Went to Cape Coral
Thank you for reading this week’s Went to Cape Coral post.
Saturday found Susan and I in the Sienna, going to Cape Coral on a bit of a shake-down, and to visit Alex and Allison. We went to Cape Coral!
We arrived around supper time, and after dining on Susan’s chili, we watched Coming 2 America. As could be expected, it was silly. It was also well-done and pretty entertaining. I’m glad we watched it!
Sunday morning, Susan, Allison, and I went to the Six-Mile Cypress Slough Preserve, someplace I had always wanted to visit. The boardwalk wanders through the slough for about a mile-and-a-half loop. We took it slow, barely strolling. There were only a few flowers, and not a lot of wildlife, but the walk is pleasant. It was a good thing to do.
Afterwards we went to Cafe Brasil for lunch. We all split the muqueca- yum! There may have been a caipirinha involved as well…
That evening I went and photographed the owls, little burrowers that live down the street from Alex and Allison.
Monday Alex and I went kayak fishing off Bunche Beach. He used spin, I used fly. He got more trout than me, I got more fish then him. My take, all on Clouser Minnows, included 2 small gag grouper, five mangrove snapper, a dozen or so trout to about 24 inches, and more ladyfish than all three of those others, combined. I stayed pretty busy, and was glad I had a de-hooker! Nothing very exciting, but it sure was nice getting bite after bite.

Didn’t bother taking pictures of fish. This is what was left of the first two flies, mangulated by the fishies. Yes, I did make up that word.
Tuesday morning I went out and shot a few photos of a Plumeria tree.
Then we drove home. On the way we got hungry, and stopped in Winter Haven at a dive called Tacos My Friend. Oh, my, for eight bucks we had plenty of belly-filling deliciousness. I recommend the Gorditas!
The rest of the week was spent cleaning the van and the house, and testing the electrical systems in the van. So far, so good. It’s almost ready!
Thank you for reading this week’s Went to Cape Coral post!
Life is great and I love life!
Every day is a blessing. Don’t waste it- Go fishing! or walk on a trail! or eat tacos!
John Kumiski, author of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide
Purchase a signed copy of Fishing Florida by Paddle- An Angler’s Guide at http://www.spottedtail.com/fishing-florida-by-paddle/
All content in this blog, including writing and photos, copyright John Kumiski 2021. All rights are reserved.
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