The Equinox Report

The Equinox Report

Thank you for reading this Equinox Report. I only got to fish Wednesday- not even on the equinox! As windy as it’s been all week, I was lucky to fish at all. All the photos this week are file photos. I didn’t take the camera out all week.

And now the length of daylight exceeds the length of darkness, at least until September…

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Monday I got to take a lung function test. These are not a favorite, and it is my sincere wish that none of my readers ever have to take one.

Tuesday required a follow-up visit to the pulmonologist to discuss the function test. It was hardly different than the previous one, which is good. The visit completely tied up my day, but both Monday and Tuesday were windy anyway.

Wednesday I met Mike Conneen and River at the Mosquito Lagoon for some kayak fishing. While I was driving there the car thermometer registered 37 degrees! But there wasn’t much wind, and there were no clouds, and the sun was warm even if the air wasn’t.

Mike, River, and a redfish.

Fishing was slow all morning, and Mike and I split up. After eating lunch I was paddling and looking, and nearly ran over what had to be the stupidest redfish in the lagoon. After passing it, I turned around to look for it, a ploy that almost never works. But this time, the fish was still there, tilted down, apparently looking at or for something on the bottom. I cast and the fish took the fly. But I missed it. As I pulled the fly for another cast, the fish chased it almost to my bright yellow boat.

That certainly should have been the end, but the fish turned around and casually started swimming away. Leader butt in the rod, I just flopped the fly out there again and the fish nailed it, and this time it stuck. It wasn’t a big fish by any means, 22 inches or so, between two and three years old. I kissed it, unhooked it, and released it, amazed I had gotten it. Dumb, dumb fish.

Tammy, the inimitable.

The next fish was a couple hours later, also a redfish, but a larger one. Again, the leader butt was in the rod, and I watched the eat move (couldn’t see the fly). When I got the fish to the boat, instead of using the dehooker, I used a pair of forceps. Just as I was about to grab the fly, the fish shook. The leader got caught in the scissors part of the forceps which cleanly cut the tippet, and the fish made off with a new piece of jewelry, that it probably didn’t want and which I certainly didn’t intend to give.

Laurel, on a charter a long time ago.

The last fish of the day was tailing when I saw it. Then it started swimming on a course parallel to mine. Again, it was close and the leader butt was in the rod. I flopped the fly out there. Never felt the take. I saw the leader moving sideways and set. Fought the fish to the boat and it shook the hook, so no forceps accident there, good thing. Then I went back to the boat ramp.

Ken the Professional Fish Model.

I hadn’t gotten a fish with the leader in the rod in quite a while, and then got three that way in one day. Kind of amazing, and certainly great luck was involved.

Thursday and Friday were both real breezy again. The A/C in the van went out, so that gave me something to research. Hope it doesn’t cost thousands to fix!

That’s my Equinox Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go bicycling! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Down and Up and Down Report

Down and Up and Down Report

Thank you for reading this Down and Up and Down Report. Got out three days this week before a bug got me- then I really was down. Doc says I should be OK by Monday.

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I have, for your perusal (and hopefully action) a pair of petitions to consider. The first-

-The largest money lender in Africa, Standard Bank, and Japan’s Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) will fund a 1,443-kilometer crude oil pipeline that will cross Tanzania and Uganda. A large number of people will be displaced and wetlands, water sources, and protected ecosystems in Tanzania and Uganda would be in jeopardy. See the petition here…

Stop Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining in Tennessee’s Protected Forests
Mountaintop removal coal mining is a destructive practice that devastates our landscapes, contaminates our water, and harms our wildlife. In Tennessee, Hurricane Creek Mining LLC is seeking a permit to mine 650 acres of protected forest. How protected is the forest if it can get strip-mined? When is the last time anyone you know used coal??? See the petition here… 


Son Maxx and his lovely bride were supposed to visit. After we spent the day waiting, they called and said they were coming Tuesday. So we got to wait Tuesday, too.


