Beware the Ides of March Report

Beware the Ides of March Report

Thank you for reading this Beware the Ides of March Report. Fished two days, took pictures part of another one.

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Monday found me launching the kayak at the Snow Hill Road Econlockhatchee launch. I floated downstream casting a mouse gurgler fly and hooked two bass before the bridge was out of sight. Then, I couldn’t buy another bite. The switch to the spin rod was eventually made.

A black shad Culprit worm was the bait of choice for a long while. It got bit sporadically, by junior-league-sized bass. The best one was the first one I got, on the fly, and he was only 13 or 14 inches.

The river looked strangely quiet. There were no alligators (!). There were very few fish in the water that I could see. In five hours I saw a single, small catfish and a single Plecostamus, and one small school of mullet. Not a single bass did these eyeballs spot.

What there was, was a lot of chainsaw-cut branches. Some over-zealous individual(s) cut away lots of blowdowns to make the river accessible to motor vessels. To my way of thinking, more traffic = fewer fish. Or perhaps it was that day, or me. Either way, I don’t think I’ll be visiting that stretch again any time soon.

Purple gallinule


soft-shell turtle


Yellow-rumped Warbler


common moorhen


humans with cameras


pileated woodpecker


great egret


american alligator

Tuesday, 20-knot winds. Visited the Wetlands Park for about an hour, and learned birds don’t much like the wind, either. I still shot close to 300 frames, with my old, three-frame-per-second camera (The expensive new ones can do thirty.). The Park is going off, bird-wise, though. Lots of nesting birds, sandhill crane colts, etc. Good time to visit now.

Wednesday, had a meeting. Tied up a windy rainy day, so no problem there.

Thursday, 20-knot winds. Tied some flies.

Friday, an incredibly nice day, found me in the kayak, wearing waders on Mosquito Lagoon. I paddled quite a distance before getting a bite from anything other than a puffer. That last spot gave up a dozen trout and five or so reds, all fairly modest in size, all on the plastic shad. One or two trout may have exceeded 20 inches.

News Flash! People are boneheads! While I was standing there, a school of redfish swam almost right into me. As this was happening, four goobers in a big jonboat pulled up about 50 feet away, blowing all the fish out. They never knew. One guy put down the trolling motor and another said, “Don’t get too close to that guy [meaning me].” Too late, but thanks!

On the way back to the put-in I waded a sandy spot with the fly rod and one of the flies I’d tied the previous day. A redfish (maybe two?) swam by. I put the fly on him, he didn’t bite it. There must have been two, though, because the line came tight and minutes later I was releasing a red that was four or five pounds, best fish of the day. Never took the camera out.

Ten minutes later the boat was atop the van, and I was outta there!

That’s my Beware the Ides of March Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go bicycling! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Getting Back Up Report

Getting Back Up Report

Thank you for reading this Getting Back Up Report. Last week I wrote, “…before a bug got me- then I really was down. Doc says I should be OK by Monday.” Doc was optimistic.

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PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT! Friday is Valentine’s Day. Need I say more???

Tuesday found me trying a shore-fishing expedition to the Econ. This greeted me-

Not exactly awesome. I called the number, got a message, left a message, did not get a call back, and left it alone. I will get back on it in the coming week.

I went upstream of the confluence with the Little Econ, where the poo was coming from. In an hour and a half, not a bite. Saw one bass. It was in the eighties and I was melting. Came home and took a two-hour nap. Definitely not OK. On top of that, Susan had gotten the bug, too. There was a lot of snot flying around!

Thursday morning found me at the Orlando Wetlands Park. An easy walk with a camera, get some pictures, see how I feel- good plan. I felt fine.



green heron


little blue heron


needs no introduction

Thought about my wife, home sick all week. I went home and got her, then we drove out to the Black Point Wildlife Drive. There were lots of beautiful white birds there! We had lunch at Sunrise Bread Company, best sandwiches in town.

Friday, an amazingly beautiful day, found a yellow Ocean Kayak with me sitting in it floating on Mosquito Lagoon. I went to a place I don’t often fish. You need to do that sometimes. It gave up eight trout, increasing in size as they went from 12-inch to the 24-incher. Only saw three reds. Had a good shot at the third, he said I don’t think so. All on the 3″ shad. At any rate, I don’t need to go to that place again anytime soon.

So I think I’m getting back up, feeling better. And as always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Boreas Still Here, No Fishing. And Merry Christmas!

Boreas Still Here, No Fishing. And Merry Christmas!

Last week I wrote about Boreas, god of winds. Boreas still here, and again, no fishing. The Econ gauge as I write this is just under 12 feet, the Haulover Canal gauge at 1.5 feet, so fishing would likely be a waste even if I were to brave the gale. I might be getting cabin fever…

Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy holiday season! Merry Christmas!

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Great Blue Heron, Orlando Wetlands Park.

It was quite the week, though. A visit to the dermatologist to have pre-cancerous lesions frozen off my face. I remember all the fun in the sun I had for thirty years every time that happens. The winter solstice was Thursday. I love the pagan holidays! I disassembled the old camper build in my van and took halting steps towards building the new one. Rodney Smith and I took a walk at the Orlando Wetlands Park. Susan and I bought a new window install for our abode- cha-CHING! And, we had a guest blog by Julia Mitchell, enormously different than anything I might write.

Black vulture, Orlando Wetlands Park.


Purple aster, Orlando Wetlands Park.


American shad, St. Johns River.

Those of you who need fishing-related activity can take solace in the fact that the first shad to be caught in the St. Johns River will likely be caught between now and New Years Day. Dust off the shad tackle and get your flies and lures ready! Along with the shad, crappie, bluegills, a few largemouths, and if we’re lucky, those striper hybrids that Florida calls sunshine bass will be caught too!

Black crappie.


Largemouth bass, a very aggressive little one.


“Sunshine” bass, St. Johns River.

That’s the Boreas Still Here Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.