From Vermont to Maine- A Photo Essay
Thanks for reading this week’s post, From Vermont to Maine. Again, lots of photos with captions!
My last post ended with, “We’ll see what else plays this afternoon!” We went to the Goodsell Fossil Reef Reserve.
When most people think of “old,” as refers to our planet, dinosaurs usually come to mind. When the creatures whose fossils we saw here were alive, dry land was still barren, no life at all. The rocks and fossils we saw there are 480 million years old, and formed way before those reptiles appeared. And even at that, life on earth is relatively young in the 4,500 million-year-old history of our little rock. Gives one pause…
After leaving Grand Isle, we leisurely made our way to New Discovery State Park in the Groton State Forest, passing through Burlington and Montpelier on the way. We stopped for lunch in the capital city…

The Long Trail runs the length of Vermont. I hiked some of it in my youth.

The Vermont State Museum. It was closed for our brief visit.
Groton State Forest is the largest publicly-owned property in Vermont, with seven state parks. Although we only spent one night here, we certainly enjoyed our stay!
From New Discovery we crossed New Hampshire, stopping at the AMC Pinkham Notch Camp to purchase a trail map. Then it was on to Lovell, Maine.
We’ll be spending the month of September here in a cabin on Kezar Lake. I purchased a Maine fishing license and wasted no time, catching a four-pound largemouth (which I foolishly did not photograph) on a Senko, and a fat smallie on a popping bug.
Those readers in Florida may be envious- it was 46 degrees here this morning.
In addition to exploring the nearby countryside, we’ve also gone on a couple easy hikes. I’m hoping I’ve still got enough lung power to attempt one of the more strenuous ones.
That’s the From Vermont to Maine post. Thanks for reading!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! Go paddling! Take a walk! Stay active!
John Kumiski
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2022. All rights are reserved.
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