Maxx and Cat and I took the Bang-O-Craft out onto Mosquito Lagoon. Rejoiced in the fact the water is ridiculously clean. But no fish, no fish, no fish, ran a few over, ran a bunch over, then found a school of black drum with a few reds mixed in. They behaved like they have been pounded for a while, and we did not get a bite in spite of several excellent shots. A skunk, for sure.


I took the kayak out on Mosquito Lagoon. You would have thought it was a different planet. Tailing fish much of the day, and mostly willing eaters on the fly. Which was good, since it made up for both Wednesday and…


I took the kayak out on the Banana River Lagoon. I saw exactly six redfish in six miles of paddling. If you see one fish per mile, your catch rate is going to be small. Didn’t get a shot- another skunk.

Maxx said I should have gone back to Mosquito Lagoon. I don’t think it’s good policy to beat up the same fish day after day. It teaches them hook avoidance.

So it was truly Down and Up and Down. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Ree-Dik-You-Loess Report

Ree-Dik-You-Loess Report

Thank you for reading this Ree-Dik-You-Loess Report. While it was like winter around here this week, I got out two days, one to the Florida Trail and one to Mosquito Lagoon.

Thank you to those of you who responded to my new slideshow posted at I realized that if you look with a mobile device, the show isn’t obvious. The first photo is of a sunrise, very pink and purple. If you scroll on that photo, the next one appears as if by magic!

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Monday and Tuesday

found me working on a website and pulling ferns. The forecast for Wednesday made me want to go for a walk, to get out of the house.


Susan gave me a ride to the Curryville Road trailhead for the Florida Trail. I brought a camera, figuring to get some photos along with a much-needed walk. From that trailhead back to my house is around two miles or a bit more. It was so nice out- I thought quite often that I should have gone fishing. Anyway, here are a few photos from the walk. If you want more, there’s a slideshow at

A January oak leaf on the FT.


Mills Creek



Swampy spot along the trail. The FT has a lot of these, and the trail frequently goes right through them.


Palmetto fibers.


Marsh fern


Pollen cones on a sand pine. Yes, they are dropping pollen.


more website work. And the forecast for Friday changed for the better! There was still website work to do, and ferns to pull up, but a decision was made to go fishing. Neither the website nor the ferns were going anywhere.


morning found me riding the chariot, heading east, carrying the kayak on top, to Mosquito Lagoon. The thermometer read 39 degrees when I left the house, around 0830.

The lagoon was almost slick calm, and the sky was cloudless. Could be a good day.

Got nothing at the first spot.

The second offered me a shot at a nice red, and I converted with an olive over white Clouser Minnow. A second, smaller red fell for it shortly after.


My first victim, released of course.

By now I could see pretty well. There were six or eight more fish there, and they were spooking off the splash of the fly. I changed to an unweighted fly. Then they spooked off its movement. When this happens, you can either keep changing flies, trying to find the magic fly, or leave fish that are clearly not interested in eating to try to find some other, more cooperative ones. This is what I did.

It was a good call.

The next fish was easily 15 pounds. It got into my backing- twice. Wow, that hasn’t happened for a long time! And he had friends, from dinky 18-inchers up to ten pounds or so, and some trout too. They were all hungry and aggressive. It was Ree-Dik-You-Loess.

The fish of the day.


These guys crashed the party, too.

When the bite finally slowed, I had to drink water, pee, and eat some lunch. It was after 1 PM. While eating lunch, thinking about my next move, I realized my day was over. I had a good paddle back to the put-in, an hour’s drive, and it was my night to cook.

It’s kind of weird to realize that on January 10, I may have had the best day of fishing I’ll have all year. Hey, take ’em when you get ’em, and be glad you hit it right.

That’s the Ree-Dik-You-Loess Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

One Mosquito Lagoon Day Report

One Mosquito Lagoon Day Report

Thank you for reading this One Mosquito Lagoon Day Report. Shaky weather and errands important and less so kept me off the water the rest of the week.

