On The Road (again)- A Photo Essay

On The Road (again)- A Photo Essay

Thank you for reading this week’s post, On The Road (again). In our indirect way, Susan and I are headed back to Florida. We have some concerns about the hot weather, but we have not run into it yet.
Readers may know I’ve been writing a travelogue for Global Outdoors. You can see some of those posts here- https://blog.globaloutdoors.com.

Just one of an infinite number of views from Highway 1.


This is another.

We left the California Kumiskis Sunday morning, headed for CA Hwy 1 and Salt Point State Park. Like Hwy 1 south of San Francisco, Hwy 1 north of the city has the same stunning, jaw-dropping, and terrifying views. Part of the time we were in fog, so the most terrifying areas were blanketed from view, both a good and a bad thing.

Susan records an image at Salt Point State Park.


This is one I got. The rocks are fantastic!


There were fishermen trying their luck.

We reached Salt Point SP and went down to the water. OMG! The most amazing rock formations, all very mysterious too, because of the fog. We hiked along the coastal trail a couple miles. I ran into two fly fishermen who had been fishing the surf for rockfish, not without success. They were using 8-wt outfits with 300 grain sink lines, #20 leaders, and white Clouser minnows, #1 and 1/0.

Brown pelicans over the Pacific.

At sunset we went back. Sue stayed in the car while I burned film (so to speak- I shoot digital now). She was ready to call a search party, since I stayed until it was too dark to shoot any more.

The waves come in…


Another view, same area.

Our next adventure of note was the Humboldt Redwoods State Park, Avenue of the Giants. A thirty mile drive through groves of some of the biggest trees on the planet. We took a few short hikes and I tried to photograph the trees, failing fairly miserably. Redwood trees in actuality make a mockery of images of redwood trees. I had plenty of chances and got nothing I liked. But the walks! Incredible!

Redwoods in the Stout grove. Susan adds some perspective.


Darlingtonia pitcher plants.


This may be some kind of lily, but I could not identify it.

Next stop was the Smith River National Recreation Area. Somehow the Smith River was spared dams- it’s the longest free-flowing stream on this part of the coast. It hosts a legendary run of steelhead, of course not while I was there. But we visited a couple bogs full of Darlingtonia pitcher plants, and hiked through the Stout redwood grove, again amazing. I got a couple photos here which almost begin to do justice to the trees.

The blackberry bushes here were heavy with fruit. My fingers and lips got stained purple, and my legs and arms got well-scratched by the briers. I may have eaten five pound of berries- it was awesome!!!

Near sunset at Myers Creek Beach, Oregon.

I write this from Gold Beach, Oregon, at the mouth of the Rogue River. I’ve looked into fishing the Rogue, don’t know that I will. We’ve been to the beach, and some shops. I hope to get some beach pictures this evening. Cross the fingers!

After sunset, same beach.

Thank you again for reading this week’s post, On The Road (again). Life is great and I love exploring the USA!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Take a trip! Do SOMETHING!

John Kumiski, author of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide

Purchase a signed copy of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide at http://www.spottedtail.com/fishing-florida-by-paddle/

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2021. All rights are reserved.