Saltwater Orlando Fishing Report from Spotted Tail

Saltwater Orlando Fishing Report from Spotted Tail

mosquito lagoon fishing report

Can’t get enough of this sticker…

Things seem to be looking up in the fishing world. We didn’t catch a lot of fish this week, but finding them became a lot easier.

On Monday Rob Boman and David Cline joined me for a day’s fishing on Mosquito Lagoon. We saw two schools of redfish right away. They were spooky enough that we could not get a cast to either. We continued on our way.

Spot number two yielded nothing. We did not see a fish there.

At the third spot we kept blowing out fish. Dave got a redfish on a RipTide Weedless Shrimp. Went through again. No bites. Staked out the boat and tossed a couple mullet chunks out. Rob got a 16 inch trout, released it.

Tried another spot. There were a lot of fish there, both trout and reds. They did not want to eat our offerings, and we did not get a bite. Yes, we were changing lures. No, it did not seem to matter. On the way out I spotted a school of reds lying at the edge of the flat. We had several good casts to them and Dave had one nail the weedless shrimp. It was a n-n-n-nice fish, 28 inches of glorious copper-colored Scianops. We released it.

Have you ever heard that saying, “Don’t leave fish to find fish”? These fish weren’t biting so I went to another spot where I had seen fish last week. There were hardly any there. Given time to think about it, and getting close to the end of the day, I went back to the previous spot. They still weren’t biting very well, but Rob got a 20 inch red on a four inch DOA CAL jerkbait. So, it had been a slow, tough day, but we saw quite a few fish. I thought things were finally looking better as I loaded the boat.

Dave was kind enough to send me this email- “Thank you for the great day fishing.  You put us on all kinds of fish and that is all a person can ever ask for.  I like that you bypass all the latest doo dads and fishing gadgets/gimmicks and concentrate on hardcore fishing.   I think we did pretty well considering the lockjaw that seemed to be so prevalent.  Robbie and I learned a lot too.”

Thank you Dave, for the kind words.


Tuesday Patrick Phillips joined me for some fly fishing, also on Mosquito Lagoon. We brought waders with us. I parked the boat and we got out and waded for a while. I can’t say fishing was hot but we got three trout and a red between us, on a gurgler and a streamer.

The wading was not fun because the bottom was gooshy. We got back in the boat and fished from it the rest of the day. Patrick had a lot of shots from both trout and reds. They sneered at everything we tried. The last fly he tried was a crab pattern. The final cast of the day was into a school of reds. They blew out.

So once again, the fish were there, but getting a bite was a tough proposition. But we were in fish the entire time.

black drum

A gratuitous black drum photo.

Wednesday I went kayaking on the Banana River Lagoon, all by my lonesome. I do some of my best work when I’m alone. Not this day. I found several schools of huge black drum. I only tried two flies, the wool crab and the black bunny leech. I easily had 100 great shots, but got only one bite, on a brown and olive green wool crab.

I hooked the fish solidly. I could not break it out of the school. My line went slack and I pulled the now fly-less leader in. It was broken cleanly, not at a knot, a mystery break. I speculate another fish swam into it, but really don’t know what happened.

All I know is I only saw a few trout, a couple dink reds, and excepting two puffers did not get another bite. The day was magnificent, the water clean. The fish caused some frustration, but it was an awesome paddle.

Should have gone fishing Thursday, didn’t.

Friday and Saturday I had no work and the weather wasn’t nice, didn’t fish.

The St. Johns River is still very high. Saturday’s rain won’t help it drop. Reports of scattered shad catches are coming in, but I’ve heard this year we have a shad walk, not a shad run.

And that is this week’s Saltwater Orlando fishing report from Spotted Tail.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski


All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2015. All rights are reserved.

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The Happy New Year Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

The Happy New Year Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

The New Year has arrived. Once again, I hope it is a wonderful year for all of you.

I have not yet heard of a shad being caught from the St. Johns River this winter. The river remains very high.

On Monday Englishman Anton Faith joined me for a day’s fishing on the Mosquito Lagoon. We used a canoe. The weather was awesome- enjoy it while it lasts! Anton had never been redfishing before. He’d only been fishing anywhere once before, and I wanted him to have a good day.

mosquito lagoon redfish

Anton’s first redfish.

