came tight and minutes later I was releasing a red that was four or five pounds, best fish of the day. Never took the camera out.

Ten minutes later the boat was atop the van, and I was outta there!

That’s my Beware the Ides of March Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go bicycling! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

The Meh Fishing Report

The Meh Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Meh Fishing Report. I’m sorry it’s not exciting. Summer is setting in, I can’t tarpon fish without a boat, and the fish have not been as bitey as when it was cooler. Hopefully that will change. Or maybe a horde of big tarpon will show up where I can paddle to them. Ha!

I did not carry a camera either day. The photos are from my files.

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I went to the Econ. The gauge read 0.8 feet, so I launched at Snow Hill Road. There was still get-out-and-drag over some spots. I threw a gurgler for over an hour, with a single, modest bass to show for it. So, like last time there, I switched to spin tackle.

It was still work getting bites. In many spots I could see the fish, and they were just giving me the fin (the middle one, of course). The catch ended up being eight or ten bass, with one solid one. Beautiful river, beautiful if warm day- I’ll take it. As if there was a choice.


morning saw me paddling Mosquito Lagoon. Fish were hard to find. Blind-casting while wading, wondering if I’d get anything, the line came tight. Surprise! And it was a real nice fish! I really was surprised!

Turned out to be a red that was pushing 20 pounds, which, had I gotten nothing else, would have made the day. The fly was a black Redfish Worm. It would be nice to write that the fish kicked off a wild couple of hours, but a pinfish and a puffer followed. Again, tiring of casting practice, I picked up the spin pole with a weedless jig, which produced a nice trout in the 3-4 pound range, a modest jack crevalle, and another puffer.

Nice day, water looked great, and I got a couple fish. I’ll take it!

That’s the Meh fishing report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a bike ride! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

The Caleb Vogl Fishing Report

The Caleb Vogl Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Caleb Vogl Fishing Report. Caleb and I fished together twice this week, all the fishing I did. So the photos have someone other than me in them.

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We went down the Econ. The gauge read 1.1 feet- it was almost too low. There was a lot of getting out and walking the boat, and going over, under, or around obstructions. Caleb said, “I thought we were going on a float trip!” That’s what he gets for making assumptions.

I don’t often wish I shot video, but for this I wish I did.





I threw a gurgler for over an hour, with a single, modest bass to show for it. Then I picked up the spin rod and made one cast with a Culprit worm, and got this-

A short time later, Caleb got this, also on a Culprit worm


Don’t know how he fooled the spotted gar. It was the first he’d caught, ever.

The fly rod stayed mostly put away for the rest of the trip, which was, in spite of the low water, quite lovely. We both got several bass, and it took all day!


We visited the Banana River Lagoon, starting just after sunrise. Lots of paddling to start, then I got three reds bang-bang-bang in quick succession, the last on an electric chicken-colored electric sushi streamer. It was pretty electric! That fly also produced a jack crevalle, a leatherjack Oligoplites saurus (a fish I dislike handling), and a fat seatrout. I got a few other reds sight-casting with a soft plastic shad. Caleb, a spinfisher, got some snook instead of a leatherjack. Other than that he got all the types of fish I did, making a slam for the lad- snook, trout, reds, with a jack crevalle chaser. Then a hard north wind came up and blew us back to the launch.

Caleb held the fish for me to photograph, but it jumped out of his hands before I could squeeze the shutter button.


my bride and I visited Playalinda. No fishing tackle or cameras! There were fishermen on both sides of us, ten rods out altogether. Only a few small fish were caught. A fresh east wind had the waves rolling in, but also kept us cool all morning, which was beautiful.

That’s the Caleb Vogl fishing report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go to the beach! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Two Econ Days Fishing Report

Two Econ Days Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Two Econ Days Fishing Report. This week we are in the Florida summer, including the lightning storms. Time to play Dodge the Lightning Bolts, always an exciting game!

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This reporter floated the Econlockhatchee in his homemade canoe. The gauge was at 1.4 feet. I had to get out several times to drag over or around obstacles or low water. Fishing was, in spite of the algae bloom (which is still there but looks much better), pretty good.


There were 20 knot winds accompanied by a nice storm. I went to Tosahatchee and the Orlando Wetlands Park. No fishing was done, but there was a little photography.



Four-spotted skimmer male.


Whistling duck.


Take a guess!


It rained like it meant it for a good portion of the day. I stayed home and tied flies much of the day. Just what I needed- more flies! The Econ gauge currently reads (Thursday evening) 2.3 feet and the water is still rising. The rain has put the river up almost a foot, and it’s still going up. Is fly fishing there done for the year? Another week should tell.


Friends Dean and Phil Altenhofen, brothers from out west, came in for two days of fishing on Friday. We went to Mosquito Lagoon. The weather forecast could hardly have been more wrong. The sky had overcast, which got thicker and thicker until this happened-

Then it rained, of course, and the predicted 5 knot winds became 15. We bailed, with Phil having gotten a single puffer.


With a 70 percent probability of thunderstorms, we floated the Econlockhatchee. It was a foot higher than it had been on Monday. Had the place to ourselves. We brought raincoats, so it didn’t rain. These guys don’t bass fish (Phil had never caught one), so it took them a little while to figure out where to put the gurglers and how to work them. But they did. We had a great time, and even saw a few alligators.





Phil again.

Thanks for coming, gentlemen! Let’s do it again!

That’s the Two Econ Days fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

This week’s cartoon!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Take a Kid Fishing Report

Take a Kid Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Take a Kid Fishing Report. This week we got our first taste of Florida summer, which lasts into October. Daytime temperatures in the 90s. The only thing missing were the lightning storms. Honestly, it makes me want to stay in the AC. What a wuss.