For all you pagans, Saturday 12/21 marks the solstice. Start partying! The days will get longer from now until June!

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Rodney the Cover Boy.

The inadequate eulogy to Rodney was posted, but the photos are fun.

I had to get blood work done Monday, and ran errands a good part of the day afterwards, trying to get them all done. Did not succeed.

Tuesday I loaded up the kayak and drove to Mosquito Lagoon. It was a beautiful day, just a touch breezy. The first spot produced a fat, top-of-the-slot trout on the second cast with the spin rod, 3″ shad. Immediately switched to the fly pole, got two more trout and a red blind-casting with a red-over-white Clouser Minnow, which was the fly du jour. I was wading here and at all the other spots but one. Bite stopped- on to the next spot.

The next spot coughed up four equally nice trout, all on fly. Bite stopped- keep moving.

The next place was fished from the kayak with the spin rod. Five trout, all larger than their predecessors.

The next place did not produce a thing. But the one after that produced a flounder, a ladyfish, a solid redfish and a small puffer.

The final spot gave up a half-dozen trout. So far, the day is pretty awesome.

I tried sight-fishing from the kayak on the way back, saw five reds, did not come close to getting a shot at any of them. But had zero reason to complain. The boat was loaded up around 1530.

That’s the One Mosquito Lagoon Day Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

North IRL System Report

North IRL System Report and a TAF Update

Thank you for reading this North IRL System Report and a TAF Update. I fished one day in the Indian River Lagoon and two days in the Mosquito Lagoon, by kayak. The Assistance Fund also got some more donations, thank you very much.

Also, Julia Mitchell has another excellent guest blog on Living as a Digital Nomad!

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A huge THANK YOU to all the donors to The Assistance Fund, by name and in no particular order-

-Laura Rice
-Ed Perry
-Dean Altenhofen
-Walt Sheppard
-Earl Gillespie
-Ken Shannon
-Emily Nelson
-Kelly Holz
-Curtis Duffield
-Michelle Wilm
-Marcia Foosaner
-Nicholas Colantonio
-Stephen Truscott
-Stephen Butrym
-Jorge Hidalgo
-John Harrison

We have raised $1,650.60 over 18 donations, 33 percent of my goal, and thank you, thank you, thank you again! Great job!

The fundraiser link if you’re motivated to donate (Please!)-

As a reminder, the Assistance Fund helps underinsured people living with life-threatening, chronic, illness obtain treatment and medicine by providing financial assistance for their copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other health-related expenses.

The updates will continue every week until the fundraiser ends (at Thanksgiving), and of course if you’ve considered donating, it’s not too late!


OK, Fishing!

I wish I had better news.


found me paddling on the Indian River Lagoon. The water was high and brown. There were quite a few mullet around, and occasionally something large would blow up on them. I tried my 3″ shad, a DOA Bait Buster, and what is for me a new lure, the 4″ Culprit Mullet. I fooled a juvenile snook with the shad and got a ladyfish on a Clouser Minnow, and missed a couple half-hearted bites. Whatever was blowing up on that bait ignored my offerings completely.

After pulling the kayak out (it got pretty windy, a theme that continued through the week), I drove down Route 3, checking spots for future reference. At one, I couldn’t help but notice what looked like baby tarpon rolling. I pulled out the fly pole, put on a little Crease Fly (thank you, Joe Blados!) and proceeded to catch three baby tarpon in succession, then missed several more. A fun (for me, not the fish) 30 minutes that salvaged the day. But I did not find any spots that looked more fishy than anything I’d seen earlier that day.

The Crease Fly, invented by Joe Blados. Mine look somewhat less polished.

Something I re-observed about tarpon-
Tarpon of any size that have not been fished are very aggressive. It doesn’t take them long to smarten up! The three I caught were my first three bites. After that, the bites were more hesitant, and then they stopped altogether. All in about 30 minutes! I’ve noticed this before in similar situations. Perhaps they communicate with each other somehow, possibly chemically, or perhaps you just catch the aggressive ones and the rest are more timid. Generally, if you move a short distance, the same pattern repeats.

