Fished One Day Report

Fished One Day Report

Thank you for reading this Fished One Day Report. That day was Tuesday. I probably should have gone Monday, too, but let the chance pass. The rest of the week was tied up with errands or less-than-optimal weather.

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Econ Update

Last week, writing about the Econ, I wrote, “I need to call Oviedo. No one answered, so I just sent an email.” A response came back, the same day! I reprint it here in its entirety-

Good evening, yes there was a sewer line break that could have potentially impacted the Econ River. The signs posted are a precautionary measure and the city continues to do water sampling for e. coli impact. The line has been fixed but as a precautionary measure we will continue to sample the water so the signs stay in place until we finish sampling for two more weeks. Again, this is a precautionary measure that we do anytime a water body could have been impacted for the safety of residents and visitors.

Amanda Kortus, CFM

I drove over the 419 bridge this afternoon. The poop sign was gone and folks were launching paddle vessels. Guess we’re good to go.

Tuesday’s Fishing

Went kayaking on Mosquito Lagoon. Went from partly cloudy to completely overcast, but the wind was light. Found reds, one here, one there. They either trashed the fly or fled in terror, so I got a few. Also got one slot trout on a plastic shad at the end of the day.

Your reporter has a copy of George Leonard Herter’s Professional Guide’s Manual that he bought from Herter’s some time in the 1960s. Weeks like this one, where not much fishing gets done, will see some content from this and other old books being used in this blog, pieces similar to the one reprinted below…


Contrary to common belief, the various phases of the moon have very little effect on fishes feeding habits. Reports from groups of ichthyologists state that fish strike when they are hungry or excited, regardless of the position of the moon. However, tides do affect the feeding of certain salt-water fish which follow the rising tide into the shallows.

Likewise, barometric pressure has very little to do with fish habits. According to the same groups of ichthyologists, feeding habits of fish are not determined by barometric pressure, although fishing after a hard rain will sometimes produce better fishing because of natural foods which have been washed into the lake by the rain.

On the other hand, water temperatures have a great deal to do with fishing. A water temperature indicator is a must to any fisherman. When the water is cold for a fish, it will lie dormant and feeding activity will be reduced to a minimum. When the right temperature range is found, fish tend to be active in feeding and better fishing will result. The best fishing temperatures for various fresh-water fish are listed below:

Atlantic Salmon, Trout .. 55-70degs. F
Chinook Salmon………….50-60 degs. F
Lake Trout ………………….40-50 degs.F
Pickerel……………………….60-75 degs. F
Landlocked Salmon……..40-55 degs. F
Pike, Muskellunge………..60-70 degs. F
Smallmouth Bass ……,….60-70 degs. F
Walleye ……… …………….55-65 dees. F
Largemouth Bass ………..65-75 degs. F
Yellow Perch ………………65-75 degs. F

What do you think? Do you agree with Mr. Herter’s assertions?


Went on an Oviedo Photo Club field trip to the Southern Oaks Training Center in Sorrento. They train standardbred horses there. A little out of my line, but with challenge comes growth. Anyway, here are a few photos from the place.




That’s my Fished One Day Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go bicycling! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Father’s Day No Fishing Report

The Father’s Day No Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Father’s Day No Fishing Report. Today is our 44th wedding anniversary, and tomorrow is father’s day! What a weekend! Happy father’s day to all the dads out there!

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Monday Susan and I launched the Bang-O-Craft at River Breeze, motored over to JB’s, and had a delightful lunch with Dave and Annie Caprera. Except for the fish in our sandwiches, no animals were hurt during this excursion!

Monday evening we had some of that tropical rain you may have heard about. Tuesday morning I came out, and my boat shed looked like a giant bathtub. After cutting a hole in the roof to let the water drain, I went to Harbor Freight and bought a new shed. I also took the Bang-O-Craft to the St. Johns to wash out the salt. Yes, I did hit the bottom.

Wednesday I disassembled the old shed, and put it out for the trash man.

Thursday’s fasting lab at the doctor’s kind of wrecked the day for any meaningful work. It’s hard to motivate for outside work when it’s already in the 90s (temperature AND relative humidity) when you’re about to start.

Friday and Saturday (anniversary day) I put the shed up. And sweated a lot.

The Bang-O-Craft’s new dog house.

