A Better Kezar Lake Report
Thanks for reading this better Kezar Lake Report. More days spent fishing means more fish caught. Plus the loons, a bald eagle, ravens, and other winged creatures greatly enhanced the experience. And, we had some rain!
Best wishes to all for a safe and enjoyable Independence Day weekend.
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Because my wife is awesome, she said to me, “We should go out in the kayaks.” Mind you, she’s not interested in fishing, but doesn’t mind if I do. I got a few fish, none better than this one-
We went to an art gallery in Bridgton. They had photography on the wall that makes mine look like the work of a rank amateur. Visit this link- https://darylannleonardphotography.com/home
After we got back from our soiree, I went out paddling in the rain. Got a bass who was missing his gill cover, and a chain pickerel.
A couple non-fishing photos I got in the places I was fishing:

This is a damselfly, insect order Odonata, but I don’t know the species. Beautiful creature, though.
Our last day in Maine I got to fish in the rain again, and got a few bass and pickerel, none nicer than this one:
That’s the better Kezar Lake report. Thanks for reading!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2023. All rights are reserved.
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