The Equinox Report

The Equinox Report

Thank you for reading this Equinox Report. I only got to fish Wednesday- not even on the equinox! As windy as it’s been all week, I was lucky to fish at all. All the photos this week are file photos. I didn’t take the camera out all week.

And now the length of daylight exceeds the length of darkness, at least until September…

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Monday I got to take a lung function test. These are not a favorite, and it is my sincere wish that none of my readers ever have to take one.

Tuesday required a follow-up visit to the pulmonologist to discuss the function test. It was hardly different than the previous one, which is good. The visit completely tied up my day, but both Monday and Tuesday were windy anyway.

Wednesday I met Mike Conneen and River at the Mosquito Lagoon for some kayak fishing. While I was driving there the car thermometer registered 37 degrees! But there wasn’t much wind, and there were no clouds, and the sun was warm even if the air wasn’t.

Mike, River, and a redfish.

Fishing was slow all morning, and Mike and I split up. After eating lunch I was paddling and looking, and nearly ran over what had to be the stupidest redfish in the lagoon. After passing it, I turned around to look for it, a ploy that almost never works. But this time, the fish was still there, tilted down, apparently looking at or for something on the bottom. I cast and the fish took the fly. But I missed it. As I pulled the fly for another cast, the fish chased it almost to my bright yellow boat.

That certainly should have been the end, but the fish turned around and casually started swimming away. Leader butt in the rod, I just flopped the fly out there again and the fish nailed it, and this time it stuck. It wasn’t a big fish by any means, 22 inches or so, between two and three years old. I kissed it, unhooked it, and released it, amazed I had gotten it. Dumb, dumb fish.

Tammy, the inimitable.

The next fish was a couple hours later, also a redfish, but a larger one. Again, the leader butt was in the rod, and I watched the eat move (couldn’t see the fly). When I got the fish to the boat, instead of using the dehooker, I used a pair of forceps. Just as I was about to grab the fly, the fish shook. The leader got caught in the scissors part of the forceps which cleanly cut the tippet, and the fish made off with a new piece of jewelry, that it probably didn’t want and which I certainly didn’t intend to give.

Laurel, on a charter a long time ago.

The last fish of the day was tailing when I saw it. Then it started swimming on a course parallel to mine. Again, it was close and the leader butt was in the rod. I flopped the fly out there. Never felt the take. I saw the leader moving sideways and set. Fought the fish to the boat and it shook the hook, so no forceps accident there, good thing. Then I went back to the boat ramp.

Ken the Professional Fish Model.

I hadn’t gotten a fish with the leader in the rod in quite a while, and then got three that way in one day. Kind of amazing, and certainly great luck was involved.

Thursday and Friday were both real breezy again. The A/C in the van went out, so that gave me something to research. Hope it doesn’t cost thousands to fix!

That’s my Equinox Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go bicycling! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Beware the Ides of March Report

Beware the Ides of March Report

Thank you for reading this Beware the Ides of March Report. Fished two days, took pictures part of another one.

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Monday found me launching the kayak at the Snow Hill Road Econlockhatchee launch. I floated downstream casting a mouse gurgler fly and hooked two bass before the bridge was out of sight. Then, I couldn’t buy another bite. The switch to the spin rod was eventually made.

A black shad Culprit worm was the bait of choice for a long while. It got bit sporadically, by junior-league-sized bass. The best one was the first one I got, on the fly, and he was only 13 or 14 inches.

The river looked strangely quiet. There were no alligators (!). There were very few fish in the water that I could see. In five hours I saw a single, small catfish and a single Plecostamus, and one small school of mullet. Not a single bass did these eyeballs spot.

What there was, was a lot of chainsaw-cut branches. Some over-zealous individual(s) cut away lots of blowdowns to make the river accessible to motor vessels. To my way of thinking, more traffic = fewer fish. Or perhaps it was that day, or me. Either way, I don’t think I’ll be visiting that stretch again any time soon.

Purple gallinule


soft-shell turtle


Yellow-rumped Warbler


common moorhen


humans with cameras


pileated woodpecker


great egret


american alligator

Tuesday, 20-knot winds. Visited the Wetlands Park for about an hour, and learned birds don’t much like the wind, either. I still shot close to 300 frames, with my old, three-frame-per-second camera (The expensive new ones can do thirty.). The Park is going off, bird-wise, though. Lots of nesting birds, sandhill crane colts, etc. Good time to visit now.

Wednesday, had a meeting. Tied up a windy rainy day, so no problem there.

Thursday, 20-knot winds. Tied some flies.

