The Equinox Report

The Equinox Report

Thank you for reading this Equinox Report. I only got to fish Wednesday- not even on the equinox! As windy as it’s been all week, I was lucky to fish at all. All the photos this week are file photos. I didn’t take the camera out all week.

And now the length of daylight exceeds the length of darkness, at least until September…

Subscribers without photos- go to, please.

Monday I got to take a lung function test. These are not a favorite, and it is my sincere wish that none of my readers ever have to take one.

Tuesday required a follow-up visit to the pulmonologist to discuss the function test. It was hardly different than the previous one, which is good. The visit completely tied up my day, but both Monday and Tuesday were windy anyway.

Wednesday I met Mike Conneen and River at the Mosquito Lagoon for some kayak fishing. While I was driving there the car thermometer registered 37 degrees! But there wasn’t much wind, and there were no clouds, and the sun was warm even if the air wasn’t.

Mike, River, and a redfish.

Fishing was slow all morning, and Mike and I split up. After eating lunch I was paddling and looking, and nearly ran over what had to be the stupidest redfish in the lagoon. After passing it, I turned around to look for it, a ploy that almost never works. But this time, the fish was still there, tilted down, apparently looking at or for something on the bottom. I cast and the fish took the fly. But I missed it. As I pulled the fly for another cast, the fish chased it almost to my bright yellow boat.

That certainly should have been the end, but the fish turned around and casually started swimming away. Leader butt in the rod, I just flopped the fly out there again and the fish nailed it, and this time it stuck. It wasn’t a big fish by any means, 22 inches or so, between two and three years old. I kissed it, unhooked it, and released it, amazed I had gotten it. Dumb, dumb fish.

Tammy, the inimitable.

The next fish was a couple hours later, also a redfish, but a larger one. Again, the leader butt was in the rod, and I watched the eat move (couldn’t see the fly). When I got the fish to the boat, instead of using the dehooker, I used a pair of forceps. Just as I was about to grab the fly, the fish shook. The leader got caught in the scissors part of the forceps which cleanly cut the tippet, and the fish made off with a new piece of jewelry, that it probably didn’t want and which I certainly didn’t intend to give.

Laurel, on a charter a long time ago.

The last fish of the day was tailing when I saw it. Then it started swimming on a course parallel to mine. Again, it was close and the leader butt was in the rod. I flopped the fly out there. Never felt the take. I saw the leader moving sideways and set. Fought the fish to the boat and it shook the hook, so no forceps accident there, good thing. Then I went back to the boat ramp.

Ken the Professional Fish Model.

I hadn’t gotten a fish with the leader in the rod in quite a while, and then got three that way in one day. Kind of amazing, and certainly great luck was involved.

Thursday and Friday were both real breezy again. The A/C in the van went out, so that gave me something to research. Hope it doesn’t cost thousands to fix!

That’s my Equinox Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go bicycling! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Ree-Dik-You-Loess Report

Ree-Dik-You-Loess Report

Thank you for reading this Ree-Dik-You-Loess Report. While it was like winter around here this week, I got out two days, one to the Florida Trail and one to Mosquito Lagoon.

Thank you to those of you who responded to my new slideshow posted at I realized that if you look with a mobile device, the show isn’t obvious. The first photo is of a sunrise, very pink and purple. If you scroll on that photo, the next one appears as if by magic!

Subscribers without photos- go to, please.

Monday and Tuesday

found me working on a website and pulling ferns. The forecast for Wednesday made me want to go for a walk, to get out of the house.


Susan gave me a ride to the Curryville Road trailhead for the Florida Trail. I brought a camera, figuring to get some photos along with a much-needed walk. From that trailhead back to my house is around two miles or a bit more. It was so nice out- I thought quite often that I should have gone fishing. Anyway, here are a few photos from the walk. If you want more, there’s a slideshow at

A January oak leaf on the FT.


Mills Creek



Swampy spot along the trail. The FT has a lot of these, and the trail frequently goes right through them.


Palmetto fibers.


Marsh fern


Pollen cones on a sand pine. Yes, they are dropping pollen.


more website work. And the forecast for Friday changed for the better! There was still website work to do, and ferns to pull up, but a decision was made to go fishing. Neither the website nor the ferns were going anywhere.


morning found me riding the chariot, heading east, carrying the kayak on top, to Mosquito Lagoon. The thermometer read 39 degrees when I left the house, around 0830.