We found a hole full of redfish. Fishing was pretty solid, using dead shrimp and DOA Shrimp as bait. How solid? Probably the best day in the last five years solid. Good work, Anton!

mosquito lagoon redfish

This beautiful redfish had lots of spots!

mosquito lagoon fishing report

The DOA Shrimp worked well.

Tuesday Jared and Natbug Cook from Whale Pass, Alaska joined me for a day on Mosquito Lagoon in the Mitzi. They brought Alaska-like weather with them. The day started off cloudy and windy and got worse, as a cold front passed over us. It got significantly windier, the temperature dropped five or six degrees, and it started raining. We got a couple small trout, a couple small redfish, and a beautiful, fat puffer, all on DOA CAL Shad. Not great, but it beat getting skunked.

Sheets of rain on Wednesday kept me from going out.

mosquito lagoon fishing report

Water temperatures at the Haulover Canal, New year’s week 2015.

New Year’s Day Sam Evans and his grandson Marco joined me for a half day of redfishing, again on Mosquito Lagoon. The sky was covered with clouds, and the water temperature had been dropping for three days. We caught a number of short trout (DOA Shrimp), but in six different spots we did not see a single redfish. The boat was on the trailer at 1230.

That, my friends, is the Happy New Year Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2015. All rights are reserved.


Skipped a Week Orlando Fishing Report

Skipped a Week Orlando Fishing Report

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers. Thank you all for your support this year!

Last week’s skip was not intentional. I fished Thursday and Friday, had a yard sale Saturday, and fished Sunday. The report just didn’t happen.

Thursday’s fishing was a solo scouting trip to Mosquito Lagoon. Starting late, the Mitzi didn’t hit the water until after 11. I checked six spots and found fish in four of them, catching two slot reds and a flounder, all on a DOA Shrimp.

Friday I went with Tom Van Horn. We checked some different spots and didn’t find much until we went to one of my fishy spots from the previous day. Tom got a couple reds and a beautiful 25 inch trout, again all on a DOA Shrimp.

The yard sale was a success. I sold $100 worth of stuff I didn’t use any more, met some of the neighbors, and tied a couple dozen flies.

Sunday Michael Edwards and his friend Mitch joined me for a day’s fly fishing on Mosquito Lagoon. It was cold on that first boat ride but generally the weather was spectacular. Those fish I found Thursday? Mostly MIA. Michael got a low-end slot red in the first spot we tried. Mitch had a bite late in the afternoon that he unfortunately popped off on the strike. In between we either saw very spooky big trout (LOTS of them) that would not bite, or hardly anything at all. I for one was very disappointed.

Orlando Fishing Report

Here’s my water chariot, complete with surrounding litter.

Tuesday the weather looked awesome, as did the water level and the water temperature. Although it’s still got a ways to go, the water level is finally starting to get to get near normal winter levels!

The water levels at the Hauler Canal this week.

The water levels at the Haulover Canal this week.

I took a solo kayak trip to the Banana River Lagoon. It took me quite a while to find some fish. Once I did it was pretty hot with the nice trout and the slot reds for a couple of hours, mostly on a black redfish worm.

Orlando fishing report

One of several nice trout that took the redfish worm.


Orlando Fishing Report

Forgot to mention I got this little feller. There were lots of them around.

Thursday I made another trip, intending to look for big fish. Again there was a lengthy search mission, but I found a school of black drum and released five between fifteen and thirty pounds. They were eating pretty good. All of the took a black bunny leech. On the way back to the car I got four slot reds, too. Awesome day. The sunset was arguably the most spectacular of the year, but hard to photograph while driving at 70 MPH.

Orlando Fishing Report

It’s hard to photograph these when you’re by yourself.

That, my friends, is the Skipped a Week Orlando Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski

All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.

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  • All I Want for FISHMAS: Day 2-3

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

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Kumiski is having a two-yard sale on December 13. See the partial list of items here…

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Mike Conneen started the entire affair with an email. It had been way too long since I had participated in a real adventure.

This is where the adventure started.

This is where the adventure started.

Monday morning found us launching kayaks at Coot Bay Pond. Our destination was Cape Sable. Our goals were similar but different. Mike wanted a 30 inch snook, and to catch a fish with a fly rod (something he had never done). I wanted a seatrout, a redfish, a snook, a tarpon, and a crevalle jack, all on fly.