So no fishing happened. It rained every day, sometimes heavily, and there were electrical overtones to some of the storms. See the screen shot of the Econlockhatchee River gauge-

Enough rain fell that the river went up over three feet.

Probably didn’t miss much besides skin damage by not fishing this week.

That’s the Father’s Day No fishing report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Four Days in Paradise Fishing Report and Photo Essay

Four Days in Paradise Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Four Days in Paradise Fishing Report. The weather this week has been incredible. I fished three days, and went to the wetlands park one. Thus the title.

-Public Service Announcement-

May 12 is Mother’s Day. That’s a week away! Go to the store right now and take care of your domestic needs!

May Day passed a few days back. Time to dust off this baby, even though I probably won’t be fishing for the big boys-

an ideal world
hot sun, blue sky, clear, slick water
a graphite wand, a sliver of steel, a wisp of feathers

a flash of silver breaks the mirror
then another, and another
feathers land in water
magically, they come to life

line tightens
mirror smashed
water flies, gills flare, body shakes, shudders
again, and again, and again

the beast tires
arms ache
hand grasps jaw
feathers removed
great fish swims free once more

one of God’s gifts to fly fishers


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An Econ update– here’s how the authorities responded to my reporting the green water:

I guess there’s not much to be done except wait for it to run its course. Or, with much more difficulty, find the source of the nutrients that feed the algae, and stop them from reaching the river.


the camera and I went for a short-ish walk, a mile or a little more, at the wetlands park. Dragonflies, sandhill cranes, alligators, and more. Always a good time! When it started to get hot, I bailed out.

Needham’s skimmer, female.


Halloween Pennant, male.


Four-spotted pennant, male.


The adult, preening!


The youngster, preening!


The photographer, not preening!


Four-spotted pennant, female.


This beast was lying right at the edge of the path.


The bullfrog was much less intimidating.


Eastern pondhawk, male.


I fished the Econ, upstream of the Little Econ. I took some pictures with my point-and-shoot and they were all blurry, so this is a representative file shot-

The water is low and the fish fairly bitey. Even though fly fishing is impossible there for someone at my skill level, I’m looking forward to going back.


found me doing something I had not done in a while, which was to launch the kayak at River Breeze. Most of the fishing was fair at best. I found a few tailing redfish and even with an unweighted fly, managed to spook all of them. Got a couple decent trout blind-casting the plastic shad.

I looked in some little nooks that I’d never really looked in before (there are so many of them around there), and found some relaxed fish there. How relaxed? The first one I got required a cast of about five feet- it trashed the shad. The second bite, which I somehow missed, came with the leader (at most three feet long) in the tip of the spinning rod. The fish was almost directly underneath me when it took the shad. Even though the fish swam off unharmed, it was amazingly cool to watch. That was it for the day, fish-wise. Probably paddled ten miles.


found me paddling on Mosquito Lagoon. Fly fishing exclusively, i dun gud! Let the photos tell the tail-

First fish, a tailer.


Hooked up.


This one was cruising the bank.



And I do mean “cruising the bank.”

That’s the four days in paradise fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, ©John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Green (Econlockhatchee) River Fishing Report

Green (Econlockhatchee) River Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Green (Econlockhatchee) River Fishing Report. Only went to the Econ once this week, and was pretty upset about what I found.

I’m selling some spinning rods. Go to this link to see what’s available.

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Early morning, everything looked fine.

Was looking forward to getting on the Econ on Tuesday. Started at Snow Hill Road, before 8 am. Thought the water looked odd, but didn’t dwell on it. Nothing touched my gurgler, which I also found odd. Switched to a Senko, got a solid bite, but the fishie came unbuttoned. I never saw it.

Came to a place where I almost always get a fish. Fished through it twice- nothing. By now the sun is up and the water is distinctly green, and quite murky.

Once the sun got up, the water looked bad.

Talked to some fishermen on the bank. One said the water was clear all last week, and then Saturday it was green. Bam. Just like that.

Fished until noon, got a single 12-incher on a purple worm, the only other bite I got. Decided to find the source of the green, so loaded up the canoe and brought it home. Went to the 419 bridge, walked to the Econ/Little Econ confluence-

Econ on left, Little Econ on right, one clean, one gross.

The Little Econ was almost radioactively glowing green.

