Father’s Day No Fishing Report

The Father’s Day No Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Father’s Day No Fishing Report. Today is our 44th wedding anniversary, and tomorrow is father’s day! What a weekend! Happy father’s day to all the dads out there!

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Monday Susan and I launched the Bang-O-Craft at River Breeze, motored over to JB’s, and had a delightful lunch with Dave and Annie Caprera. Except for the fish in our sandwiches, no animals were hurt during this excursion!

Monday evening we had some of that tropical rain you may have heard about. Tuesday morning I came out, and my boat shed looked like a giant bathtub. After cutting a hole in the roof to let the water drain, I went to Harbor Freight and bought a new shed. I also took the Bang-O-Craft to the St. Johns to wash out the salt. Yes, I did hit the bottom.

Wednesday I disassembled the old shed, and put it out for the trash man.

Thursday’s fasting lab at the doctor’s kind of wrecked the day for any meaningful work. It’s hard to motivate for outside work when it’s already in the 90s (temperature AND relative humidity) when you’re about to start.

Friday and Saturday (anniversary day) I put the shed up. And sweated a lot.

The Bang-O-Craft’s new dog house.

So no fishing happened. It rained every day, sometimes heavily, and there were electrical overtones to some of the storms. See the screen shot of the Econlockhatchee River gauge-

Enough rain fell that the river went up over three feet.

Probably didn’t miss much besides skin damage by not fishing this week.

That’s the Father’s Day No fishing report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.