Mike carried two spinning rods and one fly rod. I had a six-weight only.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

I brought some luck, too!

We’d been out maybe an hour when I spotted a snook layed up in ten inches of water. The gurgler landed about a foot in front of it. I popped it once and the fish was on! Releasing that fish was very satisfying, and an auspicious beginning to our trip.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

This snook really took the gurgler.

I blew out every other fish I saw in that bay.

In the meantime Mike had jumped three baby tarpon, using a DOA Tiny TerrorEyz.

The bay ended and we paddled through an overgrown tidal creek into another bay. A hard wind was blowing from the east. Fortunately we were heading west. The wind and waves precluded any fishing here, though.

We passed through another creek into a small pond. The water was murky and I blew up every fish I saw. I couldn’t see them until I was on top of them. Mike cast blindly, without success.

Mike hit a snoozing crocodile with his kayak. Ten feet of panicked reptile threw water and mud in every direction. Was that mud on the seat of Mike’s pants?

Soon enough we were more concerned with navigation than fishing. The sun was low in the sky and we did not want to spend the night in the kayaks. With the help of his telephone Mike found us a small patch of dry land just as dark was settling in. My dinner was a granola bar and an orange.

In the morning a five foot shark found my kayak to be an object of his curiosity. At least I could see him coming.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

One shark, coming right up.

We came to a place where there were at least a dozen large crocs all laying around. Our appearance sent several scurrying into the water. Some just remained where they were, unconcerned. We took some photos.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

These guys were not concerned by our presence. If I were them I wouldn’t be, either.

crocs too

The current was flowing hard the wrong way at the next creek we came to. We ate lunch, then Mike took a cast with the Tiny TerrorEyz. BAM! Nice snook. He got five on six casts. I got a jack and a small snook, but no way could I keep up with Mr. On Fire. He got at least a dozen fish, maybe more. Then the current slacked off, and we paddled down the creek.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

He got some bigger ones. They were beautiful, healthy fish.

We camped that night and the next on Cape Sable.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

It was low tide at sunrise.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

The ibis enjoy the low water.

In the morning we paddled back to the snook spot. I got a small redfish on a pink Clouser Minnow, as well as a couple snook. Mike did even better than the previous day. He had his 30 inch snook right by the kayak, where it broke off. But he pulled the fly rod out, hooking two snook with it. The first broke off. The second he boated and released. How many people can say their first fish on fly was a snook?

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

This ugly pink fishair fly got me quite a few fish.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

The first fish Mike caught with a fly rod was this snook.

That night we were sitting at a small campfire made of very dead mangrove branches. I mentioned that old mangrove wood frequently contained scorpions. Later that night while trying to sleep, Mike felt something crawling on his back. When he went to grab it, it stung him twice, once on the back and once on his hand. It was a scorpion, which had apparently climbed into his clothes while he tended the fire. After killing it he packed up his gear, not wanting to risk a second encounter with another beastie. I heard him making noise and got up to see what he was doing. Once informed, I packed up too.

We launched the kayaks just after midnight, paddling under a nearly full moon the 11 miles back to Flamingo. It was beautiful out there, a great tactic for beating the east wind that just didn’t quit while the sun shone. After the moon set we had an hour of spectacular star gazing, complete with meteors and satellites. I do not know the words to describe just how fantastic that hour was.

Fortunately Mike did not swell up like a balloon or suffer any other lasting effects from his scorpion encounter.

As it got light we fished in the dredge hole behind the Flamingo Campground, catching several jacks and ladyfish. Some big tarpon rolled but did not bite our offerings.

We spent Thursday in Flamingo unpacking, cleaning, and repacking, preparing for Phase Two.

Friday morning we launched the kayaks at West Lake, heading to Shark Point. We travelled through a series of lakes, ponds, and tidal creeks. Fishing was slow, although Mike jumped a baby tarpon on the Tiny TerrorEyz.

Once we reached Garfield Bight, Mike proceeded to just crush the snook. I had three great shots at redfish. All three spooked off the fly.

We camped on the Shark Point chickee. Don’t go there if you have a guano allergy.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

The chickee was covered in bird droppings.

