Orlando Area Fishing Report

Orlando Area Fishing Report 2114

Upcoming Events-
-Floridians for Clean Water Rally in Tallahassee, February 18

orlando area fishing report

-Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, March 15. Visit this link http://www.spottedtail.com/mosquito-lagoon-show-and-tell-fishing-seminar/ for more information or to register…
-Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, March 16. Visit this link http://www.spottedtail.com/mosquito-lagoon-on-the-water-show-and-tell-fishing-seminar/ for more information or to register…


What a week. I started working on an ark after the fourth day of rain, but the sun actually shone for a few minutes today.

Last Sunday Tammy Wilson and I went to the St. Johns River in the Mirage to fish for shad. There were lots of boats out there. We saw some folks we knew. They both said the same thing- the bite was good this morning, but it slowed down. Since we were already there we fished.

It wasn’t hot but it was steady. With spin tackle we got them with little crappie jigs and Creme’s Spoiler Shad, and with fly tackle on a chartreuse and silver shad fly. We probably got 15 or so in three hours, and a couple of crappie besides. Nice enough day!

orlando area fishing report

This is the fly I’ve ben using for shad.

Monday morning I drove through the rain to meet my fisherman, the Rev. Del Schomberg, a fly fisher from Oregon. He had never fished in Mosquito Lagoon and was hoping to catch a redfish.

It was raining lightly as we idled out of Haulover Canal. It started to rain harder as I ran to spot number one. Running in the rain is not my idea of fun so we stopped at an alternate spot.

It was loaded with seatrout.

Del got a couple fat slot fish by blind casting a slider before the rain stopped. At that point he said he’d still like to try for reds so we went hunting.

orlando area fishing report

This is a trout caught on a slider.

They were not where they had been.

We looked in a variety of other spots. Some had fish, some didn’t, but nowhere were they thick. All the clouds made it hard to see. The best shots we had came when I found aboput a dozen tailing fish scattered over a 100 yard stretch of flat. We did not convert.

We found a school of about 30 fish that started moving almost as soon as I spotted them- no shot.

We found a bunch of fish in potholes. Blindcasting into the holes did not work, and sight fishing to fish we could see in the holes did not work either.

We ended up with the two trout and nothing else. At least it turned into a nice day.

It rained quite hard every day the rest of the week. I kept myself busy by adding some new articles to my website, tying flies, wrapping new guides on rods, trying to organize my tackle, and that sort of thing.

orlando area fishing repot

My tying was out of my comfort zone this week.

Instructions for how to tie this fly can be found here…

I am ready to do some fishing this week, I’ll tell you that!

And that is this week’s Orlando Area Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.

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Orlando Area Saltwater Fishing Report 12514

Orlando Area Saltwater Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

-Floridians for Clean Water Rally in Tallahassee, February 18
-Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, March 15. Visit this link  for more information or to register…
-Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, March 16. Visit this link  for more information or to register…

Monday Capt. Tom Van Horn and I took the Mirage out for a test drive, launching at Haulover Canal and exploring the Mosquito Lagoon. The water temperature at launch time was a brisk 54 degrees. We did not catch a fish at either of the first two spots we checked. The third, however, produced a lovely red for Tom, an out-of-the-slot fish that tried to wolf down a DOA CAL shad.

orlando area saltwater fishing report

Capt. Tom in battle.


orlando area saltwater fishing report

Tom was victorious, although the fish was released.

Once the water temperature started to climb fishing steadily improved, enough that we even got a double.

orlando area saltwater fishing report

Tom has his hands full…

Not everyplace we looked had fish but enough did that we ended up with about a half dozen apiece of reds and trout. The water temperature when we loaded the boat was 58 degrees. It was a good way to break in the new boat.

Speaking of which, the Mitzi is still for sale. Visit this link  for more information…

Wednesday found me at the Floridians for Clean Water Rally in Orlando. If you want to sign the Clean Water Declaration, and if you’re a fisherman you should, visit this link http://www.wewantcleanwater.com .  There will be a rally in Tallahassee on February 18. I hope to attend and hope you will too! More information to come!