Yeah, they were babies.


I launched at River Breeze. While driving over there, I was fairly enamored over the lovely, razor-thin crescent of the nearly new moon, just beautiful. Upon arriving at the lagoon, I was also struck by the richness of the bird life. But the water was high and brown. I paddled about five miles in four hours, only seeing a single redfish. The most exciting thing that happened was an osprey swooped down on that Culprit Mullet, thinking about diving on it, as I retrieved it. Fortunately he pulled up when he was about a foot off the water- I don’t want to have to unhook any birds of prey!

Sadly, no bites happened to disturb the bird-watching. When the wind started pushing near 20, I bagged it, a total skunking with nary a nibble.


was blowing hard from the get-go. I did not fish.


found me paddling and wading at Mosquito Lagoon. I went to the shallowest place I could find, and unbelievably there were some fish there. The first fish I saw elicited both disbelief and elation, especially when it took the slider. The scene repeated twice, and I got another red and a beautiful, fat trout by blind casting with a Clouser Minnow. Then the wind started honking, and I loaded up after enjoying much better fishing than expected.

More than I expected…


…especially when he showed up.

The NOAA forecast for Monday through Wednesday here is east at 15-20 knots. May not be fishing much!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Two Econ Days Fishing Report

Two Econ Days Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Two Econ Days Fishing Report. This week we are in the Florida summer, including the lightning storms. Time to play Dodge the Lightning Bolts, always an exciting game!

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This reporter floated the Econlockhatchee in his homemade canoe. The gauge was at 1.4 feet. I had to get out several times to drag over or around obstacles or low water. Fishing was, in spite of the algae bloom (which is still there but looks much better), pretty good.


There were 20 knot winds accompanied by a nice storm. I went to Tosahatchee and the Orlando Wetlands Park. No fishing was done, but there was a little photography.



Four-spotted skimmer male.


Whistling duck.


Take a guess!


It rained like it meant it for a good portion of the day. I stayed home and tied flies much of the day. Just what I needed- more flies! The Econ gauge currently reads (Thursday evening) 2.3 feet and the water is still rising. The rain has put the river up almost a foot, and it’s still going up. Is fly fishing there done for the year? Another week should tell.


Friends Dean and Phil Altenhofen, brothers from out west, came in for two days of fishing on Friday. We went to Mosquito Lagoon. The weather forecast could hardly have been more wrong. The sky had overcast, which got thicker and thicker until this happened-

Then it rained, of course, and the predicted 5 knot winds became 15. We bailed, with Phil having gotten a single puffer.


With a 70 percent probability of thunderstorms, we floated the Econlockhatchee. It was a foot higher than it had been on Monday. Had the place to ourselves. We brought raincoats, so it didn’t rain. These guys don’t bass fish (Phil had never caught one), so it took them a little while to figure out where to put the gurglers and how to work them. But they did. We had a great time, and even saw a few alligators.





Phil again.

Thanks for coming, gentlemen! Let’s do it again!

That’s the Two Econ Days fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

This week’s cartoon!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Four Days in Paradise Fishing Report and Photo Essay

Four Days in Paradise Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Four Days in Paradise Fishing Report. The weather this week has been incredible. I fished three days, and went to the wetlands park one. Thus the title.

-Public Service Announcement-

May 12 is Mother’s Day. That’s a week away! Go to the store right now and take care of your domestic needs!

May Day passed a few days back. Time to dust off this baby, even though I probably won’t be fishing for the big boys-

an ideal world
hot sun, blue sky, clear, slick water
a graphite wand, a sliver of steel, a wisp of feathers

a flash of silver breaks the mirror
then another, and another
feathers land in water
magically, they come to life

line tightens
mirror smashed
water flies, gills flare, body shakes, shudders
again, and again, and again

the beast tires
arms ache
hand grasps jaw
feathers removed
great fish swims free once more

one of God’s gifts to fly fishers


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An Econ update– here’s how the authorities responded to my reporting the green water:

I guess there’s not much to be done except wait for it to run its course. Or, with much more difficulty, find the source of the nutrients that feed the algae, and stop them from reaching the river.


the camera and I went for a short-ish walk, a mile or a little more, at the wetlands park. Dragonflies, sandhill cranes, alligators, and more. Always a good time! When it started to get hot, I bailed out.