Saturday offered the best weather of the week, a light east wind instead of the 20 knots we had experienced the rest of the week. We gently floated across Snake Bight, getting shots at spooky snook and redfish the whole way. I got one snook. Mike hooked three reds on a shad tail, catching one. At the Snake Bight channel I hooked, and lost, another snook. We were back in Flamingo at 3 PM, and back in Palm Bay at 9. I pulled in to my yard about 10. I still need to empty the chariot and clean up my gear.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

Saturday’s weather was spectacular.

Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report

This was the last fish I got.

Our goals were not completely met. Mike did not get the 30 inch snook, and I did not get a seatrout or a tarpon. I suppose a return trip is in order.

That, my friends, is Flamingo Everglades Kayak Fishing Report. It was a fantastic week of fellowship and adventure.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski


All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.

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Thanksgiving Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Thanksgiving Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

I hope everyone had a magnificent Thanksgiving holiday.

Monday Scott Radloff and I went to Mosquito Lagoon with a simple, straightforward mission- to catch a redfish for Thanksgiving dinner. We failed, catching one seatrout each. At least they were in the slot.

Tuesday and Wednesday were monsoons, heavy rain and wind. Did not fish.

Thursday the Kumiskis hosted about 35 friends and family, no fishing.

Friday morning I met Bret Felberg, his brother Keith, and his father Stuart for some Mosquito Lagoon fishing. The air temperature was in the high 40s and it was blowing pretty good. I was not optimistic. But we got a half dozen rat reds and four or five seatrout to about five pounds, on DOA Shrimp and pieces of mullet, much bett er than I thought we’d do.

Here’s what the water levels and water temperature did this week:

water temp


gage height

You can see where fishing might be tough.

That, my friends, is a Thanksgiving Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Next week’s report will be late because I’ll be travelling.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski


All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.

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Brief History of the Johnson Minnow

Brief History of the Johnson Minnow

johnson minnow red

Reader Chuck at BellSouth sent me a question about my three favorite lures for blind casting in the lagoons. My response was:

-the Chug Bug
-the Johnson Minnow
-the DOA Deadly Combo

Chuck replied with the following:

“Thanks for tips!

“Would have never guessed the old Johnson Minnow spoon would make the list. But after doing some research on this lure, I now understand why it works well in Mosquito Lagoon.

“You might be interested in the history of the Johnson Silver Minnow and why it’s unique design makes it so successful.”

Silver Minnow is still shining after 73 years

The Johnson Silver Minnow, one of the most enduring and successful fishing lures of all time, was invented in 1920 by Louis Johnson, a retired Chicago foundry operator. The lake where Louis and his son fished was full of fish, but it was also weedy. So, with the practical style of many creative Midwesterners, he set out to develop a fishing lure that would not catch weeds but still catch fish.

The result was the first spoon lure with a weed guard, stiff enough to keep weeds away from the hook, but flexible enough for bass and pike to get hooked. In fact, his experimental spoon lures were made from silver table spoons with the handles cut off and a Scents hook and weed guard soldered to the concave underside. History does not record whether these first spoons were silver plate or genuine sterling, but the idea of having a fishing lure made of silver caught his imagination. Seventy-three years later, the Johnson Silver Minnow is still plated with real silver.

Like other spoon lures of the day, the Johnson Silver Minnow was designed to imitate the flashing movement of a minnow. Other manufacturers had long incorporated flashing spinners into the design of their lures, but Louis Johnson’s new lure was the first to integrate a guarded hook onto the spoon, and the first to use real silver for a whiter, brighter flash than chrome of polished steel.

Johnson didn’t work with his “table spoon” very long before the learned something else about designing the perfect weedless lure: hooks that faced up were less weedy than hooks that faced down or spun around from the lure’s action. Even a guarded hook would catch weeds occasionally if it was retrieved with the hook facing down. Johnson reasoned that if he could figure out a way to ensure that the hook would always face up, the lure would be almost completely weedless.

Putting his years of foundry experience to work, Johnson decided to forge a spoon of a special copper/zinc alloy that was thicker in the middle than on the edges. With its weight concentrated along its centerline, this created a spoon that would rock back and forth as it was retrieved, but always keep the convex face down and the hook facing up. Other spoons of the day were simply stamped out of brass or steel. They often just spun through the water as they were retrieved. In fact, much of the Silver Minnow’s weedlessness can be attributed to the way in which the downward-riding spoon itself acts as a weed guard — and simply rides over weeds much like a water skier rides of the waves.