Thursday found the kayak strapped to the roof of the chariot. Speed laws may have been broken as we zoomed to KARS Park on the Banana River Lagoon. It was cold when I got there and remained so all day. The forecast high was 61 (my sympathies to all living in the near-arctic zones up north)- I do not think we got there. The wind was 10-12 out of the nnw and bone-chilling. But the sun was out and I found decent numbers of fish. In spite of my shivering I even managed to get a few, some on a crab pattern, some on a redfish worm, a mix of redfish and black drum. I saw a few of the school bus-sized fish I was looking for but did not manage to connect.

This drum took a redfish worm.

This drum took a redfish worm.

This one, the best fish of the day, fell for a merkin.

This one, the best fish of the day, fell for a merkin.

Of greater concern was the lack of seagrass up there- the bottom is almost denuded of vegetation, although the Rhodophyta algae sure is plentiful.

This red algae is growing like crazy now that the grass is all gone.

This red algae is growing like crazy now that the grass is all gone.


And what fly caster could fail to be thrilled by a trophy puffer fish like this one???

And what fly caster could fail to be thrilled by a trophy puffer fish like this one???

My guide schedule is much too empty- if you want to get out of the frozen wasteland and do some fishing please call or email me! I need the work!!!

And that is this week’s Orlando Area Saltwater Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.

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  • Studies: Indian River Lagoon Facing Uniform Mortality Event’
  • Troubled Water: Pollution Brings Toxic Algae to Indian River Lagoon System

The First 2014 St. Johns River Fishing Report

The First 2014 St. Johns River Fishing Report

Last week I wrote, “Several reporters have indicated shad are in the St. John’s River. I will be checking that out this week.”

Tuesday afternoon the kayak and I went to the St. Johns for a little over three hours, launching at CS Lee Park, where the Jolly Gator is. I had four bites and landed two shad. Pretty slow fishing.

Thursday afternoon son Alex, John Napolitano, and I went back in the Mitzi. We timed it so that we would be there right when the front came through, so we were there less than an hour. In that time we got one shad, one blue gill, one redbelly, and one crappie. I hooked and lost another speck. All fish were caught on crappie jigs or Creme Spoiler Shad, great lures for this kind of fishing.

St. Johns River Fishing Report

John Napolitano with his first shad of 2014.

St. Johns River Fishing Report

John got this fat redbelly too.

This crappie was fooled by a Creme Spoiler Shad 1.5".

This crappie was fooled by a Creme Spoiler Shad 1.5″.

The front was a strong one, with high winds and brief but heavy rain. The run back to the ramp was short but entertaining.

The photos from the Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure are posted at http://johnkumiski.com/portfolio/2013-indian-river-lagoon-paddle-adventure/

I drove to Miami and back yesterday. Came back with Bob Stearns’s Maverick Mirage HPX-T. I believe I will take it out for a spin today.

The first Florida Clean Water Rally is coming up-

clean water rally

And that is the extent of 2014s First St. Johns River Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.

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Fly Fish Banana River Black Drum

Fly Fish Banana River Black Drum

It’s getting to be that time of year!

Fly Fish Banana River Black Drum

Black drum run big. If you Fly Fish Banana River Black Drum they’ll probably be the largest tailing fish to which you’ll ever cast a fly.

When you’re in the water up to your hips and that broom-sized tail pops up, I don’t care where you’ve been or what you’ve caught. Adrenaline is going to rush. The mouth will dry right up. It’s exciting fishing.

The requisite fly selection for black drum is small. Flies need to sink like an anvil. A black, size 2 Clouser Minnow with a weedguard or a dark crab pattern such as a Merkin are the best choices.

You need a seven- or eight-weight outfit with a floating line, plenty of backing, and a 10 foot leader with a 15 pound tippet, almost impossible to break.