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This reporter has been known to preach, “Take a kid fishing!” It’s still good advice. Son Maxx has a high school friend, Danny, who wants to take up fishing. Mind you, this “kid” is 35. Still, it’s new blood. I took him and Caleb out of River Breeze.

Danny doing some paddling, plenty of it this day.

Danny is really at the beginning of the learning curve. I didn’t spare him on the paddling, and it got pretty windy. He not only survived it, he liked it- now, that’s a good sign! He got a dink trout and a ladyfish on the DOA Deadly Combo, and missed some bites. Caleb got a handsome red on a swimbait. I spent most of my time on instruction, and did not touch a fish. More to come- stay tuned.

Caleb and friend.


Mike Danagher and I walked the Econ, throwing soft plastics. It was not red-hot, but we each caught some bass and a gar. Mike had never fished the Econ before, and found it to be great fun!

Mickey D and his fish.


I started on the Indian River Lagoon. My heart jumped- a rolling tarpon! They were little ones, but still. I stuck two on the RipTide Sardine, putting one in the air. Total contact time was on the order of 1.37 seconds. I did not see or touch any other kinds of fish, and soon pulled the kayak and went to Mosquito Lagoon, where the water was clean and the reds and snook spooky.

After just chasing fish away with the fly rod, I stuck two reds, also on the RipTide Sardine. I landed the smaller and broke off the larger, with a contact time on that fish of 0.13 seconds. All-in-all a beautiful, windy, enjoyable, but not very productive fishing-wise, day.


– everyone’s favorite, errands day!


Jorge Hidalgo and I went walking the Econ, bass fishing. For me, two stumpknockers and two warmouth crashed the party. It got hot, but we had a good time. The fish were fairly cooperative.

Didn’t touch a fish with the fly rod all week.

That’s the take a kid fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Green (Econlockhatchee) River Fishing Report

Green (Econlockhatchee) River Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Green (Econlockhatchee) River Fishing Report. Only went to the Econ once this week, and was pretty upset about what I found.

I’m selling some spinning rods. Go to this link to see what’s available.

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Early morning, everything looked fine.

Was looking forward to getting on the Econ on Tuesday. Started at Snow Hill Road, before 8 am. Thought the water looked odd, but didn’t dwell on it. Nothing touched my gurgler, which I also found odd. Switched to a Senko, got a solid bite, but the fishie came unbuttoned. I never saw it.

Came to a place where I almost always get a fish. Fished through it twice- nothing. By now the sun is up and the water is distinctly green, and quite murky.

Once the sun got up, the water looked bad.

Talked to some fishermen on the bank. One said the water was clear all last week, and then Saturday it was green. Bam. Just like that.

Fished until noon, got a single 12-incher on a purple worm, the only other bite I got. Decided to find the source of the green, so loaded up the canoe and brought it home. Went to the 419 bridge, walked to the Econ/Little Econ confluence-

Econ on left, Little Econ on right, one clean, one gross.

The Little Econ was almost radioactively glowing green.

Went to the Oviedo swimming pool complex on Lockwood Boulevard- the stream runs by in the back-

Went to the Alafaya Trail bridge crossing.

Went to the SR 50 bridge crossing.

It looks better here. Don’t know if it’s because it’s shallow or I’m above the source of the green.

Went to Jay Blanchard Park.

Didn’t find the source of the green, but I got photos. Once home, I went on the internet to the Seminole County Water Atlas and the Orange County Water Atlas and made pollution reports. A few hours later Robert Renk, Regulatory Compliance Coordinator for Orange County, called me for information. I don’t know what, if anything, he is doing about the problem; hopefully something. I intend to get back to him and find out, will let you know.*

Wednesday took the kayak to the Banana River Lagoon, hoping for some late black drum, or giant snook or redfish. Ha! In spite of the sublime weather, my fantasies weren’t realized.

I almost ran over a redfish that was hanging with some black mullet. I tossed a new-penny-colored Bass Assassin at him and he trashed it! It was the first time I’ve used a Bass Assassin at least ten years- they still work! The fish was modest, 22 inches or so.

Later I got a couple more reds and a snook on a synthetic minnow fly, and one more snook on the Bass Assassin. Getting a good shot can be so hard, but sometimes it’s ridiculously easy. I was wading, when a redfish crossed a sandy patch on the bottom, about 40 feet away. The fish couldn’t have been more visible if it were carrying LEDs. Its angle was perfect, too. I flicked the streamer out. It landed a foot to the left of the fish. Two strips, BANG.

All the fish were modest, size-wise, so I didn’t get the camera out. Saw one trout all day. The water was pretty clear and seagrass is starting to grow back. Now all we need is for the fish populations to recover to their former abundance. Based on what I saw today, I needn’t go back there for a while.

Thursday, another fantastic weather day, saw me kayaking on Mosquito Lagoon. I saw a redfish and threw a streamer to it. I got this instead-

A nice start to the day.

I did get a redfish, on a different fly (the streamer fell apart, after only four fish, too. I need to have a discussion with my fly tyer), a tan slider.

If I could get a trout or a black drum, I’d have some slammage. I did not see any trout, but did find and catch a black. Yes, it was a lovely day, a great excursion.

*This Just In!

I just received an email from Robert Renk at Orange County about the Econ. Here’s what he had to say-

“The sample results that have been completed thus far all indicate a presence of Cyanobacteria: Dolichospermum (aka anabaena).  These Cyanobacteria get their color from phycocyanin that is often released as they are dying off.  In addition, all the samples so far have not had any toxins detected.  Here are some useful links that you can visit to follow algae blooms (including the ones reported below) in Florida.”

FDEP Algal Bloom Dashboard

Protecting Florida Together website

Florida DOH website

So no one was dumping green stuff- it’s an algal bloom.

That’s the Green (Econlockhatchee) River fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.