By getting the lure to keep its convex spoon side down and it hook up, Johnson also unwittingly made the lure visually effective under water. When retrieved, Johnson’s Silver Minnow rocks back and forth through a 270 degree angle, flashing reflections downs and to both sides, but not up. Since fish almost always attacked a lure from below or the side, there was no need for it to be visible from above. That meant that the lure could produce more flashes in the right directions per retrieve than stamped metal spoon lures.

Yet another benefit of the rocking spoon-down motion was that anglers no longer had to worry about line twist or special swivels. Spinning spoon lures used without swivels twist fishing line, and contribute to backlashes and tangles. To this day, Johnson Silver Minnows are manufactured with a simple soldered wire eye. Line can be tied directly to the lure without fear of line twist. The one exception would be when using the versatile Silver Minnow for” pike or muskellunge. Since even medium-sized pike will often inhale the entire lure, it is wise to use the lure with a short steel leader.

The Silver Minnow’s rocking motion also helps control the sinking rate when cast. Whereas many spoons simply dive to the bottom tail first, the Silver Minnow gently drops horizontally, rocking in its characteristic motion. This gives an angler ample time to take up the slack after cast and begin the retrieve before the lure has had a chance to bury itself in weedy cover, or behind a log. This feature also makes the lure effective the second it touches the water. Many strikes on the Silver Minnow come as the just-cast lure is rocking gently toward the bottom.

Trailers and the Silver Minnow.

The Johnson Silver Minnow is a deadly lure when fished plain, but when it is combined with a trailer, it is especially effective in triggering strikes. In addition, the Silver Minnow’s unique rocking motion is not affective by a trailer like many other spoons are.

For traditionalists, a pork rind trailer of red/white or yellow/white is one of the best combinations. Adding a red 3-inch waving tail imitates the red gill rakers that would show on a wounded or distressed bait fish. This works like a visual “dinner bell” to a predatory fish, who would rather attack a slower, “wounded” fish than try to catch a fast, healthy one.

But red is not always the color of choice. Often some experimentation is needed to find out what color of trailer will be working on that day, in that lake, on that particular species of fish in that particular kind of cover. Newer plastic trailers are more convenient than the traditional pork rind, and can be carried in a great variety of colors with less weight and bulk. Soft plastic Silver Minnow Trailers in a variety of colors, are now marketed by Johnson Fishing for use with all Silver Minnows.

The Silver Minnow Today
The Johnson Silver Minnow is still manufactured in the same way it was in 1920 — by hand — and still plated with real silver for the brightest possible underwater “flash.” Originally manufactured in Chicago by the Louis Johnson Company, the lure was purchased by Johnson Fishing Inc. of Mankato, MN in 1974. In 1976, manufacturing facilities were moved to Johnson Fishing’s Bass Buster Lure division in Amsterdam, MO. The Silver Minnow continues to be one of the best selling lures of all time.

Gettysburg Times, August 11, 1993


And that is a brief history of the Johnson Minnow. The Johnson Minnow has been in continuous production longer than any other fishing lure in history. There just might be a good reason for that.

Thanks for the great response, Chuck- I was able to turn it into a blog!

John Kumiski

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Hot Redfish Bite Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Hot Redfish Bite Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report

Fishing Florida’s Space Coast has been released as an ebook. See it here…

Upcoming Events:
-Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure kick-off party, at sunset on November 29th at the Marine Discovery Center in New Smyrna Beach.
-ENVIRONMENTAL ALERT! Banana River Lagoon public scoping meeting, Office of Environmental Analysis, on proposed Port Canaveral Rail Line. Come provide your comments. The meetings are:
-November 18th, 5-8 pm @Eastern Florida state College, Titusville Campus, John Henry Jones Gymnatoriam, 1311 North US1, Titusville, FL 32796;
-November 19th, 5-8 pm, Radisson Resort at the Port Convention Center, 8701 Astronaut Blvd., Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
Please attend if you want to protect our lagoons and the No Motor Zone fishing area.

Those who have known me a long time may remember when the only motor vessel I owned was a 14 foot MonArk jonboat. I still have that boat, although power has been an ongoing problem. Last spring I bought an 8 hp Mercury, almost new. Good! Worked great!