Paddle up into the Banana River Lagoon’s federal manatee refuge (locally called the no motor zone) searching for them. Either a canoe or a kayak will work. Use the boat to find the fish, then wade.

The best weather is a cool, sunny day with a light north or northwest wind. The best time of year runs roughly from Thanksgiving to Easter.

You won’t find them on the shoreline. Look out on the deeper part of the flat, even at or off its edge. Expect that some days you won’t see any.

While tailers are what everyone wants to see, drum don’t always tail. Many times you’ll see cruising fish. They will still take a well presented fly.

Sometimes you find the drum as scattered singles. If you’re lucky, you’ll find a herd. Anytime you find some, be happy about it. Make the best of whatever situation comes along.

How far will you have to paddle? Some days only a few miles gets the job done. Other days you might have to go all the way up to the NASA Causeway, a round trip of more than 10 miles.

To read the rest of this article, visit this link…

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

The Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle a section or the length of the lagoon with us!

My Mitzi Skiff 17 is for sale. For information, visit this link… 

Blog posts this week:
Eating Cannonball Jellyfish 
Spotted Tail Christmas Giving Guide 

On a rainy, windy Monday I went to Jacksonville to speak to the First Coast Fly Fishers about Winter Fly Fishing in Central Florida’s Lagoons. What a great club they have up there! The talk went well and I managed to stay awake for most of the drive home.

The weather stayed windy and rainy on Tuesday and Wednesday. The boats stayed in the yard. Much of my time was spent getting ready for the paddle adventure. Tuesday night some punk went into my car and took my new Smith Optics sunglasses. Why would you take a pair of prescription glasses??? So I got to meet a Seminole County sheriff’s deputy.

Thursday Scott Radloff and I went to Mosquito Lagoon, where I hadn’t been in a couple weeks. It was cloudy and windy, but at least there was no rain. The water is still high but as the temperature drops it’s getting cleaner.

We went to Tiger Shoal and fished for a couple hours without success. The search mission was on.

Working our way south we picked up a fish here and a fish there, all on DOA baits. Scott was throwing a jerkbait, I a shad tail. Scott caught what may be the smallest redfish I’ve ever seen taken with hook and line, hardly more than a guppy. He graciously allowed me to photograph it.

mosquito lagoon redfish report

Is this thing tiny or what?

We ended up with two reds in the slot and two nice trout. Scott took a fish home for supper, and the boat was on the trailer about 2 PM.

Yesterday an 18-wheeler pulled up in front of my house and delivered a beautiful, brand new Old Town Penobscot for the Paddle Adventure. I can hardly wait to climb into my sleeping bag that first night.

Old Town Penobscot

Ah yes, a thing of beauty. I can’t wait to get it wet, to cover it in fish slime.

Old Town Penobscot

Speaking of the first night, we may well be watching a comet, especially with the moon close to new. Check it out here… 

comet isop

That is this week’s exciting version of the Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.

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Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

There’s not a lot of fishing to report in this week’s Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Upcoming Events-

First Coast Fly Fishers meeting, November 4
The Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle the length of the lagoon with us!

My Mitzi Skiff 17 is for sale. For information, visit this link: http://www.spottedtail.com/mitzi-skiff-sale/

the mitzi is for sale- fisherman not included

the mitzi is for sale- fisherman not included

Other blog posts this week:

How to Pack for a Florida Canoe Trip- The Tackle Box
Packing for a Florida Canoe Trip- The Fly Box
The Poop-A-Seat
First Aid Kits for Paddlers

Monday I brought the Mitzi to Jam Up Boat Works in Sanford to get the dock dings fixed. No fishing.

Tuesday I went to Melbourne for an organizational meeting for the Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure. I think we have a great crew. But no fishing.

Wednesday I went to Jam Up Boat Works in Sanford to pick up the Mitzi. No fishing.

Thursday a cold front came through, the first of the season. I worked on detailing the Mitzi, among other things. No fishing.