Friday, an incredibly nice day, found me in the kayak, wearing waders on Mosquito Lagoon. I paddled quite a distance before getting a bite from anything other than a puffer. That last spot gave up a dozen trout and five or so reds, all fairly modest in size, all on the plastic shad. One or two trout may have exceeded 20 inches.

News Flash! People are boneheads! While I was standing there, a school of redfish swam almost right into me. As this was happening, four goobers in a big jonboat pulled up about 50 feet away, blowing all the fish out. They never knew. One guy put down the trolling motor and another said, “Don’t get too close to that guy [meaning me].” Too late, but thanks!

On the way back to the put-in I waded a sandy spot with the fly rod and one of the flies I’d tied the previous day. A redfish (maybe two?) swam by. I put the fly on him, he didn’t bite it. There must have been two, though, because the line came tight and minutes later I was releasing a red that was four or five pounds, best fish of the day. Never took the camera out.

Ten minutes later the boat was atop the van, and I was outta there!

That’s my Beware the Ides of March Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go bicycling! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Fished One Day Report

Fished One Day Report

Thank you for reading this Fished One Day Report. That day was Tuesday. I probably should have gone Monday, too, but let the chance pass. The rest of the week was tied up with errands or less-than-optimal weather.

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Econ Update

Last week, writing about the Econ, I wrote, “I need to call Oviedo. No one answered, so I just sent an email.” A response came back, the same day! I reprint it here in its entirety-

Good evening, yes there was a sewer line break that could have potentially impacted the Econ River. The signs posted are a precautionary measure and the city continues to do water sampling for e. coli impact. The line has been fixed but as a precautionary measure we will continue to sample the water so the signs stay in place until we finish sampling for two more weeks. Again, this is a precautionary measure that we do anytime a water body could have been impacted for the safety of residents and visitors.

Amanda Kortus, CFM

I drove over the 419 bridge this afternoon. The poop sign was gone and folks were launching paddle vessels. Guess we’re good to go.

Tuesday’s Fishing

Went kayaking on Mosquito Lagoon. Went from partly cloudy to completely overcast, but the wind was light. Found reds, one here, one there. They either trashed the fly or fled in terror, so I got a few. Also got one slot trout on a plastic shad at the end of the day.

Your reporter has a copy of George Leonard Herter’s Professional Guide’s Manual that he bought from Herter’s some time in the 1960s. Weeks like this one, where not much fishing gets done, will see some content from this and other old books being used in this blog, pieces similar to the one reprinted below…


Contrary to common belief, the various phases of the moon have very little effect on fishes feeding habits. Reports from groups of ichthyologists state that fish strike when they are hungry or excited, regardless of the position of the moon. However, tides do affect the feeding of certain salt-water fish which follow the rising tide into the shallows.

Likewise, barometric pressure has very little to do with fish habits. According to the same groups of ichthyologists, feeding habits of fish are not determined by barometric pressure, although fishing after a hard rain will sometimes produce better fishing because of natural foods which have been washed into the lake by the rain.

On the other hand, water temperatures have a great deal to do with fishing. A water temperature indicator is a must to any fisherman. When the water is cold for a fish, it will lie dormant and feeding activity will be reduced to a minimum. When the right temperature range is found, fish tend to be active in feeding and better fishing will result. The best fishing temperatures for various fresh-water fish are listed below:

Atlantic Salmon, Trout .. 55-70degs. F
Chinook Salmon………….50-60 degs. F
Lake Trout ………………….40-50 degs.F
Pickerel……………………….60-75 degs. F
Landlocked Salmon……..40-55 degs. F
Pike, Muskellunge………..60-70 degs. F
Smallmouth Bass ……,….60-70 degs. F
Walleye ……… …………….55-65 dees. F
Largemouth Bass ………..65-75 degs. F
Yellow Perch ………………65-75 degs. F

What do you think? Do you agree with Mr. Herter’s assertions?


Went on an Oviedo Photo Club field trip to the Southern Oaks Training Center in Sorrento. They train standardbred horses there. A little out of my line, but with challenge comes growth. Anyway, here are a few photos from the place.




That’s my Fished One Day Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go bicycling! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Getting Back Up Report

Getting Back Up Report

Thank you for reading this Getting Back Up Report. Last week I wrote, “…before a bug got me- then I really was down. Doc says I should be OK by Monday.” Doc was optimistic.

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PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT! Friday is Valentine’s Day. Need I say more???

Tuesday found me trying a shore-fishing expedition to the Econ. This greeted me-

Not exactly awesome. I called the number, got a message, left a message, did not get a call back, and left it alone. I will get back on it in the coming week.