Needham’s skimmer, female.


Halloween Pennant, male.


Four-spotted pennant, male.


The adult, preening!


The youngster, preening!


The photographer, not preening!


Four-spotted pennant, female.


This beast was lying right at the edge of the path.


The bullfrog was much less intimidating.


Eastern pondhawk, male.


I fished the Econ, upstream of the Little Econ. I took some pictures with my point-and-shoot and they were all blurry, so this is a representative file shot-

The water is low and the fish fairly bitey. Even though fly fishing is impossible there for someone at my skill level, I’m looking forward to going back.


found me doing something I had not done in a while, which was to launch the kayak at River Breeze. Most of the fishing was fair at best. I found a few tailing redfish and even with an unweighted fly, managed to spook all of them. Got a couple decent trout blind-casting the plastic shad.

I looked in some little nooks that I’d never really looked in before (there are so many of them around there), and found some relaxed fish there. How relaxed? The first one I got required a cast of about five feet- it trashed the shad. The second bite, which I somehow missed, came with the leader (at most three feet long) in the tip of the spinning rod. The fish was almost directly underneath me when it took the shad. Even though the fish swam off unharmed, it was amazingly cool to watch. That was it for the day, fish-wise. Probably paddled ten miles.


found me paddling on Mosquito Lagoon. Fly fishing exclusively, i dun gud! Let the photos tell the tail-

First fish, a tailer.


Hooked up.


This one was cruising the bank.



And I do mean “cruising the bank.”

That’s the four days in paradise fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, ©John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Green (Econlockhatchee) River Fishing Report

Green (Econlockhatchee) River Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Green (Econlockhatchee) River Fishing Report. Only went to the Econ once this week, and was pretty upset about what I found.

I’m selling some spinning rods. Go to this link to see what’s available.

Subscribers without photos- go to, please.

Early morning, everything looked fine.

Was looking forward to getting on the Econ on Tuesday. Started at Snow Hill Road, before 8 am. Thought the water looked odd, but didn’t dwell on it. Nothing touched my gurgler, which I also found odd. Switched to a Senko, got a solid bite, but the fishie came unbuttoned. I never saw it.

Came to a place where I almost always get a fish. Fished through it twice- nothing. By now the sun is up and the water is distinctly green, and quite murky.

Once the sun got up, the water looked bad.

Talked to some fishermen on the bank. One said the water was clear all last week, and then Saturday it was green. Bam. Just like that.

Fished until noon, got a single 12-incher on a purple worm, the only other bite I got. Decided to find the source of the green, so loaded up the canoe and brought it home. Went to the 419 bridge, walked to the Econ/Little Econ confluence-

Econ on left, Little Econ on right, one clean, one gross.

The Little Econ was almost radioactively glowing green.

Went to the Oviedo swimming pool complex on Lockwood Boulevard- the stream runs by in the back-

Went to the Alafaya Trail bridge crossing.

Went to the SR 50 bridge crossing.

It looks better here. Don’t know if it’s because it’s shallow or I’m above the source of the green.

Went to Jay Blanchard Park.

Didn’t find the source of the green, but I got photos. Once home, I went on the internet to the Seminole County Water Atlas and the Orange County Water Atlas and made pollution reports. A few hours later Robert Renk, Regulatory Compliance Coordinator for Orange County, called me for information. I don’t know what, if anything, he is doing about the problem; hopefully something. I intend to get back to him and find out, will let you know.*

Wednesday took the kayak to the Banana River Lagoon, hoping for some late black drum, or giant snook or redfish. Ha! In spite of the sublime weather, my fantasies weren’t realized.