Went to the Oviedo swimming pool complex on Lockwood Boulevard- the stream runs by in the back-

Went to the Alafaya Trail bridge crossing.

Went to the SR 50 bridge crossing.

It looks better here. Don’t know if it’s because it’s shallow or I’m above the source of the green.

Went to Jay Blanchard Park.

Didn’t find the source of the green, but I got photos. Once home, I went on the internet to the Seminole County Water Atlas and the Orange County Water Atlas and made pollution reports. A few hours later Robert Renk, Regulatory Compliance Coordinator for Orange County, called me for information. I don’t know what, if anything, he is doing about the problem; hopefully something. I intend to get back to him and find out, will let you know.*

Wednesday took the kayak to the Banana River Lagoon, hoping for some late black drum, or giant snook or redfish. Ha! In spite of the sublime weather, my fantasies weren’t realized.

I almost ran over a redfish that was hanging with some black mullet. I tossed a new-penny-colored Bass Assassin at him and he trashed it! It was the first time I’ve used a Bass Assassin at least ten years- they still work! The fish was modest, 22 inches or so.

Later I got a couple more reds and a snook on a synthetic minnow fly, and one more snook on the Bass Assassin. Getting a good shot can be so hard, but sometimes it’s ridiculously easy. I was wading, when a redfish crossed a sandy patch on the bottom, about 40 feet away. The fish couldn’t have been more visible if it were carrying LEDs. Its angle was perfect, too. I flicked the streamer out. It landed a foot to the left of the fish. Two strips, BANG.

All the fish were modest, size-wise, so I didn’t get the camera out. Saw one trout all day. The water was pretty clear and seagrass is starting to grow back. Now all we need is for the fish populations to recover to their former abundance. Based on what I saw today, I needn’t go back there for a while.

Thursday, another fantastic weather day, saw me kayaking on Mosquito Lagoon. I saw a redfish and threw a streamer to it. I got this instead-

A nice start to the day.

I did get a redfish, on a different fly (the streamer fell apart, after only four fish, too. I need to have a discussion with my fly tyer), a tan slider.

If I could get a trout or a black drum, I’d have some slammage. I did not see any trout, but did find and catch a black. Yes, it was a lovely day, a great excursion.

*This Just In!

I just received an email from Robert Renk at Orange County about the Econ. Here’s what he had to say-

“The sample results that have been completed thus far all indicate a presence of Cyanobacteria: Dolichospermum (aka anabaena).  These Cyanobacteria get their color from phycocyanin that is often released as they are dying off.  In addition, all the samples so far have not had any toxins detected.  Here are some useful links that you can visit to follow algae blooms (including the ones reported below) in Florida.”

FDEP Algal Bloom Dashboard

Protecting Florida Together website

Florida DOH website

So no one was dumping green stuff- it’s an algal bloom.

That’s the Green (Econlockhatchee) River fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Econlockhatchee and Other Stuff Fishing Report

Econlockhatchee and Other Stuff Fishing Report

Thanks for reading my Econlockhatchee and Other Stuff Fishing Report. Oh yes, it’s been quite a week, with a trip up a mountain, a trip across the country, and a trip down the Econ.

All you veterans, thanks for serving. I hope you’re taking advantage of your Veterans Administration benefits.

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First, some local news. Host Gator has been hosting my websites (,, since 2011. Before I left for California, I received an invoice from them for the next three years- $539 and change. When I was selling fishing charters, and selling books, paying the bill made sense. Now I collect Social Security and have a mostly fixed income. The website no longer makes me any money. Paying that fat bill isn’t a good financial decision for what is now in essence a public service.

The upshot is, on November 25, all the material on those sites goes up in cybersmoke. I hope to keep blogging but have not found a host yet, something else for me to do this week. Or maybe the blog ends too. We’ll see, I suppose.

OK, I think I found a new host. Will update all of you next week.



The mountain summit is inside this 1930s CCC building.

Maxx and I went up Mount Diablo, quite a famous mountain to geologists, mapmakers, and surveyors. The summit is used as the reference datum for land surveying in much of northern California and Nevada.

We did nothing more than check out the views and the wind caves, walking and jumping around the place as needed. It was a beautiful day in an awesome place, and I hope to bring my bride there, sooner rather than later.