I went upstream of the confluence with the Little Econ, where the poo was coming from. In an hour and a half, not a bite. Saw one bass. It was in the eighties and I was melting. Came home and took a two-hour nap. Definitely not OK. On top of that, Susan had gotten the bug, too. There was a lot of snot flying around!

Thursday morning found me at the Orlando Wetlands Park. An easy walk with a camera, get some pictures, see how I feel- good plan. I felt fine.



green heron


little blue heron


needs no introduction

Thought about my wife, home sick all week. I went home and got her, then we drove out to the Black Point Wildlife Drive. There were lots of beautiful white birds there! We had lunch at Sunrise Bread Company, best sandwiches in town.

Friday, an amazingly beautiful day, found a yellow Ocean Kayak with me sitting in it floating on Mosquito Lagoon. I went to a place I don’t often fish. You need to do that sometimes. It gave up eight trout, increasing in size as they went from 12-inch to the 24-incher. Only saw three reds. Had a good shot at the third, he said I don’t think so. All on the 3″ shad. At any rate, I don’t need to go to that place again anytime soon.

So I think I’m getting back up, feeling better. And as always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

One Mosquito Lagoon Day Report

One Mosquito Lagoon Day Report

Thank you for reading this One Mosquito Lagoon Day Report. Shaky weather and errands important and less so kept me off the water the rest of the week.

For all you pagans, Saturday 12/21 marks the solstice. Start partying! The days will get longer from now until June!

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Rodney the Cover Boy.

The inadequate eulogy to Rodney was posted, but the photos are fun.

I had to get blood work done Monday, and ran errands a good part of the day afterwards, trying to get them all done. Did not succeed.

Tuesday I loaded up the kayak and drove to Mosquito Lagoon. It was a beautiful day, just a touch breezy. The first spot produced a fat, top-of-the-slot trout on the second cast with the spin rod, 3″ shad. Immediately switched to the fly pole, got two more trout and a red blind-casting with a red-over-white Clouser Minnow, which was the fly du jour. I was wading here and at all the other spots but one. Bite stopped- on to the next spot.

The next spot coughed up four equally nice trout, all on fly. Bite stopped- keep moving.

The next place was fished from the kayak with the spin rod. Five trout, all larger than their predecessors.

The next place did not produce a thing. But the one after that produced a flounder, a ladyfish, a solid redfish and a small puffer.

The final spot gave up a half-dozen trout. So far, the day is pretty awesome.

I tried sight-fishing from the kayak on the way back, saw five reds, did not come close to getting a shot at any of them. But had zero reason to complain. The boat was loaded up around 1530.

That’s the One Mosquito Lagoon Day Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Two Days, Two Lagoons Report

Two Days, Two Lagoons Report, and a Penultimate TAF Update

Thank you for reading this Two Days, Two Lagoons Report, and a Penultimate TAF Update. I fished Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday we had someone come look at our trees- they need some trimming. The rest of the week was way too blowy for realistic fishing. The Assistance Fund got some more donations!

Subscribers without photos- go to, please. And speaking of photos- these are from my files, since I didn’t carry a camera this week.

And lest I forget, wonderful wishes from me to thee for a perfect Thanksgiving.

A huge THANK YOU to all TAF donors, by name and in no particular order-

-Laura Rice
-Ed Perry
-Dean Altenhofen
-Walt Sheppard
-Earl Gillespie
-Ken Shannon
-Emily Nelson
-Kelly Holz
-Curtis Duffield
-Michelle Wilm
-Marcia Foosaner
-Nicholas Colantonio
-Stephen Truscott
-Stephen Butrym
-Jorge Hidalgo
-John Harrison
-Henrique DePaiva
-Lisa Pello
-Lynda Wehmeyer
-James Roberts
-Ralph Tedesco
-Cheryl Kumiski
-Lars Lutton
-Lori Markoff
-Thomas Van Horn

This is quite a list, a bunch of generous, selfless people. We have raised $3,398.60 over 30 donations, 68 percent of my goal, and thank you, thank you, thank you again! Great job!

The fundraiser link if you’re motivated to donate (Please!)- The fundraiser ends November 24, so it’s not too late to donate. If you do it right now!

As a reminder, the Assistance Fund helps underinsured people living with life-threatening, chronic, illness obtain treatment and medicine by providing financial assistance for their copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other health-related expenses.



Three trout were fatties like this.

I drove the kayak to, what for me, was a new spot on the Mosquito Lagoon, launching at about 0730. It was pretty good! The first fish I got, on the Culprit Mullet, was a trout about 18 inches. Then I saw a tail, briefly. A cast resulted in a strike and a top-of-the-slot redfish.

