Four Days in Paradise Fishing Report and Photo Essay

Four Days in Paradise Fishing Report

Thank you for reading this Four Days in Paradise Fishing Report. The weather this week has been incredible. I fished three days, and went to the wetlands park one. Thus the title.

-Public Service Announcement-

May 12 is Mother’s Day. That’s a week away! Go to the store right now and take care of your domestic needs!

May Day passed a few days back. Time to dust off this baby, even though I probably won’t be fishing for the big boys-

an ideal world
hot sun, blue sky, clear, slick water
a graphite wand, a sliver of steel, a wisp of feathers

a flash of silver breaks the mirror
then another, and another
feathers land in water
magically, they come to life

line tightens
mirror smashed
water flies, gills flare, body shakes, shudders
again, and again, and again

the beast tires
arms ache
hand grasps jaw
feathers removed
great fish swims free once more

one of God’s gifts to fly fishers


Subscribers without photos- go to, please.


An Econ update– here’s how the authorities responded to my reporting the green water:

I guess there’s not much to be done except wait for it to run its course. Or, with much more difficulty, find the source of the nutrients that feed the algae, and stop them from reaching the river.


the camera and I went for a short-ish walk, a mile or a little more, at the wetlands park. Dragonflies, sandhill cranes, alligators, and more. Always a good time! When it started to get hot, I bailed out.

Needham’s skimmer, female.


Halloween Pennant, male.


Four-spotted pennant, male.


The adult, preening!


The youngster, preening!


The photographer, not preening!


Four-spotted pennant, female.


This beast was lying right at the edge of the path.


The bullfrog was much less intimidating.


Eastern pondhawk, male.


I fished the Econ, upstream of the Little Econ. I took some pictures with my point-and-shoot and they were all blurry, so this is a representative file shot-

The water is low and the fish fairly bitey. Even though fly fishing is impossible there for someone at my skill level, I’m looking forward to going back.


found me doing something I had not done in a while, which was to launch the kayak at River Breeze. Most of the fishing was fair at best. I found a few tailing redfish and even with an unweighted fly, managed to spook all of them. Got a couple decent trout blind-casting the plastic shad.

I looked in some little nooks that I’d never really looked in before (there are so many of them around there), and found some relaxed fish there. How relaxed? The first one I got required a cast of about five feet- it trashed the shad. The second bite, which I somehow missed, came with the leader (at most three feet long) in the tip of the spinning rod. The fish was almost directly underneath me when it took the shad. Even though the fish swam off unharmed, it was amazingly cool to watch. That was it for the day, fish-wise. Probably paddled ten miles.


found me paddling on Mosquito Lagoon. Fly fishing exclusively, i dun gud! Let the photos tell the tail-

First fish, a tailer.


Hooked up.


This one was cruising the bank.



And I do mean “cruising the bank.”

That’s the four days in paradise fishing report. Thanks again for reading!

Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Go walking! Stay active!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, ©John Kumiski 2024. All rights are reserved.