Friday I took the Mitzi to Mosquito Lagoon to photograph it. The water is still high and dirty, and the wind was blowing out of the north at about 10-15 mph. While I was there I went fishing at one spot. Using A DOA CAL jig I got five or six seatrout. The first one was about eight inches long. Every one following was bigger, and the last one was three or four pounds! I only fished for about 45 minutes, but you have to love that.

mosquito lagoon fishing report

This was the last cast fish. The next one would have swallowed the boat.

Saturday was the Show and Tell Seminar, so no fishing.

So there was no work and not much fishing this week. I’ll do better next week…

That is this week’s exciting version of the Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

Home- Spotted Tail Outdoors and Travel

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


Port Canaveral and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Port Canaveral and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, October 26

Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar, October 27

First Coast Fly Fishers meeting, November 4

Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle the length of the lagoon with us!

The Show and Tell Seminars are next week! The goal of the all-day fishing seminar that takes place on the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge is to help you catch more fish in the Indian River and Mosquito Lagoons. We discuss locations, tactics, and techniques for fishing for redfish and seatrout in the lagoon system. We cover knots, rods, reels, lines, lures, and baits, as well as how to fish those lures and baits. We visit all the open boat ramps, canoe/kayak launches, and wading access points in the wildlife refuge.

During the on-the-water seminar we use my Mitzi Skiff to circumnavigate the Mosquito Lagoon, stopping periodically to discuss locations, tactics, and techniques for fishing for redfish and seatrout in the lagoon. I encourage participants to bring a notepad and a GPS.

Take advantage of Capt. John Kumiski’s 20-plus years of experience on these waters by attending this unique learning experience. You will learn more in one day during this popular seminar than you could in a year on your own! Visit this link for more information, or to register.

Blog Posts This Week:

How to Pack for a Florida Canoe Trip

How to Pack for a Florida Canoe Trip- The Tackle Box

In not-directly-related to fishing news, a new Hobby Lobby opened up on the corner of Tuskawilla and Red Bug. There is all kinds of stuff in there for fly tyers. Last night’s trip yielded an incredible piece of variegated craft fur, perfect for making sliders and small synthetic minnow patterns, as well as a string of small pink beads that will make killer eyes on shrimp patterns.

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Some of the goodies you’ll find at Hobby Lobby.


port canaveral and mosquito lagoon fishing report

You can use those goodies to make these.


port canaveral and mosquito lagoon fishing report

You can use the flies to catch these.


OK, fishing! Because of the slowly building crescendo to the IRL Paddle Adventure and other demands, I only got out twice this week, with zero fly fishing unfortunately.

Last week I asked, “Is the mullet run over already??” Thursday Anton Faith and Ashley Mandeville joined me for a day’s fishing along Cape Canaveral. The seas were lovely, and there were a lot of mullet coming down the beach. The water was not as dirty as last week, although we never left Canaveral Bight to check other areas.

The bluefish were reasonably thick. By using finger mullet for bait they caught a lot of them, along with a single short snook. Ashley hooked something large that needed to be chased. After a 10 or 15 minute battle the hook pulled without us ever getting so much as a glimpse of it. It was a beautiful day and we had an awesome time. And the mullet run is definitely not over yet.

On Friday Jay Herrington (Fish on Fire) and I took the Mitzi to Mosquito Lagoon. Last time I was there was several weeks ago and the water was high and dirty. It still is.

Tossing a variety of soft plastic baits we got a few fish in the pole/troll area, both trout and reds. Jay broke off a big flounder and another fish that we never saw. We checked out a few other spots and saw fish in all of them. Mind you, we could not see them until we were right on top of them, but we did see them. We ended up with a few trout, a few reds.

We stopped at Sunrise Bread Company in Titusville on the way home. If you haven’t visited this shop before you should make a point to- they have wonderful breads and other baked goods.

All-in-all it was an excellent day. I am looking forward to fishing with Jay again.

That is this week’s exciting version of the Port Canaveral and Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.

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Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, October 26

Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar, October 27

First Coast Fly Fishers meeting, November 4

Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle the length of the lagoon with us!