Tuesday night I took a red-eye out of San Francisco, on which I actually slept some. Wednesday was mostly rest and recovery.


Nice fatty, best of the day. Almost crashed and burned between the current, the fish, and the fallen trees.

A splendid day found me in the canoe, floating down the Econ. Although I got a single, modest bass on fly, there was zero surface activity. Most of my fishing was with a Culprit worm. The fish seemed to like it.

A couple of the many alligators out enjoying the weather. Speaking of fatties.

Friday and Saturday

I’m booked solid with honey-dos and errands. I am ripping the camper part of my van apart and starting a major upgrade. I hope to blog about it! 🙂

That’s the Econlockhatchee and Other Stuff Fishing Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a trip! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Indian River Lagoon Report

Indian River Lagoon Report

Thanks for reading this Indian River Lagoon Report. Only one day this week was spent fishing, but I did paddle the Econ and get a walk in at the wetlands park.

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The Econ

Last week’s rains have raised the water level in the Econ. I paddled it Monday. The Snow Hill Road gauge read 5.5 feet. I didn’t bring a fishing rod, just a camera…



Wildflowers in a small meadow.


Seeds from a dandelion-like flower, waiting for the wind.

Indian River Lagoon

Last week’s rains have raised the water level in the lagoon, much higher than I like. I went kayaking in a spot that’s an old friend, one I hadn’t been to for a while. One red on fly, a couple trout, and no reason to rush back. The water is just too deep. You can’t see anything.

From there I went to another spot where I have been fishing lately, with some success. I tried wading. The water, formerly knee deep, now tickled the jewels. I got right back in the kayak. I did get a black drum on a 3″ plastic shad, to my surprise. Beautiful day, great paddling, tough fishing because of the water depth.

Orlando Wetlands Park

A walk in the wetlands park followed. Who cares about the water level? It was cloudy. I got some nice photos.


An old and beat-up four-spotted pennant.


A young and virile four-spotted pennant.


Great blue heron. Looks a little silly from this angle.


Needham’s skimmer, male.


Needham’s skimmer, female.




Eastern pondhawk, male.


Doctor for me, doctor for the van, week over. Enjoy your weekend, see you next time.

That’s the Indian River Lagoon Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Indian River Lagoon and Econlockhatchee Report

Indian River Lagoon and Econlockhatchee Report

Few things in life get a fly fisher more worked up than seeing tarpon rolling all over the place. Except hooking a couple, of course! Welcome to this week’s Indian River Lagoon and Econlockhatchee Report.

A walking, bank-fishing Econ trip with a spin rod started the week. I’d love to fish that stretch of river with a fly pole, but I lack that kind of skill. The fish were biting well, the song birds were singing, the Cooper’s hawks were shrieking, and I got some photos of otters. Fantastic day!




Next, Mike and River joined me for some Indian River Lagoon quality time. Redfish, black drum, and seatrout fell for our offerings. Water looked pretty good. That invasive exotic, grassy-looking stuff is taking over the bottom, though. We have a new exotic mussel, too. If they were larger, I’d eat them.


I returned to the scene of the crime a couple days later, hoping to cash in on what I’d learned from the day with Mike. That’s when I found the tarpon rolling! I hooked two, one on a streamer that jumped off, one on a gurgler that I unhooked and released. I got five other species (seatrout, jack crevalle, ladyfish, black drum, and redfish) for a total of six altogether. What was weird is, I got only one of each! All but the red were caught on fly.


Some serious jacks were showering mullet. It looked like the good old days! I love the jacks, I hope they stay around until after the mullet run.

Our governor and legislature keep passing one horrible, hateful, hurtful, and un-Christ-like law after another. It’s making me sick.

That’s the Indian River Lagoon and Econlockhatchee Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski


All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Fished a Day Report

Fished a Day Report

Regular readers of this blog know I have been working on building a canoe. I took Monday off from canoe building and used it to go fishing. I fished a day! So we have a fished a day report.

And what a day it was! Spectacular weather, the river to myself, and fish that were pretty cooperative. I started with spin tackle (the fish don’t seem to want to come up until the day warms) and finished strong with a fly rod popper. I lost my well-used fly rod mouse to a monster gar that somehow got hooked when he ate it, then proceeded to show me his impressive dimensions, then proceeded to pop my leader like sewing thread.

