A Week with the Shannons Report

A Week with the Shannons Report

Thank you for reading this Week with the Shannons Report. During my week there, I helped (in a small way) with the renovations on their lake house, ate too much of Cindy’s incredible cooking, and fished in Annie Battle Lake in Glendalough State Park three times.

Our friend Julia Mitchell has another wonderful guest blog with us this week, too!

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Glendalough used to be a private preserve before becoming a state park. We could have fished in Battle Lake, but the park doesn’t allow motors in Annie Battle, which has no residences on it. Kind of a no-brainer for me. Ken and I fished it from kayaks two days, and I donned my waders and just waded it the other.

Ken wrangles a fish in the bulrushes. It got away!

The fish didn’t seem to care.

The first day, we were under orders to catch some sunfish for dinner, which colored our approach. In spite of tossing tiny baits (I tossed a wooly bugger with the fly rod, Ken a crappie jig with the spin) we caught largemouth bass, rock bass, and northern pike in addition to bluegills and pumpkinseeds.

The bluegills were fat and aggressive.

The wading day I was alone and just wanted to entertain myself. All I had were trout flies, and while I started with the wooly bugger, I ended up tossing a grasshopper pattern around bulrushes. The bugger produced a rock bass and a small northern pike. The grasshopper fooled numerous sunfish of both species and quite a few largemouth bass to maybe a pound-and-a-half.

Ken, rigging up.

Then I got an idea to buy some larger hooks and tie up some bigger leeches and bass bugs.

Bass on a leech.

Our last day, Ken brought some serious plugs and I used my new, larger flies. The results were basically the same. Although bites were frequent, neither of us got a fish bigger than maybe two pounds. I easily had a 30-fish day, fishing about four hours. All beautiful, healthy fish, too.

Bass on a gurgler.

I had a great time during my visit and would like to thank Ken and Cindy for being such thoughtful and gracious hosts. I am not worthy…

Now I’m on my way to Superior, Wisconsin to visit my cousin, Josh. I’m slowly working my way back to Florida!

That’s my Week with the Shannons Report. Thanks for reading it!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.