The forecast for Tuesday was NW at 5-10, seas 2-3 feet. I went out of Port Canaveral in the Mitzi. The forecast was not exactly correct. The seas were at the limit of the Mitzi’s capabilities. I got exactly one crevalle before turning around and bagging it.

Wednesday after the colonoscopy I was too wrung out to do much of substance. Regular readers may have read about this long canoe trip Rodney Smith and I (and others!) will be taking in December. The Coleman stove came out for testing, since we’ll need it and it hadn’t been used in several years.

After oiling the pump that baby started right up.

I then went into the cook kit to see what was in there. As strange as it might seem it was like reuniting with an old friend.

A long time ago I lost my favorite camping spoon on Cape Sable while on a canoe trip. As stupid as it was I almost went into mourning over that spoon. For years I looked for another one just like it without success.

A fan took me out to dinner at an Italian restaurant in Somerset NJ while I was at the Fly Fishing Show. To my joy that restaurant had my spoon. I told the guy about losing my other one and said I was taking one, which I put in my pocket. Then I started feeling guilty. “I’m 53 years old, I shouldn’t be stealing silverware from a restaurant.” So I put it back on the table, and left with a clean conscience.

My friend gave me a ride back to the hotel. When I got out of the car he had a present for me- he had stolen the spoon.

It was in my cook kit, along with a cooking pot I bought in LaPaz and many other treasures filled with memories. It was like opening a time capsule.

I am so looking forward to that canoe trip.


Thursday I took a long bike ride through the state forest by the Econlockhatchee River. It was glorious. The river was still a little high but has dropped a lot. It looked good.


Friday I went out of Port Canaveral with Steve Butrym and his nephew Steve. It was a gorgeous day. The water was pretty dirty in most places, cleanest in the Bight.

We ran down the beach all the way to Satellite Beach without finding any bait. Once there I caught a single Spanish mackerel.

We headed east and went out four or five miles looking for anything that might indicate fish, heading north and heading past Cape Canaveral. We found nothing.

At that point we got close to the beach again. The water was close to nasty, very dirty. Once we cleared the tip of the Cape it cleaned up a little. I netted about 15 mullet and we started casting them into the surf. We got exactly two small jacks.

The bluefish ought to be nuisance thick right now, and there should be all kinds of fish in the surf. There wasn’t much bait, and there were hardly any fish. Is the mullet run over already??

That is this week’s not-so-exciting version of the Port Canaveral Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


  • Port Canaveral ‘welcome center’ opens in Nov.

Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report, Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report, Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, October 26
Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar, October 27
First Coast Fly Fishers meeting, November 4
Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle the length of the lagoon!

Four days were spent on the water this week, even had a charter.

Sunday Tom Yoshida and his wife Babette joined me for some fly fishing on the Indian River Lagoon. I would have preferred the beach but the northeast wind and three to four foot seas made me think better of that idea. First we looked on the south side of NASA causeway. The water was clean(!) but other than mullet we saw no fish.

We checked the new power plant. There were baby tarpon rolling there. We tried all kinds of flies for an hour without anything to show but a couple of small ladyfish, and then gave up. We got to watch a lot of dolphins working, though.

I ran north of the railroad trestle. It was a complete waste of time. The water was nasty looking and we did not see anything.

Our last stop was north of the NASA causeway. There were a few redfish there, although it was hard to see them until they were a rod length away. Those ten foot casts are hard to make with a fly rod. There were quite a few alligators there. Using my pushpole I poked the tail of one that was lying on the bottom. He surprised me by whipping around and trying to bite the pole, which I barely got out of the way. Oh, my Stiffy!

We did not get a good shot and ended the day with only the small ladies to show.

Monday Scott Radloff and I went to Port Canaveral. There were loads of mullet there. We anchored at the north jetty and got snook, redfish, crevalle, bluefish, and snapper. Once the bite slowed we went looking up towards the Cape. There were breaking fish all over Canaveral Bight. All of them turned out to be big ladyfish. Even at that, I love breaking fish. On a Chug Bug they were a blast.

mullet in surf, port canaveral florida

There were loads of mullet in the surf

We were hoping to find tarpon but did not, although I got a 60 pound blacktip shark on a light spin rod.