Sitting over the summer bunged up the fuel tank and line. I replaced them thinking it would run OK then, so much so I took it to Mosquito Lagoon on Wednesday.

It was not OK. The carburetor must have shmutz in it, since the boat would not run.

I poled it upwind as far as was comfortable and sort of wind-drifted back. I saw four redfish and caught one smallish trout. A guy in a Hyde drift boat fished everywhere I did before I got there though. Kinda weird seeing that boat out there rowing around. I was not surprised to not see very much.

One of my projects for next week is to dissect that carburetor and clean it out. I want that boat running like a top for shad season.


Thursday Capt. Chris Myers joined me in the Mitzi for a more serious Mosquito Lagoon fishing trip. We launched at River Breeze. The water was pretty dirty in the first two places we looked and we did not see anything, nor did we get a bite.

We found some clean water behind some spoil islands. There were scattered single redfish there, and Myers proceeded to rail on them with a DOA Shrimp and a DOA CAL jig with a shad tail, getting seven or eight. He is really good, a pleasure to fish with. We saw a few nice trout in there too but with one exception they eluded us.

mosquito lagoon fishing report

We checked another spot. The water was dirty and we did not get a shot at the two fish we saw.

mosquito lagoon fishing report

The last place we checked was near one of the many islands between Georges Bar and Slippery Creek. There were scattered single redfish there, too, and he got another seven or eight. The fish were not very big, none over 24 inches, but it was good to see so many, and also good that they were eating so willingly.


Thursday evening I spoke to the Backcountry Flyfishing Association about the Indian River Lagoon Paddle Adventure. They are a great bunch of people! It was good to see old friends and meet new folks. We all had a real good time.


Friday morning a cold front came through, so there goes the fishing for at least a couple of days.

That is this week’s version of the Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report.

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short. Go Fishing!

John Kumiski


All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.


  • Oysters to the Rescue? A Natural Way to Clean Up the Indian River Lagoon

Another Only Fished One Day This Week Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Another Only Fished One Day This Week Port Canaveral Fishing Report

I spent some time this week working on my van, as explained last week. I’m not done yet.

I spent some time this week publishing ebooks. See them all here:

flamingo book cover 2 copy

The weather Thursday screamed “Beach!”, so I gathered up Scott Radloff and off we went. It said the same thing to lots of other people too- it was the most cars I’d yet seen at the new Port Canaveral boat ramp.

When we came out of the Port there were birds diving out along the buoy line about a half mile out. We went out there to look and fish were breaking sporadically. My first cast with a jig, some big fish took it and headed out to sea. My 20 pound braid broke before that first run ended, and I never saw what it was. The activity died.

There was a fleet in Canaveral Bight, as I expected. We joined it, netting some menhaden in the process. Bull reds are underneath the menhaden and that’s why everyone was there. It took me a while to figure out I need two ounces of lead on the leader to get down to the fish. Once that was done we got four reds and several bonnetheads. The fish were big but it was boring bait fishing.

port canaveral fishing report

Here’s a lovely sequence of events: Scott hooked up, fish near boat;

port canaveral fishing report

about to bring it into the boat;

port canaveral fishing report

pretty darned pleased with things;

port canaveral fishing report

showing his fish some love; and…

port canaveral fishing report

…making sure it swam away strongly. There would be more fish if everyone were this careful.

It was killing me watching guys hang those big fish off Boga-Grips, too, the worst thing you could do to the fish short of throwing it in a cooler. There were some big dead redfish floating out there. We left the craziness to see what else we could find.

port canaveral fishing report

The bonnetheads became a nuisance.

There are acres of fish off Cape Canaveral- big Spanish mackerel, bluefish, jack crevalle. There are lots of sizeable blacktip sharks in there with them. We played with those fishies for a while, using Haw River Tackle Sting Silvers (the fish are on the smoker as I write this), then went looking for tripletail and cobia.

We found some handsome weedlines, but all the trips we saw were junior-leaguers, not a legal one in the lot. We did not see a cobia. We did find a few tunny breaking, and I got one on a CAL jig.

So if we wanted to maximize our fish catching we would have stayed on the reds, or the Spanish. That wasn’t that important though. The hunt is where it’s at.

