Carcinoma Report

Carcinoma Report

Thanks for reading this carcinoma report. I wanted to fish more this week than the one day I got in, but the windy weather played a big part in that. Who goes fishing when it’s blowing 20?

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These are all file photos. Didn’t bring my camera this time.

Tuesday I took the kayak to Mosquito Lagoon, basically using it for transport to places where I could wade. I caught quite a few fish blind-casting with barbless Clouser Minnows- seatrout, redfish, puffers (4!), and one black drum. Better than I expected! Yes, I do wear waders. Hate being wet and cold.




Before Christmas, I visited the dermatologist because of a disturbing bump on the back of my left hand. She froze it off with liquid nitrogen, telling me, “If this comes back, you need to come back here.”

It came back within days. I went back a couple weeks ago. She biopsied it. Squamous cell carcinoma.

Surgery Monday coming, not something to look forward to. I suppose that’s what happens when you live much of your life in the Florida sun, though I supposed I could have used sunblock more diligently.


And I’m close to starting to build a canoe! See for more information!


Two or three hours every day I didn’t fish this week was spent in my yard, battling the ferns from hell. We think they spread from the neighbor’s yard, not respecting the property line. They’re aggressively taking over our yard, so I’m aggressively tearing them out by their big, fat rhizomes.


OK, this was not my best report. Sorry about that.

That’s the carcinoma report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.