All in all it was a pretty entertaining day.

Wednesday I went back to the port by myself. The seas were at the limits of the Mitzi’s ability to cope, so I did not clear the jetties. As it turned out I just caught some mullet for future reference, then went home and took care of other business.

Friday Dr. George Yarko and I went back to the port. We anchored at the north jetty, where we got a snook, a seatrout, and a crevalle, and missed a couple of strikes. Then the bite died.

There was a shrimp boat off of Cocoa Beach. We ran down to investigate. Sadly, there was absolutely nothing in the way of fish behind it, to my surprise and dismay. Since we were already out a couple miles, and since we had been seeing Sargassum, we went looking for weeds, for breaking fish, for bait, for whatever. We found nothing until we came back close to the beach north of Cape Canaveral.

There were acres of breaking fish.

The Spanish macks were nice ones, and there were jacks and bluefish too. I broke out the fly rod while George threw DOA CAL jigs. We went through lots of baits, but it was pretty much a fish every cast. Both bluefish and Spanish mackerel are entirely capable of severing 40 pound fluorocarbon leader. They did just that repeatedly. Lure manufacturers must love those species!

Spanish mackerel, port canaveral florida

The Spanish mackerel were nice-sized ones.

It got too easy, so we headed down the beach, back towards the port. We found more breaking fish, this time with ladyfish thrown into the mix. We lost a bunch more lures and flies.

It got too easy, so we headed down the beach. I spotted some redfish and George got one over 30 inches on a live mullet, the best fish of the day.

red drum, port canaveral florida

This redfish was over 30 inches.

I spotted some snook and we doubled up. They were short and we released them, but it was awesome being able to sight fish them.

snook, port canaveral fishing report

A snook double along the beach. The weather was spectacular, too!

We got jacks and bluefish until we decided to hang it up at about 2:30. It had been an awesome day.

That is this week’s exciting version of the Indian River Lagoon Fishing Report and Port Canaveral Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.


Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report, Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report, Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Upcoming Events-

Mosquito Lagoon Show and Tell Fishing Seminar, October 26
Mosquito Lagoon On-the-Water Show and Tell Seminar, October 27
First Coast Fly Fishers meeting, November 4
Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure starts December 1. Paddle the length of the lagoon!

It rained A LOT this week.

This week’s Port Canaveral fishing report-

On Tuesday Scott Radloff and I went to Port Canaveral to do some fishing. In spite of a southwest wind the ocean was a little rough, so after a single toss of the net secured enough mullet for a day’s fishing we just anchored on the north side of the north jetty.

We would not need to move.

The first fish we got were crevalle, fairly small ones, but we ended up getting snook (all shorts, but lots of hookups), redfish in the slot, ladyfish, bluefish- lots of them, mangrove snapper, and a single blacktip shark.

port canaveral fishing report

This was the best fish of the day.

I used an egg sinker rig with a 3/0 Daiichi octopus style hook. Scott used a circle hook with several split shot pinched on his leader.

port canaveral fishing report

The bluefish aren’t this thick yet, but soon will be.

The bite was pretty steady and there were loads of mullet in the surf.

This week’s Mosquito Lagoon fishing report-

It wasn’t pretty. Thursday I went to Mosquito Lagoon to scout for an upcoming fly trip. We won’t be going to Mosquito Lagoon.

The water was high and I-can’t-see-the-bottom dirty everywhere I looked. I saw one tarpon roll in the Haulover Canal, and a single seatrout that was in the talons of an osprey. There were reasonable numbers of black mullet but I didn’t see any silvers at all. I did not see a redfish and certainly didn’t get any bites.

If I had to go fishing again this week I would head to the beach.

That is this week’s exciting version of the Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report and Port Canaveral Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2013. All rights are reserved.