The lagoon was almost slick calm, and the sky was cloudless. Could be a good day.

Got nothing at the first spot.

The second offered me a shot at a nice red, and I converted with an olive over white Clouser Minnow. A second, smaller red fell for it shortly after.


My first victim, released of course.

By now I could see pretty well. There were six or eight more fish there, and they were spooking off the splash of the fly. I changed to an unweighted fly. Then they spooked off its movement. When this happens, you can either keep changing flies, trying to find the magic fly, or leave fish that are clearly not interested in eating to try to find some other, more cooperative ones. This is what I did.

It was a good call.

The next fish was easily 15 pounds. It got into my backing- twice. Wow, that hasn’t happened for a long time! And he had friends, from dinky 18-inchers up to ten pounds or so, and some trout too. They were all hungry and aggressive. It was Ree-Dik-You-Loess.

The fish of the day.


These guys crashed the party, too.

When the bite finally slowed, I had to drink water, pee, and eat some lunch. It was after 1 PM. While eating lunch, thinking about my next move, I realized my day was over. I had a good paddle back to the put-in, an hour’s drive, and it was my night to cook.

It’s kind of weird to realize that on January 10, I may have had the best day of fishing I’ll have all year. Hey, take ’em when you get ’em, and be glad you hit it right.

That’s the Ree-Dik-You-Loess Report. As always, thanks for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go for a walk! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2025. All rights are reserved.

Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Report

Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Memorial Day Weekend Fishing Report. This is one of my least favorite weekends of the year. Instead of ruminating on the sacrifices of millions that allow us to live a life of freedom, too many Americans will be drinking to excess and acting stupid. Pardon my venting, please. And also, take a few moments this weekend to think about all the folks who died or lost limbs and their sanity protecting our freedoms. And, for your own safety, stay off the roads as much as you can, too.

Please accept my apologies for using the same scruffy model over and over. I couldn’t get a picture of anyone else, for reasons given below.

Subscribers without photos- go to, please.


Went to the Banana River Lagoon, which is looking shockingly good. Clean water, healthy grass. In some places there were clouds of what I thought were glass minnows. Not surprisingly, that’s where I saw most of the bigger fish. While I missed three strikes on a fly rod popper and did not catch a fish with the long rod, I did get this beast on a Bass Assassin-

Got some trout (one real nice one) and several redfish too, for an inshore slam. Good day.


I was the guest of Mr. Mike Danagher on his Hell’s Bay Marquesa. Ooh-la-la, quite the boat. We fly-fished in the Indian River Lagoon. My only bite was from a small tarpon, which I didn’t even put in the air. Contact time was approximately 0.227 seconds.

The high point of the day, for Mike at least, happened thusly. I was poling the boat. Mike spotted, and cast to, a pair of fish. One bit, a solid seatrout, around 22 inches. I got my camera out. Mike said, “I have a Boga Grip.” I said, “Fingers!” Mike said, “How about the net?” I said, “Fingers!” He made another comment about the Boga-Grip. I again said, “Fingers!” He pulled the fish up to the boat. I grabbed it and lifted.

Two things happened simultaneously- the hook fell out, and the fish wiggled out of my hands, hit the gunwale, and slid back into the water. I thought Mike might go in too, he was laughing so hard. It was the only fish we got. So no photo, because my fingers failed this time. Thanks for the trip, Mike, and for being a good sport.


I went paddle fishing on Mosquito Lagoon. Wow, the mosquitos certainly showed up at the boat ramp! Thought I made a wrong turn and ended up in Flamingo.

I had shots at three separate tailing reds first thing, and managed to catch the third one on a fly I haven’t used in years, the Mosquito Lagoon Special. I finally figured out how to put a weedguard on it.

Got another red, pretty respectable one, and a snook too, on another fly I haven’t used in a long time, the Son of Clouser. Another glorious if somewhat warm day. Water is pretty high now.



Mosquito Lagoon Special, and Son of Clouser.


Joined a group of paddlers on Shingle Creek. Always wanted to go there, but Kissimmee was too much deterrent. The drive to and from there wasn’t fun, but the creek was lovely and the folks I paddled with were wonderful.

Looking for woodpeckers.


View from the canoe.



Approaching a low bridge…


…and under…


…and getting repositioned…


…and through!

That’s the Memorial Day Weekend fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, © John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.