No Fishing Report, Fishing Photo Essay
Thanks for reading my No Fishing Report. There was no fishing this week. The weather all week was terrible, and I’ve been simultaneously trying to move my website and fight a respiratory infection. Since I have thousands of images of fishing, we’re going for a walk down memory lane with a few of my favorites.
Subscribers without photos- go to, please.
First, my website saga. I found a new host. Moving the website has been an ongoing problem, but I hope to finish it by the time you read this. I guess we’ll see come November 25!
These photos share some of the reasons I’m compelled to fish. The fish bring me to beautiful, wild places! Fish are beautiful, wild beings! Truth is, I often feel sorry for the fish, even while I try to catch them. But nothing brings me “into the moment” more than stalking a fish. I love the fishes and the places they live.

During a kid’s fishing outing at Lake Ashby, this girl caught this killifish. She was real happy about it!
That’s the No Fishing Report. Thanks for reading!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a trip! Stay active!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.
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