I almost ran over a redfish that was hanging with some black mullet. I tossed a new-penny-colored Bass Assassin at him and he trashed it! It was the first time I’ve used a Bass Assassin at least ten years- they still work! The fish was modest, 22 inches or so.

Later I got a couple more reds and a snook on a synthetic minnow fly, and one more snook on the Bass Assassin. Getting a good shot can be so hard, but sometimes it’s ridiculously easy. I was wading, when a redfish crossed a sandy patch on the bottom, about 40 feet away. The fish couldn’t have been more visible if it were carrying LEDs. Its angle was perfect, too. I flicked the streamer out. It landed a foot to the left of the fish. Two strips, BANG.

All the fish were modest, size-wise, so I didn’t get the camera out. Saw one trout all day. The water was pretty clear and seagrass is starting to grow back. Now all we need is for the fish populations to recover to their former abundance. Based on what I saw today, I needn’t go back there for a while.

Thursday, another fantastic weather day, saw me kayaking on Mosquito Lagoon. I saw a redfish and threw a streamer to it. I got this instead-

A nice start to the day.

I did get a redfish, on a different fly (the streamer fell apart, after only four fish, too. I need to have a discussion with my fly tyer), a tan slider.

If I could get a trout or a black drum, I’d have some slammage. I did not see any trout, but did find and catch a black. Yes, it was a lovely day, a great excursion.

*This Just In!

I just received an email from Robert Renk at Orange County about the Econ. Here’s what he had to say-

“The sample results that have been completed thus far all indicate a presence of Cyanobacteria: Dolichospermum (aka anabaena).  These Cyanobacteria get their color from phycocyanin that is often released as they are dying off.  In addition, all the samples so far have not had any toxins detected.  Here are some useful links that you can visit to follow algae blooms (including the ones reported below) in Florida.”

FDEP Algal Bloom Dashboard

Protecting Florida Together website

Florida DOH website

So no one was dumping green stuff- it’s an algal bloom.

That’s the Green (Econlockhatchee) River fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Puffers, Dali, and More Fishing Report

Puffers, Dali, and More Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Puffers, Dali, and More Fishing Report. Dali has little to do with fishing, but I’ve always liked his work.

In a totally different direction, how about Red Sox starting pitcher Tanner Houck? Wednesday night he pitched a full nine-innings of shutout ball, taking 96 pitches to register 27 outs against the Cleveland Guardians. It was the first full game by a Red Sox pitcher in two years, and only the third this season in major league baseball. Sox won by two.

We also have a guest blog this week by Julia Mitchell- Beyond Borders: Diverse Careers That Embrace the Digital Nomad Lifestyle. It’s an interesting read!

Subscribers without photos- go to, please.

Monday found me paddling on the Indian River Lagoon on a spectacular morning. There were only a few redfish around- very spooky. The leader on my fly line is easily 15 feet long, and it seems too short for them. I had two decent shots, had one bite (missed it) and one extended follow where the fish finally turned off. The puffers, however, liked my fly, enough I got three of them. Don’t know which is worse, getting skunked or getting three puffers. Rodney sez No fish is a bad fish, tho.

Tuesday Susan and I journeyed to St. Petersburg, Florida, home of the Tampa Bay Rays and the Dali Museum. We were visiting the latter. I hadn’t been there since they moved into the new edifice. There was an exhibit of Impressionists, and the permanent collection. A few of my favorites from the latter:


Lovely place, well worth a visit.

When our work there was over, we moseyed (by way of Dunedin) to Hillsborough River State Park, where we spent the night. HRSP boasts one of Florida’s two river rapids:

Hillsborough River Rapids.

Lovely place, well worth a visit.