After that it was all trout, including three beautiful fish in the 25-inch range, one on a fly rod popper. The final fish was a slot red that hit a gold spoon. The way the puffers are, hard baits are the only way to go unless you own a lure company. The boat was loaded up about 1530.

Spoon-fed red!


found me launching the kayak in the Indian River Lagoon, at a spot I hadn’t seen in quite a while. There were redfish there, but they wouldn’t eat. In the morning it was too cloudy to see much. I would cast over an area, not get anything, then paddle over it and move three or four fish. This happened repeatedly. Frustrating! I tried soft plastics (puffers, puffers, puffers), a spoon, a fly rod popper, even a MirroLure, the first time in years I’ve used one of those. Nothing worked.

I tried a glow-in-the-dark DOA Shrimp, and got a snooklet. Then a monster trout ate it, right by the boat. Splashed water all over me, he did.

It’s nice when they pull drag, pull the kayak around.

Then another baby snook ate it- a monster trout followed him up to the boat. Maybe he was looking at the little snook as a snack? Then a puffer amputated the tail of the shrimp. I kept throwing it and got a slot trout. I put a smoke-colored DOA Shrimp on once the sun came out. A puffer amputated the tail. I kept throwing it. Now I could see the fish. I made good casts to four, who all snubbed me. I finally got one to bite the half-shrimp, and he came unbuttoned after about two seconds. And that was it, fish-wise. The boat was loaded up about 1330.

That’s the Two Days, Two Lagoons Report, and a Penultimate TAF Update. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

Two Fine Days on Mosquito Lagoon

Two Fine Days on Mosquito Lagoon

It’s wintertime, which means even in central Florida, you have to pick your fishing days around the weather. I had two fine days on Mosquito Lagoon this week, both beautiful days. I went to different places. Although the water was remarkably clear in both places, the results (from a fish-catching perspective) were markedly different.

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One thing I noticed in both places was that wherever there was hard substrate (rocks and/or oyster shells) there were sponges growing. I don’t know what species they are, or if they are native or exotic. How many sponge experts are there??? When’s the last time you saw a field guide to sponges of the southeastern United States?

I do know sponges filter enormous quantities of water, and provide hiding places for small fish, shrimp, and crabs. So I was glad to see them, and am hoping they are not a sign of a coming apocalypse.

Best fish of the day!

Wednesday I fished around spoil islands. Nothing, nothing, nothing, then a load of fish on a small spot maybe 50 yards long. Seatrout and red drum, lots of little guys, but a couple decent ones, and no puffers were caught. I used one of those synthetic Clouser Minnows I tied last week- one fly all day. No collateral puffer damage, mission accomplished. Saw a few fish along the shoreline of the return trip, had one good shot using a bendback, got an eat, pooched it.

Same fish, different perspective!

Friday I went to River Breeze. Water looked great clarity-wise. Not much grass, lots of Rhodophyta. A saw maybe a dozen fish, some quick math, it came out to about one fish seen per paddled mile. Not gonna catch much with that density. Had one bite all day from a trout, watched it take the RipTide shad, and I missed it to complete the skunking. I went to several of my favorite winter spots up there, too. While I very much enjoyed the day and the paddling, I won’t be visiting again for a while…

And that, folks, is a Two Fine Days on Mosquito Lagoon Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.

A Fine Day Fishing, And Happy New Year!

A Fine Day Fishing, And Happy New Year!

The weather broke enough for me to have a fine day fishing, so that’s a good thing. Hope everyone’s Christmas was cheery, and best wishes to everyone for a happy new year!

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According to the weather forecast (which are, of course, very unreliable and untrustworthy), Wednesday was supposed to be the best day of the past week. The forecast wasn’t spot on (there was more sunshine than expected), but it was darn close.

It was a gorgeous day, light winds, comfortably warm when the sun was shining, great for paddling. The water in the Mosquito Lagoon was quite clear. The odd thing was, all the fish I caught were gotten blind-casting with a fly rod. I could not catch any of the fish I saw. Most of them were either 10 feet away or already run over when I saw them, but I did have two decent shots at reds. Both fish spooked off the fly. In spite of that minor frustration it was a wonderful day, and I stayed out until sunset. I did not make a single photo, though.

Clousers with synthetics.

