A Fine Day Fishing, And Happy New Year!
The weather broke enough for me to have a fine day fishing, so that’s a good thing. Hope everyone’s Christmas was cheery, and best wishes to everyone for a happy new year!
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According to the weather forecast (which are, of course, very unreliable and untrustworthy), Wednesday was supposed to be the best day of the past week. The forecast wasn’t spot on (there was more sunshine than expected), but it was darn close.
It was a gorgeous day, light winds, comfortably warm when the sun was shining, great for paddling. The water in the Mosquito Lagoon was quite clear. The odd thing was, all the fish I caught were gotten blind-casting with a fly rod. I could not catch any of the fish I saw. Most of them were either 10 feet away or already run over when I saw them, but I did have two decent shots at reds. Both fish spooked off the fly. In spite of that minor frustration it was a wonderful day, and I stayed out until sunset. I did not make a single photo, though.
There’s plague of puffers out there. I just tied up a half-dozen Clouser style minnows with synthetic wings. Bucktail cannot hold up to the constant trimming by the puffers. Hope these new ones are more durable! I caught three puffers Wednesday, and by the third was considering starting to kill them. Didn’t happen. No fish were harmed, was fishing barbless…
Almost finished putting a floor into the van, intend to finish today. Here’s what it looks like so far-
Read this from the Miami Herald.
That’s a Fine Day Fishing Report. Thanks for reading! And again, best wishes for a great new year.
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a walk! Stay active!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.
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