Thursday I tried the Mosquito Lagoon. The road to the boat ramp looked like this-


I wrote to the refuge, asking for an explanation. I got one. They are trying to improve the habitat for the scrub jays- “Florida Scrub Jays need low scrubby habitat with lots of sandy openings. This habitat is maintained by fire. In the absences of fire, the habitat transitions from open scrub to dense, tall forest and scrub jays can not survive. ”

Other than that, the day was a lot like Monday. The weather was incredible, the water was clean, there was seagrass, and there were relatively few spooky fish around. I saw 12-15 reds, a handful of snook, two or three trout. Unlike Monday, I did not get a shot at a decent fish. I did get four more puffers, however, and two snappers, a hockey-puck-sized crevalle, and a black drum of about three pounds, all on fly. Wouldn’t toss a soft plastic bait out there with the hordes of puffers. It’s definitely yacht season again.

Friday I was joined by Alastair Worden. He uses an electric motorized kayak because of an injury he’d sustained. We missed several strikes between us, and all that kept me from a skunking was a six-inch snapper that took my slider fly.

I saw another fly caster (Bob Vaughn by name) hook and boat a redfish, which I photographed. His fly was tied with fur from his dog. Gotta love that!


At least someone is getting reds!

Assuming Alastair had a watch, I asked him what time it was. It turns out he does not use a watch, and had to take his phone out- it was 1204. While the phone was out, he noticed his daughter had texted him. Like a good dad, he answered her. Unfortunately he did not turn off the motor. While he was texting, his kayak went around in a circle. It ran over his line, which fouled the propeller. He had to go ashore and remove the propeller to un-foul it.

At this point, seeing he had an issue but not knowing what it was, I paddled over to him and asked if he was OK. He said, “Never text and drive.” He didn’t say “No”, so I assumed (incorrectly) that he was OK, and off I went.

After he put the rig back together, it wouldn’t run. He started paddling back to the launch, but it hurt his back. He got out and started dragging the boat. I saw this and paddled back over to him. Then a guy in a motor boat came over, and kindly took Alastair in tow. Near the launch, a manatee almost knocked Alistair out of his boat, just to make the day even more interesting. Thank goodness the kayak didn’t roll over! I  really hope Alistair’s back is OK.

I fished three days this week, caught fish every day, and did not get a single species I was targeting. That’s fishing!

That’s also the Puffers, Dali, and More fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Two Fine Days on Mosquito Lagoon

Two Fine Days on Mosquito Lagoon

It’s wintertime, which means even in central Florida, you have to pick your fishing days around the weather. I had two fine days on Mosquito Lagoon this week, both beautiful days. I went to different places. Although the water was remarkably clear in both places, the results (from a fish-catching perspective) were markedly different.

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One thing I noticed in both places was that wherever there was hard substrate (rocks and/or oyster shells) there were sponges growing. I don’t know what species they are, or if they are native or exotic. How many sponge experts are there??? When’s the last time you saw a field guide to sponges of the southeastern United States?

I do know sponges filter enormous quantities of water, and provide hiding places for small fish, shrimp, and crabs. So I was glad to see them, and am hoping they are not a sign of a coming apocalypse.

Best fish of the day!

Wednesday I fished around spoil islands. Nothing, nothing, nothing, then a load of fish on a small spot maybe 50 yards long. Seatrout and red drum, lots of little guys, but a couple decent ones, and no puffers were caught. I used one of those synthetic Clouser Minnows I tied last week- one fly all day. No collateral puffer damage, mission accomplished. Saw a few fish along the shoreline of the return trip, had one good shot using a bendback, got an eat, pooched it.

Same fish, different perspective!

Friday I went to River Breeze. Water looked great clarity-wise. Not much grass, lots of Rhodophyta. A saw maybe a dozen fish, some quick math, it came out to about one fish seen per paddled mile. Not gonna catch much with that density. Had one bite all day from a trout, watched it take the RipTide shad, and I missed it to complete the skunking. I went to several of my favorite winter spots up there, too. While I very much enjoyed the day and the paddling, I won’t be visiting again for a while…

And that, folks, is a Two Fine Days on Mosquito Lagoon Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.