First fish of the day.

Got a few sunfish, too. No line-breakers there.

Wildlife observed included wading birds, turtles, alligators, swallow-tailed kites (a favorite), and this guy, who I believe thought he was hiding:

The rest of the week I worked on the canoe, except for the day this went on:

A new drain field for our septic system, in progress.

For interested parties, you can see the details of the canoe-building here:

Here a photo of your blogger with his finished canoe frame-

Skinning the boat will happen towards the end of nest week, I suspect.

And that’s the Fished a Day report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Fished Around Central Florida Report

Fished Around Central Florida Report

Thanks for reading this Fished Around Central Florida Report. Was fortunate enough to get out four days, and visited the dermatologist again. The weather maintains a fantastic level between fabulous and awesome.

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Bob Hosking and I went to the Econlockhatchee. It being Saturday, I was expecting a plastic horde, but we had the place to ourselves. We got quite a few fish, and while there were no monsters, a couple four-pounders came to hand. Bob used a plastic worm. I used a fly rod mouse and a Senko. It didn’t seem to make much difference.

Bob, average-sized Econ bass.



noting the water was low, I visited the Banana River Lagoon. The water makes up for its low level with a distinct lack of clarity. I got a nice trout blind-casting the Senko, and a couple shoreline redfish (the only way I could have seen them) on a black Clouser Minnow. Don’t need to go back for a while.

The fish threw saltwater all over my camera.


I tried Mosquito Lagoon again. I could copy and paste what I just wrote about the Banana River Lagoon. Low, dirty water, the only fish I could see were on the shoreline. Incredibly, managed three reds on fly. Took zero photos, somewhat of a relief, actually.


Took a solo Econlockhatchee trip. It’s been good, the water is at the right level. Flies and soft plastics are what I’ve been using. Saw lots of gatorsaurusses.



my PA (I feel like we’re developing a relationship at this point) at the dermatologist froze another pre-cancerous lesion off my face. That’s what I get for spending so much of my life in the sunshine.

That’s the Fished Around Central Florida Report report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Off the Injured List

Off the Injured List

Thanks for reading off the injured list. As Mel Brooks would say, It’s good to have two functioning hands! Happy to be ambulatory, I fished six days in a row.

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I launched at CS Lee Park on the St. Johns River to test the transom. What a difference! And, once there, it only made sense to try and catch some shad. There weren’t many around. Mine was the only boat there. Two shad came to hand in four hours. Got some nice crappie and a fat redbelly, too, all on crappie jigs.


I went scouting out of River Breeze, using the jonboat. Although I got a nice red and a couple trout, I found a lot of places to not go back to for a while.


Bob Hosking and I went to Mosquito Lagoon in the Bang-O-Craft. The water is getting dirty and fishing was slow. We got a small snook and two marginal seatrout between us in almost six hours. Sadly, the fish abandoned all the places where I’d been getting them prior to the surgery.   🙁


I took the stitches out of my thumb. Not sure if paddling was a good idea yet, I went walking along the Econlockhatchee, alternating tossing a plastic shad and a Senko-style bait. The fish weren’t suicidal, but I got five or six bass, smallish ones, in four hours. A lovely afternoon it was!


On a gurgler dressed like a mouse…

Susan dropped me and my kayak off at the Econlockhatchee, armed with both fly and spin rods. Both worked well! The bass averaged a pound to two, with a couple heftier ones to keep it spicy.


Which view do you prefer?

The gatorsauruses kept it REAL spicy. When I got to the take-out Susan came and picked me up. Yes, I am lucky. It helps we live nearby. When the water runs low and clear, the Econ is such a lovely stream.


was a Mosquito Lagoon kayak day. I saw only four redfish all day, hooking, and losing, the last one. Just when things were looking bleak a black drum tailed. There weren’t a lot of them, just enough to keep me entertained. Had good shots at six, caught and released two.



Redbelly on the mouse gurgler. Must have been HUNGRY.

I returned to the Econlockhatchee, hitting a different section. No gators! Got a channel cat on a Senko, a first for me. Also got a sunfish slam on fly. And the usual largemouth bass assortment, some (the biggest) on spin, most on fly.


The weather was awesome all week, the fish mostly bit, and both my hands work again. Life is great!

That’s the off the injured list report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.