I brought a canoe I’ve owned since the 70s to the landfill today, a sad moment, that. See the blog here:

And that, my friends, is another Only Fished One Day This Week Port Canaveral Fishing Report. At least it was again an awesome day!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski


All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.

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An Only Fished One Day This Week Port Canaveral Fishing Report

port canaveral fishing report

An Only Fished One Day This Week Port Canaveral Fishing Report

Blog Posts This Week: When Are Tailing Redfish Best?

We purchased the vehicle I drive new- in 1999. It ain’t so new anymore, pushing 250,000 miles. It hadn’t been in for a check-up in a year and a half. When I brought it in earlier this week the news was not good. I needed a broken motor mount and all my belts replaced, as well as the water pump. Bam! There goes two days and a thousand dollars. It needs more maintenance work, but I can do a lot of it. Maintaining the car is not fun, but my cash flow has not been very good. Either way the piper must be paid to keep the chariot running.

Tuesday’s forecast screamed “BEACH” so George Alan joined me for some Port Canaveral fishing. It was good.

We found a school of menhaden right off the bat. There were tarpon rolling around it. A toss of the net yielded about two dozen baits. A couple minutes later a monster tarpon danced at the end of my line.

It was a brief interlude. My line was not up to the challenge. Shortly after we jumped another. That did not last long either.

Sharks joined the party, not exactly invited. Sharks as a rule do not wait for invites. There were some brutes and they kicked our butts.

George hooked a nice fish. It turned out to be a pushing-thirty-pounds redfish. Then I hooked one too. We ended up getting four of them. See photo above.

Then the sharks just got to be ridiculous. We left the fishy area just to get away from them.

We did not find much else.

On the way in we found another big school of menhaden. George hooked one of the bigger spinner sharks I’ve ever seen. Those always end the same way, with the line parting. On a day loaded with sharks it seemed a fitting ending.

I spent much of another day this week publishing another ebook, this one titled The Ten Best Redfishing Spots in North America. I hope it sells!

best redfish spots in north america


And that, my friends, is the Only Fished One Day This Week Port Canaveral Fishing Report. At least it was an awesome day!

Life is great and I love my work!

Life is short- Go Fishing!

John Kumiski


All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2014. All rights are reserved.

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  • Woman bitten by shark off Cape Canaveral

When Are Tailing Redfish Best?

When Are Tailing Redfish Best?

tailing redfish mosquito lagoon, orlando area fishing report

This email came from a reader of my blog:

Hi John-

I’ve been a subscriber to your newsletter for about a year and it is great. Thank you for the effort.

I purchased a winter home at Lighthouse Cove two years ago and last year bought a flats boat. I am a lifelong fly fisherman from up north who has fallen in love with tailing redfish. Last winter I found a respectable number of tailers in the evenings and even managed to catch a few. We came back down two weeks ago and I have been out six times early in the mornings and have yet to see a tailer. My question is this- are evenings a better time to search for tailers?

I have caught several reds already by blind casting but I really want to cast to tailers. As you can probably tell, I am an addicted dry fly fisherman up north. Thanks again.


My answer-

First off, thank you for your question about tailing redfish and the kind words.

Concerning your question- Yes. No. Sometimes. All of the above.

It’s not winter yet. The water is still quite high (see the gauge here…). The fish may be in the same places you were finding them last winter doing the same thing, but you can’t see them because the water is too deep. Or they may not be in those places at all. Things change all the time. The fish’s location often varies by season.

In the winter (for our purposes after Thanksgiving) the days are short and the nights are long. The water temperatures are often below the 70 degrees favored by redfish. When is it warmest? Late in the afternoon. Where is it warmest? In shallow water, where tailing activity is obvious. So in the winter, evenings are often the best time to find tailers.

You didn’t ask about this, but the situation is reversed in the summer. The crack of dawn is usually best for tailers when it’s hot. The water temperature is in the 80s or even 90s and the coolest water is in the shallows before the sun comes up.

Please keep in mind the fish don’t read the books and they do what they want, not what I or you or anyone else thinks they should be doing. You will find exceptions to my generalizations. So the best time to go fishing is whenever you can, and the best time to catch fish is when they’re biting.

I hope this helps with your understanding of tailing redfish. Good luck, and let me know when the tailing activity improves, please!



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