There’s plague of puffers out there. I just tied up a half-dozen Clouser style minnows with synthetic wings. Bucktail cannot hold up to the constant trimming by the puffers. Hope these new ones are more durable! I caught three puffers Wednesday, and by the third was considering starting to kill them. Didn’t happen. No fish were harmed, was fishing barbless…

All you want out there right now…

Almost finished putting a floor into the van, intend to finish today. Here’s what it looks like so far-

The almost-finished floor in the van.

Read this from the Miami Herald.

That’s a Fine Day Fishing Report. Thanks for reading! And again, best wishes for a great new year.

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

My First Intracontinental Fishing Report

Happy Halloween, and My First Intracontinental Fishing Report

Thanks for reading my first Intracontinental Fishing Report. And, happy Halloween! (which adults now get way too wound up about. Leave it for the kids, please.)

I have a guest blog this week.

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Sunday’s weather forecast predicted high winds for the entire week, except for Monday morning. Monday morning found me launching the kayak in Mosquito Lagoon. A short time later, I found a redfish crawling around on a shallow shelf. Amazingly, it did not realize I was there. I dropped the fly out in front of it, and when it was close enough that I thought the fish would see the fly if I moved it, I moved it. Two feet and a cloud of mud- BAM! Fish on!

On a Tedesco Slider.

I had a couple other decent shots but did not get another redfish bite. A trout, the first one in several trips, did bite a puffer-damaged soft plastic shad while I was blind-casting, though.

It was a beautiful day, and I pretty much had the entire lagoon to myself, so I was a happy boy driving home.

Thursday found me on a United Airlines aircraft, flying to San Francisco from Orlando. The astute reader may already know both my sons live in California.

Friday, Maxx, Catalina, I and drove from Castro Valley to Red Bluff by way of Chico. Had to stop at Fish First Fly Shop for some needed supplies, licenses, etc., getting ready for Saturday.

Saturday dawned cold, especially for this Floridian. When we reached the river, temperatures were in the 30s. The stream was small, intimate, beautiful, in the Lassen National Forest. No stockers.

Catalina, ready to chase the wily trout.

Of course, the fish weren’t very cooperative. They were all trying to stay warm. Maxx struck first, with a rainbow trout that still had parr marks, all of six inches. Then he got another, similar one. Then Catalina got one, her first fish with a fly rod. I wanted to get it mounted for her, but was voted down, a good thing.

O, successo! Photo courtesy Maxx Kumiski.

In spite of the cold, there were quite a few bugs hatching, both mayflies and caddis flies. Very few risers, however. I didn’t get a bite. Alex missed a couple small ones. We had a lovely walk in the woods on a spectacular if chilly day. Some of us had leaky waters.

Alex at work.


Fly fishing crew. Photo courtesy Catalina Kumiski.

There will be more trout fishing before I go home, and that’s My First Intracontinental Fishing Report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go on a plane trip! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.

Ignored the Weatherman

Ignored the Weatherman

I ignored the weatherman Monday. The forecast, once again, was, “Showers likely in the morning, with scattered thunderstorms, increasing into the afternoon. Rain chance 70 percent.”
I went fishing anyway.

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There was a lightning show all the way to Mosquito Lagoon. At the St. Johns River I got out of the car to get a photo of an incredible sunrise. All the lightening looked far away from where I was, and my destination. I continued on my way.

This was worth the trip had I not seen a fish.

Launched the boat under mostly cloudy skies. Didn’t see much for an hour, hour-and-a-half. Got a few trout at a culvert on the spin rod. Then there was a redfish crawling along the bank. I pooched the shot. It would be a recurring theme.

Ha! Got one!

I got shots, too. There weren’t a lot of fish around, but enough that in spite of significant rust I finally caught one, a nice redfish. I soon hooked another, only to have it become unbuttoned. When I checked the fly, the hook had snapped.

It doesn’t matter how many bites you get- this fly is not a good fish-catching tool.

A dry spell followed. Then some drum tails started popping up.

Mosquito Lagoon black drum are actually pretty easy to catch with flies- if you can see everything. When the water is murky and the light is bad, then it’s all guess work. Guessing right doesn’t happen a lot. In spite of that, finally got one, after at least 20 shots.


A while later I was staked out, standing up, when I spotted a drum near the shoreline, an easy cast. It took three casts, but I put it on his nose and got the eat.

Finally, paddling back, I spotted a red pushing along the shore and got it to take the fly. Of the four fish I caught with the fly, three of them were hooked with the leader in the rod. Which was pretty awesome!

The water on Tiger Shoal is still pretty clear.

There was no rain, and no lightning. Glad I went!

There will not be a report the next two Saturdays. I will be doing research, and won’t be bringing the computer.

That’s the I ignored the weatherman report. Thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.