My First Intracontinental Fishing Report

Happy Halloween, and My First Intracontinental Fishing Report

Thanks for reading my first Intracontinental Fishing Report. And, happy Halloween! (which adults now get way too wound up about. Leave it for the kids, please.)

I have a guest blog this week.

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Sunday’s weather forecast predicted high winds for the entire week, except for Monday morning. Monday morning found me launching the kayak in Mosquito Lagoon. A short time later, I found a redfish crawling around on a shallow shelf. Amazingly, it did not realize I was there. I dropped the fly out in front of it, and when it was close enough that I thought the fish would see the fly if I moved it, I moved it. Two feet and a cloud of mud- BAM! Fish on!

On a Tedesco Slider.

I had a couple other decent shots but did not get another redfish bite. A trout, the first one in several trips, did bite a puffer-damaged soft plastic shad while I was blind-casting, though.

It was a beautiful day, and I pretty much had the entire lagoon to myself, so I was a happy boy driving home.

Thursday found me on a United Airlines aircraft, flying to San Francisco from Orlando. The astute reader may already know both my sons live in California.

Friday, Maxx, Catalina, I and drove from Castro Valley to Red Bluff by way of Chico. Had to stop at Fish First Fly Shop for some needed supplies, licenses, etc., getting ready for Saturday.

Saturday dawned cold, especially for this Floridian. When we reached the river, temperatures were in the 30s. The stream was small, intimate, beautiful, in the Lassen National Forest. No stockers.

Catalina, ready to chase the wily trout.

Of course, the fish weren’t very cooperative. They were all trying to stay warm. Maxx struck first, with a rainbow trout that still had parr marks, all of six inches. Then he got another, similar one. Then Catalina got one, her first fish with a fly rod. I wanted to get it mounted for her, but was voted down, a good thing.

O, successo! Photo courtesy Maxx Kumiski.

In spite of the cold, there were quite a few bugs hatching, both mayflies and caddis flies. Very few risers, however. I didn’t get a bite. Alex missed a couple small ones. We had a lovely walk in the woods on a spectacular if chilly day. Some of us had leaky waters.

Alex at work.


Fly fishing crew. Photo courtesy Catalina Kumiski.

There will be more trout fishing before I go home, and that’s My First Intracontinental Fishing Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a plane trip! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Short Mosquito Lagoon Report

Short Mosquito Lagoon Report

Thanks for reading this short Mosquito Lagoon report.

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Fifty-two degrees Monday morning when I hopped in the chariot, Bang-O-Craft in tow. Wanted to try the east side of the lagoon. Once I got to the ramp, that idea was trashed. Three- and four-foot waves meant crossing was a stupid idea.

I stayed on the west side, found what lees were there. Saw some snook, saw some reds. Had one good shot at a red with the fly while wading (with my waders on). I thought it took the fly. I was mistaken. Shot blown. Ran over what fish there were all day. Late in the afternoon, had two shots on spin, from the boat, and converted both. Eureka!

First fish. Note the water clarity.


Soft plastic shad works again!


The second fish was larger, but I didn’t photograph it.

Tried it again Tuesday. Water on the east side was nasty, and water everywhere is high (gauge at 1.6 feet). By now the wind had come up, making that crossing dangerous again, but now I had no choice. Fished the west side, had three shots, converted none. Did get a couple pinfish on fly, though.

Discovered a wet leg when I took off the waders. Where’s the Aquaseal?

That’s the short Mosquito Lagoon report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a road trip! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Ignored the Weatherman

Ignored the Weatherman

I ignored the weatherman Monday. The forecast, once again, was, “Showers likely in the morning, with scattered thunderstorms, increasing into the afternoon. Rain chance 70 percent.”
I went fishing anyway.

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There was a lightning show all the way to Mosquito Lagoon. At the St. Johns River I got out of the car to get a photo of an incredible sunrise. All the lightening looked far away from where I was, and my destination. I continued on my way.

This was worth the trip had I not seen a fish.

Launched the boat under mostly cloudy skies. Didn’t see much for an hour, hour-and-a-half. Got a few trout at a culvert on the spin rod. Then there was a redfish crawling along the bank. I pooched the shot. It would be a recurring theme.

Ha! Got one!

I got shots, too. There weren’t a lot of fish around, but enough that in spite of significant rust I finally caught one, a nice redfish. I soon hooked another, only to have it become unbuttoned. When I checked the fly, the hook had snapped.

It doesn’t matter how many bites you get- this fly is not a good fish-catching tool.

A dry spell followed. Then some drum tails started popping up.

Mosquito Lagoon black drum are actually pretty easy to catch with flies- if you can see everything. When the water is murky and the light is bad, then it’s all guess work. Guessing right doesn’t happen a lot. In spite of that, finally got one, after at least 20 shots.


A while later I was staked out, standing up, when I spotted a drum near the shoreline, an easy cast. It took three casts, but I put it on his nose and got the eat.

Finally, paddling back, I spotted a red pushing along the shore and got it to take the fly. Of the four fish I caught with the fly, three of them were hooked with the leader in the rod. Which was pretty awesome!

The water on Tiger Shoal is still pretty clear.

There was no rain, and no lightning. Glad I went!

There will not be a report the next two Saturdays. I will be doing research, and won’t be bringing the computer.

That’s the I ignored the weatherman report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.